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-Mathilde Loisel is a beautiful woman who yearns for a life of luxury and wealth. She is married to Monsieur Loisel, a
clerk from the Board of Education.

-Monsieur Loisel is Mathilde's devoted husband who is contented with his humble lifestyle. He works as a
government clerk and he is a dedicated husband. Although he is referred as a “little clerk,” and despite the fact that
his wife is never seen engaging with him warmly, Monsieur Loisel makes ongoing efforts to please Mathilde and
attempts to give her the life he knows she desires.

- Madame Forestier is Mathilde's wealthy friend. Madame Forestier represents all Mathilde longs for. She is rich, and
Mathilde pulls away from their friendship because spending time with her makes Mathilde “suffer” upon returning to
her own home, which isn’t nearly as elegant as her.


-Mathilde and Monsieur Loisel came from a low-class family; with no money for a dowry.

-Madame Forestier came from a high-class family, having a wealthy and luxurious lifestyle that Mathilde is longing

3.) She fantasizes about a life that is more bizarre than the one she was born into. She believes there is a significant
gap between the life she should be living based on her elegance and appearance and the life she is forced to live on a
daily basis. Her house is so mundane that it bothers her. She dreams about a more magical life, one filled with adoring
men and attention of her wealth. She longs for extravagance because it is exciting to be an escape from her mundane
life and she won't go to a party without these expensive jewels and a beautiful gown.

4.) Yes. I think she would have realized that the necklace was fake if she is part of a higher class since this class is
expected to have plenty of expensive jewelries, diamonds, gems, etc. and professionally knows which is the original
one and which is not by the teachings of upper classes. Since Mathilde loves to put extravagant things in her
presence, I think she will recognize easily the fake necklace given to her if she’s from the upper class, and will be
educated about it.

5.) Mathilde and Monsieur Loisel are the people who don’t have the power and money in the story while Madame
Forestier have the power and money to get the things she wants.

6.) I think that this whole thing will teach Mathilde a lesson in life to be contented in what she has. She will learn not
to care about the materials or the status that she’s part of. She may feel anger towards her wealthy friend but she will
realize that she needs to stop in getting the extravagant things just to show people that she is a rich woman. Her life
could’ve been upgraded if she didn’t spend a lot of time for working off the cost of the replacement.


-Ruth is hugely relying on the amount of money they earn from selling dried fish because it is the only thing will
provide them the basic needs in their everyday life and she is struggling to sell many dried fish in this situation due to
required health protocols. The relief foods that the government has given is only limited and not enough to sustain
them for the whole period.

-Richard on the other hand, is struggling because he has no money and savings to survive in this enhanced community
quarantine. They continue to live with noodles and sardines and they are worried of how long will their stocks sustain
their daily living.

-Ruth is a dried fish vendor and the necessary needs she buys for the family depends on the money she gains from her
job. If the current situation lessens the number of customers that buys to her, then it is very hard for her to cope up
and sustain her family’s needs.

-Richard’s family has no enough money or savings to sustain their needs for the whole quarantine. Because of this,
only noodles and sardines help them to survive and this will affect their health that they might endure malnutrition. If
they don’t have these healthy meals for the quarantine, they might catch the disease due to the lack of nutrients in
their body.


I am also having these difficulties to adjust to this pandemic and that I must monitor what I do to prevent myself from
catching the disease like Ruth. My family also have struggles in budgeting our money like Richard’s and sometimes if
it is not enough, we worry too and find ways how to spend it more wisely because we also don’t know how we will
survive until the very end. The only difference is that we don’t receive relief goods from the government but we still
ensure to eat healthy foods and I’m really grateful for my family that works hard and that they keep doing their good
performance on their stable jobs.

4.) “To become a responsible citizen in this time of crisis, we contribute by staying at home and by applying the
proper hygiene practices, especially proper handwashing during critical times, as what we have learned from W&L
hygiene sessions.”

This is very important and significant for every people because these steps can decrease the chance of having the
disease. I’m glad that she knows how to be a responsible citizen because of her concern for her health that might as
well affect the health of others.

“So, for the question on “how we feel about it”? Worry. We are in deep worry that we may no longer survive this
crisis in the country.”

It is preferable to be worried about things that can affect you than to be unconcerned. When we are worried about
something that could have a negative possible impact on us, we may want to exert control over the outcome of that
situation. If Richard is unworried by how long will the stocks can sustain them, he will lately realize it and might die in
hunger without even having a plan of action.

5.) Social class can affect our way of living in facing the consequences of this pandemic. If we are living in an ‘upper
class-elite’ or ‘upper middle class’ of living, we can sustain well our family with their needs even in this situation. If we
live in a ‘lower middle class’ or ‘working class’, we can fairly provide our family their needs as long as we are working
hard like Ruth’s situation. If we live in a ‘poor class’ like Richard’s, it is very difficult to feed the family the proper
meals they need to eat in order to combat the pandemic’s threat on their health and they have a big burden because
they are not sure how will they survive and solve their problems in a long period of quarantine.

Song under analysis: Paradise by BTS

This song condemns the concept of a capitalist ideology that, in order for you to obtain the acceptance from the
society, you must have big dreams and ambitions. Because from what the song is saying, the world is forcing you to
run, that's why you keep on running without knowing why, just like how the society is forcing you to have big dreams,
even if you don't even know what your dream is. This song is telling us that, a capitalist society is putting ideologies in
our heads like, in order to live a happy life, we must run and run without stopping; we must work and work to
become successful in life. So that, when the moment comes that we're already able to obtain what we're working for,
the world will give us another reason to work for. And this is all to keep us from working, from producing and
consuming, because it makes us think that by doing those things, it'll give our lives meaning, but it's not. Because if
you're going to look at the bigger picture, you'll see that the society is just forcing you to follow that ideology for their
own collective interests. It's because they only want you and yourself to be part of the cycle that is being used by a
capitalist society, and all those dreams that you're working hard for are not actually yours, because it wasn't really
your dream in the first place, because it's what the society wants you to achieve, and that is the reason why it can
never grant you happiness. That's why the song is telling us that it's okay to stop running and dreaming, because the
society will not decide how we should live, that it's okay to stop working on a job that we didn't even want to sign up
for, to forget societal expectations, and erase what a capitalist society wants us to be. Because it's okay to not dream
in socially acceptable way of dreaming, because it's okay to dream differently, to quit and to stop running for a
moment whenever you need to breathe, because you just realized that you keep on running for nothing at all.
Because yourself finally told you to stop running for nothing, to stop dreaming a dream that's not yours, and to start
making your own dreams instead, start taking it easy, and don't ever rush, and there's no need to rush when you're
already in paradise.


Guinto, Ruth Margareth

Jamot, Anna Mharie

Purisima, Rhanella

Tejada, Lj

Rabanez, Jhon Ben

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