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The person I like the most – My dad

My dad is the person in my life whom I like the most. There are a lot of reasons
to say why he is the one whom I love the most. He has dedicated his whole life
just for the sake of his family. Sometimes he did not buy new clothes so that we
can buy new clothes. He sacrifices his dreams so that we may live our dreams.
When I am asleep, he is working. He is the gold that I got in my life. Every day
when I wake up, the first thing is I thank God for being born as his daughter,
and the second thing I do is pray to him to give me power and blessing so that
soon I can make my father free from all these responsibilities. I have a dream
that a time will come when he will rest the whole, buy himself whatever he
wants, and I will work for him.

He is always behind me whenever I need him. He’s my god and my almighty. It

doesn’t matter how busy he might be. He never forgets to call me. He makes a
phone call to me every day. When I fail at doing things, he is the one who tries
his best to help me stand up again and motivates me to work even harder.
Without any hesitation, I can share my every problem with him because I know
only, he can give solution to all my questions.

He taught me the importance of hard work and dedication. He taught me to be

self-sufficient in life. He has taught me what life is all about. Whenever I go to
him with some problem, he just gives me a direction and left me to decide by
myself about the solutions. I love my dad to the moon and back.

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