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Assignment Unit 1 - Extended Definition

Choose ONE key term/ concept from the given list: writing skills,
academic writing, or peer review. Find at least two journal articles
related to the concept. Read the articles and find out the answer to eight
questions to get information for an extended definition.
Concept Sources
1. What is it? Fang, Z. (2021). Demystifying
What is academic writing then? academic writing: Genres, moves,
Simply put, academic writing is the skills, and strategies. Routledge
writing done for academic purposes.
It is entering into a conversation with
others (Graff & Birkenstein, 2018, as
cited in Fang, Z., 2021).

2. What is it However, the way this conversation is Fang, Z. (2021). Demystifying

not? constructed is different from how academic writing: Genres, moves,
conversation in your everyday life is skills, and strategies. Routledge.
constructed. In other words, writing
for academic purposes is different
from writing for the purpose of
everyday social interactions with
friends and family members. Yes,
academic writing involves expressing
your ideas, but those ideas need to be
presented as a response to some other
person or group, and they also need to
carefully elaborated, well supported,
logically sequenced, rigorously
reasoned, and tightly woven together

3. What is it
4. What does Fang, Z. (2021). Demystifying
it consist Moreover, academic writing is not academic writing: Genres, moves,
of? monolithic, meaning that there is skills, and strategies. Routledge.
more than one kind, or genre, of
academic writing. In academic
settings, we write for many different
purposes. We write letters,
memorandums, reading responses,
argumentative essays, technical
reports, research articles, literature
reviews, lab reports, grant proposals,
conference abstracts, policy briefs,
PowerPoint presentations,
commentaries, book reviews,
editorials, blogs, emails, and many
other text types. Each of these kinds
of academic writing has its own
purpose, organizational structure, and
linguistic features.

5. What are Smith, S. (2022, July 24). Academic

its The characteristics of academic Writing. Retrieved August 24,
characterist writing which together distinguish it 2023, from Eapfoundation:
ics? from other forms of writing are that it
is: m/writing/what/
6. What are
7. How does
it work?
How is it
8. Why is it Academic writing is ubiquitous in Fang, Z. (2021). Demystifying
important? school and beyond. It is a means of academic writing: Genres, moves,
producing, codifying, transmitting, skills, and strategies. Routledge.
evaluating, renovating, teaching, and
learning knowledge and ideology in
academic disciplines. Being able to
write academically is widely
recognized as essential to disciplinary
learning and critical for academic
success. Control over academic
writing gives students and scholars
capital, power, and agency in
knowledge building, disciplinary
practices, identity formation, social
positioning, and career advancement.

Dedinition paragraph: Acedemic writing

What is academic writing then? Simply put, academic writing is writing done
for academic purposes. It is entering into a conversation with others (Graff &
Birkenstein, 2018, as cited in Fang, Z., 2021). However, Fang, Z. (2021) found
that this dialogue is structured differently from the conversations you have in
your daily life. To put it another way, writing for academic objectives differs
from writing for regular social contact with friends and family. Academic
writing requires you to convey your ideas, but those ideas must be given as a
response to a specific individual or group. Therefore, they must also be
carefully developed, well-supported, logically organized, and rigorously
reasoned. Moreover, there are several types and genres of academic writing
such as memos, reading responses, argumentative essays, technical reports,
journal articles, book reviews, lab reports, grant proposals, conference
abstracts, policy briefs, and editorials. Each of these styles of academic writing
has a distinct goal, method of organization, and language characteristics.
According to Smith, S. (2022), academic writing is structured, evidenced,
critical, balanced, precise, objective, and formal, which combined set it apart
from other types of writing. In the end, academic disciplines use academic
writing as a tool for knowledge production, codification, transmission,
evaluation, renovation, teaching, and learning. Writing in an academic style is
crucial for academic performance and is required for discipline learning.

Fang, Z. (2021). Demystifying academic writing: Genres, moves, skills,
and strategies. Routledge.
Smith, S. (2022, July 24). Academic Writing. Retrieved August 24, 2023,
from Eapfoundation:

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