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Name: Aljomon Shiju

Class: 11-D
Subject: English
Date: 1/09/23
Roll No: 4
Cause of Poverty: -
Inadequate access to clean water and nutritious food
little or no access to livelihoods or jobs
Poor Education
Effects of Poverty: -
Where there's poverty, there's lack of Education, Joblessness
and Poor Health. The key to destroying the top effects of poverty
is to attack the causes.
Solution on Poverty: -
1. Properly identifying issues: One of the largest issues involving poverty is the
inability to properly identify contributing factors at the micro and macro level.
This can be addressed by conducting research and gathering data to identify
the root causes of poverty.
2. Allocating proper time and resources: Addressing poverty requires a long-
term commitment of time and resources. Governments, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), and other stakeholders must work together to develop
sustainable solutions that address the root causes of poverty.
3. Creating organizations and communities to work locally: Local organizations
and communities can play a critical role in addressing poverty. These groups
can provide support to those in need, help identify issues, and develop
solutions that are tailored to local needs.
 Climate Change
Cause and Effects of Climate Change: -
Fossil fuels – coal, oil, and gas – are by far the largest contributor to global
climate change, accounting for over 75 per cent of global greenhouse gas
emissions and nearly 90 per cent of all carbon dioxide emissions.
Suggestion and Solution of Climate Change: -
Reducing car use, switching to electric vehicles, and minimizing plane
travel will not only help stop climate change, but it will also reduce air
pollution too. Homes shouldn't be draughty and cold – it's a waste of
money, and miserable in the winter.
 Food Insecurity
Cause and Effects of Food Insecurity: -
The main causes of food insecurity are poverty, increase in population.
Food insecurity and the lack of access to affordable nutritious food are
associated with increased risk for multiple chronic health conditions such as
diabetes, obesity, heart disease, mental health disorders and other chronic
Suggestion and Solution of Food Insecurity: -
Food insecurity leads to worse health outcomes and worsens poverty. Some
solutions to reducing food insecurity include international aid, alleviating
Poverty, increasing access to agricultural innovations, and fighting climate

 Bad Parenting
Cause and Effects of Bad Parenting: -
Causes: - Unwanted Child, Poor Anger Management, Egoism
Effects: - Neglect towards daily activities, Mental illness, Poor focus on
Suggestion and Solution on Bad Printing: -
Suggestion: - Company program for families, Foster Home
Solution: - Better support from school, Self-development, psychological

 Effect of Catgut on Journalism

Cause and Effects on Effect of Catgut on Journalism:
One of the most significant implications of Catgut on the future of journalism
is the potential for automation of many tasks that are currently performed by
journalists. This could lead to significant cost savings for news organizations,
but it could also result in job losses for journalists.
Suggestion and Solution on Effect of Catgut on
Journalism: -
One-way Catgut could help in the future of journalism is by improving the
efficiency of the newsgathering and writing process. By automating certain
aspects of the process, such as data gathering and analysis, Catgut could help
news organizations produce more content in less time.

 Biased Journalism
Cause and Effects on Biased Journalism: -
Biased journalism can have several effects on society. Here are three effects and
their causes:

1. Misinformation: Biased journalism can lead to the spread of misinformation, as it

may present only one side of a story or may not fact-check information before
publishing it. This can be caused by a lack of journalistic ethics or pressure to produce
content quickly without proper verification.
2. Polarization: Biased journalism can contribute to the polarization of society by
presenting news and information in a way that reinforces the beliefs and opinions of a
particular group, while dismissing or attacking opposing views. This can be caused by
media ownership, where the owners have a particular political or ideological agenda,
or by catering to the perceived preferences of the intended audience
3. Loss of trust: Biased journalism can lead to a loss of trust in the media, as people
may feel that they are not getting accurate or balanced information. This can be
caused by a lack of transparency in the media, where the sources of information or
funding are not disclosed, or by a perceived lack of accountability for errors or

Suggestion and Solution on Biased Journalism: -

Sure, here are three suggestions and solutions to address biased journalism:

1. Debasing Training: Journalists can undergo debasing training to recognize and

reduce the influence of cognitive biases in their work. This training can teach people
about biases like confirmation bias, provide examples, feedback, and practice, and
offer actionable strategies to reduce each bias. This can improve professional
judgments and decisions.
2. Promote News Literacy: Governments should promote news literacy and strong
professional journalism in their societies. The news industry must provide high-
quality journalism to build public trust and correct fake news and disinformation
without legitimizing them.
3. Invest in Tools to Identify Fake News: Technology companies should invest in tools
that identify fake news, reduce financial incentives for those who profit from
disinformation, and improve online accountability. Educational institutions should
Make informing people about news literacy a high priority 2. Finally, individuals
should follow a diversity of news sources, and be skeptical of what
they read and watch.

 Inflation
Cause and Effects on Inflation
Cause: Shift from services to goods, Vulnerabilities in supply chains, Housing
market and increase in working from home.
Effects: Reduced purchasing power, Higher cost for goods, higher interest rates
on home loans, reduced investment capacity
Suggestion and Solution on Inflation: -
Suggestion: Invest in good business with high returns, egg: stock market.
Government can issue government securities like treasury bills and
bonds for sale to investors limiting the money available to the public.
Solution: Reducing Corporate Profits with containing accelerating wages.
Investments in supply chains and core infrastructure.
Limit your wands.

 Terrorism
Cause and Effects on Terrorism: -
Cause: Misinterpretation or Misinformation of religious text
Injustice caused by the judicial system

Effects: Loss of Human Life

Loss of investment & infrastructure
Creates an atmosphere of confusion, panic, and mistrust in the

Suggestion and Solution on Terrorism: -

Suggestion: Investment in Intelligence & Security
Blocking the chains of illegal financial transactions.
Solution: Eliminating poverty
Cutting the Supply of recruitment
Cutting the barriers of tensions between different religions

 Famine

Cause and Effects on Famine: -

Cause: Inflation
Population Growth
Unequal Wealth Distribution

Effects: Weak Immune system

Low Life expectancy
Social Tensions leading to conflicts

Suggestion and Solution on Famine: -

Suggestion: Foreign Aids
Forming alliances with other countries.
Solution: Redistribution of wealth
Corporate incentives to produce more jobs
Reduce Consumption

 Lack of Health Insurance

Cause and Effects on Lack of Health Insurance: -
Cause: Underestimation of Treatment costs
No Government intervention
Influence of Family members

Effects: High costs in case of medical treatment

large financial burden
Avoidance of Medical treatment for less serious health issues

Suggestion and Solution on Lack of Health

Insurance: -
Suggestion: Enhancing Government hospital’s infrastructure
making people aware of the actual cost of medical
Solution: Mandatory health insurance
Government subsidies for poor people
Coverage for homeless people

 Lack of Social Security

Cause and Effects on Lack of Social Security: -
Cause: Illegal Residence
High levels of government debt

Effects: Feeling of insecurity

No financial support in the times of economic crisis

Suggestion and Solution on Lack of Social

Security: -
Suggestion: Reintegration of homeless people into social security
Ending Discrimination & Racism between
various ethnic groups

Solution: Introduction of a minimum level of security

financial incentives for retirees
Migration to better countries with social security

 Housing Shortage
Cause and Effects on Housing Shortage: -
Cause: Population Growth
Cost of land increased

Effects: Development of slums

High Property prices
Health problems
Suggestion and Solution on Housing Shortage: -
Suggestion: Control over monopoly in the housing industry
Development of rural areas for housing

Solution: Social and Public housing

Building energy sufficient houses
more efficient use of space

Cause and Effects on Stress: -
Cause: Family Pressure, Disappointment, Chronic Diseases

Effects: Exhaustion
Sleeping problems
Change in Physical appearance

Suggestion and Solution on Stress: -

Suggestion: Sharing your feelings with someone you trust
not comparing yourself with others.
Solution: Meditation
Changing the attitude towards your life
Physical Activity

 Garbage Dumping
Cause and Effects on Garbage Dumping: -
Cause: Excessive Consumption Behavior
No penalty for illegal dumping
High Costs for official waste disposal

Effects: Soil Pollution, Diseases, Damage on flora & fauna

Suggestion and Solution on Garbage Dumping: -
Suggestion: Affordable mechanisms for official waste disposal
Imposing penalty for dumping waste illegally
Solution: Government regulations
better control mechanisms
Reuse and recycle

 Water Scarcity
Cause and Effects on Water Scarcity: -
Cause: Excessive water pollution
Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
altered weather patterns

Effects: Decrease in crop yields, spread of diseases, Endangerment of

Suggestion and Solution on Water Scarcity: -
Suggestion: Protecting Wetlands, Desalinizing seawater
Solution: Stricter regulations for farming
Investment in water conservation methods
Construction of better water distribution infrastructure

 Overpopulation
Cause and Effects on Overpopulation:
Cause: Decline in death rate, Progress in food production
Effects: Depletion of Resources
Rise in unemployment
Increasing costs of living and housing
Suggestion and Solution on Overpopulation:
Suggestion: Woman empowerment, educating the mass about
Solution: Inaction of Population control bill
Family Planning
Reduction in Poverty
 Wildfires
Cause and Effects on Wildfires:
Cause: Lightning, Fireworks, Campfires
Effects: Decreasing soil fertility
Destruction of farmers
produce Loss of flora and
Suggestion and Solution on Wildfires:
Suggestion: Installation of warning systems
Increased air quality by advanced methods
Solution: Stricter regulations regarding waste disposal
stricter regulations regarding campfires
Usage of fireworks in a responsible manner

 Urban Sprawl
Cause and Effects on Urban Sprawl
Cause: Commuting networks
Increase in living standards
Improvement in infrastructure
Effects: Increase in public costs
Shortage of financial resources
Increase in pollution
Suggestion and Solution on Urban Sprawl
Suggestion: Increase in residential share in infrastructure
Discouraging private car ownerships
Solution: Local planning policies
Growth boundaries in urban area
Expansion in rural infrastructure
 Orphans
Cause and Effects on Orphans
Cause: Accidents, Diseases
Effects: Mental disorders, Starvation, Drug Abuse
Suggestion and Solution on Orphans
Suggestion: Integration of orphans into the society
Government regulations against child trafficking
Solution: Providing subsidies for education
providing shelter
Integration of orphans into the society

 Floods
Cause and Effects on Floods
Cause: Excessive and Heavy rainfall
rapid melting of snow
Dam failures and breakage
Effects: Loss of Property, Loss of Human Life, Loss of Livestock
Suggestion and Solution on Floods
Suggestion: Regular check on dams
Installation of flood detection systems
Solution: Proper Excavation plans & Routes
Proper Drainage System

 Mining
Cause and Effects on Mining
Cause: Population Growth, increase in consumption
Political interests
Effects: Destruction of natural habitats, Decrease in visibility,
Noise pollution
Suggestion and Solution on Mining
Suggestion: Research on sustainable mining
Reduction in waste
Solution: International cooperation, Global regulatory network
Adjustment of consumption behavior.

 Wars & Conflicts

Cause and Effects on Wars & Conflicts
Cause: Disputes over borders, Imperialism, Ideological differences
Effects: Death of soldiers and citizens, Sexual Violence,
Decline in the working force of a country
Suggestion and Solution on Wars & Conflicts
Suggestion: Leaving out Politics & Religion
Showing what history taught us about war
Solution: De-escalation of war by a treaty
Refrain from belligerence.

 Energy Crisis
Cause and Effects on Energy Crises
Cause: Overpopulation, Poor infrastructure,
Delay in commissioning of plants
Effects: Decline of Industrial sector, lesser agriculture output
higher cost for electricity
Suggestion and Solution on Energy Crises
Suggestion: Usage of Hybrid Cars
Better Diplomacy with other countries for the
exchange of energy resources
Solution: Countries should be self-sufficient of energy
Easier Grid access
More stress on renewable sources of energy

 Global Warming
Cause and Effects on Global Warming
Cause: Orbital Variations, Solar Radiation, Deforestation
Effects: Rise in sea levels, Change in Land Use, increase in heat waves
Suggestion and Solution on Global Warming
Suggestion: Change in daily consumption,
Opting for alternative renewable source of energy
Solution: Awareness, Political Measures, Climate Engineering
Easier Grid access.

 25) Unemployment
Cause and Effects on Unemployment
Cause: Demand deficient, Advances in technology,
newly entering workforce
Effects: Uncertainty, decrease in consumption, High crime rates
Suggestion and Solution on Unemployment
Suggestion: Favorable Government policies
Expansion of Employment exchanges
Solution: Rapid Industrialization, Reforms in education system
Rural Development Schemes

 Illegal Migration
Cause and Effects on Illegal Migration
Cause: Striving for a better future, lesser job opportunities
Political Instability
Effects: Homelessness, Burden for the country,
Lack of assimilation
Suggestion and Solution on Illegal Migration
Suggestion: Decentralization of power to the cities to take actions on
illegal migration
Solution: Securing Borders for stopping illegal migration
deporting of illegal migrants
Acceptance of Qualified Migrants

 Economic Inequality
Cause and Effects on Economic Inequality
Cause: Difference in education levels,
Difference in public infrastructure
Effects: Increase in lower income class, decrease in consumption
Discrimination & Isolation
Suggestion and Solution on Economic
Suggestion: Taxing based on economic levels,
Better Working conditions
Solution: Better access to education, Mitigation of Corruption
Better access to infrastructure.

 Obesity
Cause and Effects on Obesity
Cause: Stress, Genetics, Lack of physical activity
Effects: Diseases, Fatigue, Low life expectancy
Suggestion and Solution on Obesity
Suggestion: Monitoring your Progress while losing weight
Setting Realistic Goals and avoiding
suspicious medications for losing weight
Solution: Rigorous physical activity
Medical Treatment/Hormonal Treatment

 Juvenile Delinquency
Cause and Effects on Juvenile Delinquency
Cause: Exposure to violent media, Lack of parental control
Effects: Loss of freedom of the individual, Interaction with other
Suggestion and Solution on Juvenile
Suggestion: Parental and community involvement
A system for continuing their education
Solution: Youth Mentoring
Improving rehabilitation centers.

 Crypto currency Scams

Cause and Effects on Crypto currency Scams
Cause: Get Rich quick scheme,
Media wide attention on crypto currency
Effects: Loss of Money, Data invasion,
No accountable regulation to catch the criminals
Suggestion and Solution on Crypto currency
Suggestion: Investing in established crypto currencies
establishing a financial regulatory body for
catching criminals
Solution: Self-Awareness among teenagers and elderly
Ignoring the promises that you will make lots of money
Avoid sharing private information to others.

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