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Bavis Gam Vidyalaya, V.V.

SA1 (2023-24)
Standard: 4th [E.M.] Marks : 40
Subject: Maths Roll No._________ Date :

Q-1) Do As Directed.
A) Write the number Names. [10]
9,909 ______________________________________________
3,082 ______________________________________________
B) Write the numbers
Seven Thousand Four Hundred Ninety Nine _______________________
Two Thousand Five ___________________________
C) Short Form
4000 + 500 +00 +3 _______________________

9000+600 +40 +8 ________________________

D) Write place value and face value of underline digit

1) 7521 2) 3 4 1 6

E) Nearest rounding by 1000

1) 3426 2) 5930

Q-2 A) Fill in the blanks. [05]

1) Greatest three digit number __________.

2) 200 millilitres = __________ of 1 litre.

3) Smaller unit of length ____________

4) The time between noon and mid night is called _________________

5) 40 X 20 X 50 = ____________.
B) Convert. [05]

1) 5 km into metre

2) 6300 ml into l and ml

3) 7280 m into Km and m

4) 5L 260 ml into ml

5) 8m into cm

Q.3 A) How many hours pass between [2]

1) 6 am and 10 am _________________

2) 1 am and 12 pm __________________

B) Write am or pm [2]

1) Shilpa clean her teeth at 6:30_________

2) 5:45 in evening ____________

C) Change to 24 hours clock time [2]

1) 4:20 am _______________

2) 8:25 pm _______________

D) How many days are there in between [4]

1) 19 March 2016 to 26 May 2016 2) 5 September 2023 to 22 November 2023

Q.4 A) Multiply using Table [2]

1) 8 × 9 _______ 2) 15 × 3 _______

3) 10 × 10 _______ 4) 12 × 7 _______

B) Multiply using Box method [2]

1) 38 × 6 2) 342 × 3

C) Multiply [3]

1) 645 2) 5231 3) 64
× 13 × 42 × 39
_______ _______ _______

D) Solve the following [3]

1) A can contains 7 l 750 ml of milk, if 3 l 225 ml of water added to it. Find the
total quantity of mixture in the can ?

2) The rate of 1 Kg iron is Rs. 24. Find out the cost of 4 Kg iron. [2]

Count and write

3 notes of 100 Rs.

8 notes of 20 Rs.
5 notes of 10 Rs.
10 notes of 5 Rs.

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