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Physical Science Name: __________________________ Block: __

Oxidation Number Chart

Complete the following chart. If the element does not typically form ions, leave the last two
columns blank for it.

Number of Number of Number of Type of Ion

Atomic Oxidation
Element Protons Electrons Valence Formed
Number Number
(+) (-) Electrons (+ or -)
1 1
Hydrogen 1 1 + 1-

Helium 2 2 2 2 + 0
Lithium 3 3 1 + 1+

Beryllium 4 4 4 2 + 2+

Boron 5 5 5 3 + 3+
6 4-/+
Carbon 6 6 4 -/+

Nitrogen 7 7 7 5 - 3-

Oxygen 8 8 8 6 - 2-

Fluorine 9 9 9 7 - 1-

Neon 10 10 10 8 + 0

Sodium 11 11 11 1 + 1+
Magnesium 12 12 12 2 2+
Aluminum 13 13 13 3 +

Silicon 14 14 14 4 - +/- 4
Phosphorus 15 15 5 - 3-
Sulfur 16 16 16 - 2-
Chlorine 17 17 7 - 1-

Argon 18 18 18 8 + 0

19 19 19 1 + 1+
Calcium 20 20 20 + 2+


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