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I Love Animals

Cooped up in cage bullfighting

The man is more smarter than him

1. It has a lot of responsibility

 Vegetarian
 Vegan
I’m not a vegetarian
1. Cow>> male cow>>> bull
2. Cow>> female cow>>Medco

Advantages of zoos:+
 Human beings can see animals up close
 Animals can easily be treated if they become sick
 They don’t need to escape from bigger animals while they are living
 They are in a safer place
 They are not worried about hunting food
 Children can see animals and learn about them easier
 Phobias can be removed
I Love Animals


 Animals cannot move, they don’t have the opportunity to be in real

nature of them
 They forget the features of being real themselves, natural instincts

They forget hunting, they forget running

 They become depressed

 They are not being looked after very well

 Carnivorous/herbivorous/ omnivorous

Inhumane treatment humane treatment

reatment= cure

Treatment= behavior

I Love Animals

Appalled cattle farm



Hair raise filthy

We got used to it

Filthy lucre

Money lucrative = money making

Animal Husbandry =Farming

Jonathan and Dorothy are at the zoo and are talking about an important
issue which is extremely controversial. To find out what they're discussing, let's
listen to the story together
I Love Animals
Dorothy: I can't believe I let you take me into coming here. I really have problems
with zoos.

Jonathan: Come on Dorothy these animals have got it made.( they are used to/
they have the habit) They're well cared for, healthy and have got plenty of food.

Dorothy: Oh my God, could you say the same thing about imprisoned people?
What about freedom? I can't bear seeing animals cooped up in cages.

Jonathan: Do you think animals are any happier in the wild? Always hungry. They
are running away from some bigger animals that are trying to eat them.

Dorothy: I don’t know, maybe not.

Jonathan: Just look at that tiger over there. Where else could you see such a
beautiful animal up close?

Dorothy: You're right about that. He's magnificent. You know what? I'm just in
favor of treating animals humanely.

Jonathan: Treating humanely?  What do you mean by that?

Dorothy: Well, I am of the opinion that animals should never be killed just for
sports or entertainment. You know, Hunting, bullfighting and any sports that
involve the killing of defenseless animals should be strictly prohibited.

They should be banned/

Jonathan: You know Dorothy I agree with you on that one, but as far as I'm
concerned the needs of people come first. I mean animals have to be used for
medical research sometimes and it just can't be helped. Otherwise new treatments
might not be discovered.

Dorothy: You know Jon, I don’t know whether or not anyone else gets as fed up as
I do with, you know, inhumane treatment of animals.

Jonathan: Dorothy believe it or not the other day I was reading about corporate
cattle farms and I was appalled at how crowded and filthy the conditions were.
I'm sure animals don't have to be raised like that.
I Love Animals
Dorothy: Oh now you're talking Jon and that's why I've been considering getting
a pet. What do you think about it?

Jonathan: A pet? It depends. What kind of a pet are you talking about?

Dorothy: Well, do you remember Frank? The guy who works in the mailroom in
the office?

Jonathan: Well, the tall guy with a mustache?

Dorothy: Ah that's him, well he wants to find a good home for his cat so I was
thinking why not us?

Jonathan: Oh gee. I don't know I've heard a cat’s hair gets everywhere on the
furniture, clothes...

Dorothy: Well, hair can be a problem, but he said cats were easy to take care of.

Jonathan: I know Dorothy. Honestly my grandmother used to have one. I have to

admit he could be sweet and he was very loving with her. He would sit in her
laptop for hours.

Dorothy: Oh my God! So, are you convinced?

Jonathan: Dorothy let's sleep on it, alright? I think we are at loggerheads over it.

Dorothy: Jon I'm not saying that off the top of my head, but anyway let's just
enjoy ourselves.

Dorothy: Oh look at that rabbit over there. She's a real cutie. Mm what about
getting a rabbit Jon?

Jonathan: Offf Dorothy I really don't know if I want to keep a rabbit in the house.
Rabbits chew things. I don't want to worry about what she’s going to do with the
furniture, Ok?

Dorothy: But you, you know, keep her in a cage. She'd be no trouble at all. She
won't chew or destroy anything.

Jonathan: Dorothy we aren't supposed to talk about these things here. I have

second thoughts about it.
I Love Animals
Dorothy: Ok. Actually the jury is out. Let's go to the snakes' part.

Dorothy has been thinking about getting a pet and she's really annoyed about
the way animals are treated. What do you think? Is killing animals ever


Discussion room
Jonathan: Hello everybody. This is Jonathan and today I am here with Dorothy to
have another discussion room for you.

Dorothy: Hello everyone. It’s very nice to be here again.  

Talk someone into doing something

Jonathan: Ok, let's start. What is the first expression of today's discussion room

Dorothy: Well, the first expression is ‘talk someone into doing something’ and it
means to persuade someone to do something.

Jonathan: Let me give you an example. For instance, I tried to talk her into
ordering ice cream.

Dorothy: Jon, let me ask you something. Listen: ‘to talk someone out of doing
something’. Is that the opposite of this expression?

Jonathan: Good point Dorothy. Talk someone out of doing something means to

persuade someone not to do something.

Dorothy: As an example we can say her parents tried to talk her out of getting

Jonathan: Aha, you mean her parents tried to persuade her not to get engaged.
I Love Animals
Dorothy: Exactly.

Have got it made

Jonathan: Dorothy what is the next expression which is going to be discussed?

Dorothy: Well, it’s ‘have got it made’. Hey Jon what does it mean?

Jonathan: Well, in this sentence in the story when I said these animals have got it
made I meant that life is easier for animals in zoos than in the wild and in general it
means to be certain to be successful and have a good life, often without much

Dorothy: Yeah For example, with his father at the head of the firm, he has got it

Jonathan: To provide you with another example I'll say, everyone thinks if you are
in a hit movie, you've got it made.

Dorothy: I think that's right.

Jonathan: I don't think so.

Cooped up in

Jonathan: Ok the next expression is ‘cooped up in’ Dorothy in the story you said,
“I can't bear seeing animals cooped up in cages." what do you mean by that?

Dorothy: Well, if an animal is cooped up, it is forced to stay in a small place

without being able to move around much and this is not just the case with animals.
When a person has to stay for a period of time in a place that is too small, this
expression can be used as well.

Jonathan: Oh, thank you Dorothy. Let me provide you with an example. For
instance, it isn't good for you to be cooped up in the house all day.

Dorothy: Jon, I'm not going to lie but during the quarantine it's necessary to be
cooped up in the house.
I Love Animals
Jonathan: Oh, ok Dorothy. What is our next expression?


Now you are talking

Dorothy: Well, the next expression is ‘Now you are talking’ Jon can you please tell
us what it means?

Jonathan: Of course, this expression is used to tell someone that you agree very
much with what they are saying.

Dorothy: Exactly. Jon let's give the students an example.

Jonathan: Sure.

Dorothy: Do you feel like going out for a pizza?

Jonathan: Now you're talking Dorothy.

Sleep on it

Dorothy: Ok English learners, the next expression we are going to discuss is ‘sleep
on it’. What does it mean Jon?

Jonathan: Well, ‘sleep on it’ means to wait before making a decision. For example,
don't give me the answer. Sleep on it and tell me whenever you are ready.

Dorothy: As another example we can say, you've heard my offer. Why don't you
sleep on it and let me know what your decision is?

Jonathan: How useful it is.

Dorothy: Now you are talking. Jon please tell us what the next expression is.

To be at loggerheads over something

I Love Animals
Jonathan: Well, the next expression on today's list is ‘to be at loggerheads over
something’. Please tell us the definition of that Dorothy.

Dorothy: Well, to be at loggerheads over something means to be in conflict or

disagreement with someone about something.

Jonathan: So if two people are at loggerheads, they disagree with each other very

Dorothy: Exactly, for example for months dentists and the health department have
been at loggerheads over fees.

Jonathan: As another example we can say, the two governments are still at
loggerheads over the island.

Dorothy: Ok friends let's move on to the next expression.

Off the top of one’s head

Jonathan: Well, the next expression is ‘off the top of one’s head’. Dorothy please
tell us the definition of that one.

Dorothy: Of course Jon. Well if you say something off the top of your head, you
say it immediately, without thinking carefully about it or checking the facts.

Jonathan: Oh great. For example, just off the top of my head, I'd say there were
about 50.

Dorothy: Jon what time does the morning train come in?

Jonathan: Well, off the top of my head, I don't know.

Dorothy: Ok. I think our friends have learned it and it's time for the next

To have second thoughts about something

I Love Animals
Dorothy: The next expression that is going to be discussed is ‘to have second
thoughts about something’

Jonathan: Dorothy let me explain what it means.

Dorothy: Sure.

Jonathan: Well, to have second thoughts about something means to change your

opinion about something or start to doubt it.

Dorothy: Yeah, for example, you are not having second thoughts about getting
married, are you?

Jonathan: Or as another example we can say I think my friend is having second

thoughts about leaving America.

Dorothy: This expression is widely used actually, yeah?

Jonathan: Yeah, Dorothy that’s correct. Ok, what is the next expression of today’s
discussion room?

The jury is out

Dorothy: The last expression is ‘the jury is out’

Jonathan: What does it mean Dorothy?

Dorothy: Well, if you say that the jury is out, you mean that people still haven’t
made a decision or formed an opinion about a subject. Jon can you provide us with
an example?

Jonathan: Of course. For example, the jury is out on whether or not this is true.

Dorothy: Let me give our friends another example. For instance, the jury is still out
on whether the new company will succeed.

Jonathan: So this is the end of today's podcast. Dear students we hope you have
found this podcast useful and practical.
I Love Animals
Dorothy: Just bear it in mind that practice does make perfect and thank you for
being with us.

Jonathan: Goodbye friends.

 Dorothy: Bye-bye

1. Do you like animals?

To be honest, I only like friendly animals such as dogs, cats and birds. I
consider them human’s friends and keeping them as pets will help me
release my negative emotions.

2. What’s your favourite animal? Why?

Dogs, definitely. I am actually raising two dogs at present. Whenever I

head back home from work, they are waiting to welcome me at the door.
Also, they make me feel better when I’m down in the dumps. That’s why I
love dogs.

3. Are people in your country fond of animals?

Actually not. It’s sad to admit but this is the truth. Instead of loving animals,
most Iranian people enjoy torturing them and taking photos to show other
people or put on Facebook to get satisfaction.

4. What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your


Just like other countries in the world, we tend to keep dogs and cats as
companions. This is because these animals are tame and easy to live with
I Love Animals
5. Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?

I don’t think so. This is because cities are areas of bumper to bumper traffic
and heaps of construction, causing harm to pets’ health, and they are
likely to face road accidents or a lack of playing space.

6. Do children in your country like animals?

Yes. Iranian children are keen on playing with animals, especially dogs and
cats, which are so friendly and have soft fur. They can hug and stroke these

7. What kind of animals do you think children like?

I think it really depends on their personality. I can’t say for sure. For the
most part, children love dogs and cats since they can play and roam about
with them. Some children, however, adore birds because of their beautiful
voice. Also, there are some who always enjoy teasing or hurting animals.

8. What was your favourite animal when you were a child?

I was a big fan of dogs. If my memories serve me right, I used to play with
a neighbour’s dog called Kiki whenever my parents got into an argument.
That was a way I chose to escape from the uncomfortable situation. For this
reason, I love dogs so much and now I own a dog with the same name.

9. Did you have any pets when you were a child?

Unfortunately, no. My parents didn’t allow me to keep a pet as they were

worried that I could be bitten by them.

10 What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?

Well, there is a wide range of benefits for children if they have a pet. The
most obvious advantage is that they can learn how to show love to other
animals by hugging or stroking them. In addition, they could probably take
responsibility for some household chores by feeding their pet or taking it for
a walk.
I Love Animals
11. If you have children in the future, will you allow them to keep a

Yes, of course. I suppose keeping a pet is beneficial to a child’s

development. By living side by side with them, pets can become their friend
and give them emotional support.

12. Why do some people keep pets at home?

Well, there are a number of reasons, but I think the most important one is
having a pet is like having a comforting companion. They can help relieve
stress and cheer people up when they are upset or tired. That is why many
people treat pets, such as cats or dogs, as a member of the family.

14. What kinds of animals do you like?

I am into all kinds of birds. For me, they are beautiful and lovely creatures.
In fact, some of them may be naughty, but watching their behavior can be
something really relaxing to do.

14. Have you ever had a pet before?

I used to have a bulldog. You know, it was a present from one of my

buddies. I had had it for more than a year before it was stolen. Since then, I
have never wanted to have any pet again as the feeling of losing something
you love dearly is terrible.

15. Do you like to see animals in the zoo?

To be honest, I have to say “no’” because I always feel sorry for animals
that are kept in the cages. Although they are well looked after and are
provided with food, they don’t have the freedom like living in their natural

16. What is the most popular animal in your country?

Well, it is dogs, perhaps. In the countryside, each household typically has a

dog to watch their house as dogs usually bark when they see strangers. In
the cities, many people, especially the young, do not hesitate to spend
money on buying a dog and take care of them like babies.
I Love Animals


Do you like animals?

I would say I don’t hate them. I am not very much of an animal lover but I like them if they exist
and I am able to see them. But, owning an animal might be something I won’t prefer.

What’s your favorite animal? Why?

I love cows a lot. I think they bring in lot of peace and care in a house. You see them, they rarely
make any noise and still for some reasons when I look into their eyes, it feels very peaceful and

Are people in your country fond of animals?

Yes, they are. People in my country love animals. You could find a dog or a cow being owned by
a family. And it is not for any monetary reasons but because they like being around them and
caring for them. Animals do bring a certain extent of happiness and togetherness in a family. 
What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?

As a pet, most of the people have dogs in their house. Dogs are preferred over other animals
because firstly they are very friendly and loyal to their owner. Also, they help in guarding the
house against all the possible odds.

Compared with the past, have there been any changes concerning pets in your

I think yes, there have been many observable changes in our country since past few decades.
With the coming of globalization and people going for modernization, there has been a steep
decline in people owning cows. Earlier one could see most of the houses having a cow, because
I Love Animals
first it is treated as God in our country and then there are some monetary benefits associated with
cows. One can sell its milk and other milk products.

Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?

A pet requires 24/7 care and if in a city one can provide that care, there should not be any issue
in keeping a pet. I think with houses in cities so close to each other keeping pets like cows or
other big ones is not possible. But, for the ones smaller in size like dog, cat or fishes, it is
completely feasible and one should definitely go for them. But, yes if one has a very strict
working lifestyle, keeping a pet will only be disastrous for the pet.

Do children like animals?

It all depends, I assume. There are some who love animals and then there are even those who are
scared of them and not like them. Also, there are some who like to irritate animals just for the
sake of fun.

What kind of animals do you think children like?

I think for most part, children love dogs and cats. Because these are the animals children can
have lot of fun with. They can play and roam about with them.

What was your favourite animal when you were a child?

I was not a very particular animal lover as a child. I used to get irritated when people annoyed or
irritated animals, but going out and playing with them was not my idea of having fun.

Did you have any pets when you were a child?

Yes, my father got a dog for us as we were child. But, I remember he was so aggressive that we
rarely played with it. He used to kept only for guarding the house. However, later on when he
started recognizing us he allowed us to come near him. I remember, my brother actually bonded
a lot with him and so when he died it was a true shock for my brother.

What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?

I think a child learns a lot from a pet, especially unconditional love and that is really important.
In times when people just do things for the benefit of doing it, a pet teaches you that apart from
the money and the fame and the success there are so many other things which are important in
I Love Animals
If you have children in the future, will you allow them to raise a pet?

Definitely yes. I think having a pet in the house is very important because it allows the kids to
learn about love, patience, respect and so much more. It brings happiness and togetherness and
tells you that no matter if the other person is more or less powerful you should stand for the right.

What are the main roles of animals in your country?

3. Why is it important to conserve the world’s animal and plant species?

4. Which species are endangered in your country? Why?

5. Do you think modern farming methods are cruel to animals?

6. Why do many people refuse to eat meat?

7. What effects do you think humans have on wild animals?

8. What measures could we take to protect wildlife?

9. Is it the responsibility of schools to teach children about protecting wildlife?

10. Do many people in your country like to have a pet?

11. What kinds of pets are most popular in your country?

12. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet?

13. Do you think there should be laws to protect the welfare of pets and farm animals?

14. Are there any wild animals in your country that are not found in any other country?

15. How do people in your country feel about the protection of wild animals?

16. What do you think arc some of the benefits to humans of protecting wild animals?

17. What is the purpose of having zoos?

18. How do you think zoos in your country could be improved?

19. Do you agree that animals should be used for scientific testing of chemical products such as new
medicines, new cleaning products or new cosmetics?

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