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In-person Sunday Worship Service Announcements Script Outline

Date: January 9, 2022

- Say thank you Worship Team.
- Make sure to give the TBC Family a warm welcome.

1.) Bulig Bugto Update

2.) Prayer and Fasting Update

3.) InGen Opening

- Friday, January 14, 2022
- 5pm, TBC Function Hall
- Encourage the young people to attend

4.) Tithes and Offerings

- Encourage the TBC Family to be faithful with our tithes.
- Encourage the people to bring tithes envelope located at the God’s Share Box.

Note: For our regular church activities, encourage the people to look at their bulletin at the back for more information.

5.) Fellowship Time

- Prepare a question for the congregation to ask each other.
- Ex. What is your dark to light story?
- Also notify the congregation that there will be fellowship after the preaching.

**After this fellowship time, preacher will go up the stage**

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