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Third Term Test 2018/2019



DURATION 1 hour 45minutes

Allocated Obtained

% Grade BIOLOGY 1
3 06
4 05
6 14
7 08
09 04
10 05
11 08
12 10
Total 100

Candidate Name
Index Number

Answer all questions in the space provided.
Calculators are not allowed.
Show steps in any calculations and state the units.

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 1


1. (a) Bacteria are micro-organisms.

It is important to find out the best conditions for bacteria to reproduce.

When bacteria reproduce they form colonies.
This Petri dish has six bacterial colonies.

Here are the results for identical Petri dishes kept in different conditions.

(i) How do you know these bacteria need oxygen to reproduce? (1)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 2

Here is a graph of the results without oxygen.

(ii) Draw the results with oxygen on the same graph. (4)

(iii) Use the graph to predict the number of colonies at 60°C. (2)

Number of colonies at 60°C without oxygen = ---------------------------------------------------

Number of colonies at 60°C with oxygen = ---------------------------------------------------

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 3

(b) The diagram below shows an organism called Euglena.
It is made of only one cell. It lives in ponds and streams.

Euglena has features of both plants and animals.

(i) Look at the diagram of Euglena.

Give two pieces of evidence which suggest Euglena is an animal cell and
not a plant cell. (2)

1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(ii) Plant cells can carry out photosynthesis.

How can you tell from the diagram that Euglena can carry out photosynthesis? (1)


(iii) Complete the word equation for photosynthesis. (1)

(Total for Question 1 = 11 marks)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 4

2.(a) The photograph below shows some water lilies in early summer.

This diagram shows a water lily plant.

(i) Water lilies do not grow well in moving water. (1)

Suggest a reason for this.

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 5

(ii) During the winter, many water lily plants do not grow new leaves.
Suggest one reason why the plants do not grow new leaves in the winter. (1)
(iii) Give one way water lily plants are adapted to live in water. (1)
(iv)Explain how this adaptation helps the water lily to grow in water. (2)
(v)In the summer, water lilies produce large yellow flowers.
The flowers float on the surface of the pond.
What is the use of these flowers for the water lily plant? (1)

(b) Write the correct group name for the following organisms according to the
description given below. (5)

(i) Invertebrates with long thin bodies ------------------------------------------

(ii) Arthropods with eight legs ------------------------------------------

(iii) Vertebrates showing metamorphosis -----------------------------------------

(iv)Plants having cones instead of flowers ------------------------------------------

(v) Lives in the sea. Lacks roots, stems and leaves

but contains chlorophyll -------------------------------------------

(Total for Question 2 = 11 marks)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 6

3.Bieber put cress seeds on wet filter paper in dishes.

He put 20 seeds in each dish.Every day he added 5 cm 3 of water to each dish.He

kept each dish at a different temperature.

The bar chart below shows how many seeds had germinated after two days.

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 7

Use the bar chart to answer the following questions.

(a) (i) What was the lowest temperature Bieber used? (1)


(ii) How many seeds had germinated at 21°C? (1)

(b) (i) Bieber said 23°C was better than 21°C for seeds to germinate.

Was he correct? Tick the correct box. (1)

(ii) Use the bar chart to help you give a reason for your choice. (1)

(iii) How does the bar chart show that 22°C is the best temperature for
seeds to germinate? (1)

(c) Give one way Bieber made sure his investigation was a fair test. (1)

(Total for Question 3 = 06 marks)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 8

4. Nancy is a dancer.

(a) (i) When Nancy dances her arms and legs are moved by pairs of
antagonistic muscles.

How do antagonistic muscle pairs work? Tick the correct box. (1)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 9

(ii) Name the process which provides energy for Nancy’s muscles to contract while
dancing. (1)

(b) (i) Nancy’s class in school has 20 children. 09 out of them can dance well.
Which of the following factors decide a person’s ability to dance?
Circle the correct answer/s.
Blood group

(ii) Nancy’s Biology teacher says the ability to dance shows variation among
Which type of variation would the ability to dance belong to?

(iii) Give a reason for your answer in (b) (ii).


(Total for Question 4 = 05 marks)

Total for Section B = 33 Marks

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 10


5.(a) Which of the statements about particles in a solid are correct? (3)

Tick the three correct statements

The particles in a solid are:

further apart than the particles in a liquid.

further apart than the particles in a gas.

able to vibrate about a fixed point.

arranged in a more fixed pattern than

particles in a liquid.

not able to vibrate when they reach 0°C.

able to vibrate more as they gain energy.

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 11

(b) Diagram A represents a gas in a container.
The gas can be compressed by moving the piston to the right.

(i) How can you tell that the substance in the container is a gas? (1)

(ii) Write the symbols of Oxygen and Nitrogen in the corresponding boxes below.(1)

Oxygen Nitrogen

(iii) Complete the sentence below using the correct word from the brackets. (1)

Oxygen and Nitrogen are both ----------------------------------------------

(metals, non - metals, metalloids)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 12

(c) The melting point and boiling point of nitrogen are marked on the scale below.

(i) Circle on the scale above to show the temperature at which water freezes. (1)

(ii) When water is a liquid, what is the physical state of nitrogen?

Tick the correct box. (1)

(iii) What is the physical state of nitrogen at 200°C?

Tick the correct box. (1)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 13

(d)Solids, liquids and gases can change from one state of matter to another.

(i)Use the words in the list to write the names of the processes shown in the
diagram. (2)

condensation evaporation

freezing sublimation

(ii) Draw an arrow on the diagram to show what happens during the process of
sublimation. (1)

(Total for Question 5 = 12 marks)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 14

6. (a) This diagram shows an erupting volcano.

After an eruption, the magma and lava cool. Rock is formed.

(i) What is the name of this rock? (1)

Underline the answer from the list.

igneous rock

metamorphic rock

sedimentary rock

Clouds of sulfur gas are released into the air when a volcano erupts.

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 15

(ii) Is sulfur a metal or a non-metal? (1)

(iii) Which piece of information in the box helped you to decide? (1)

Volcanic eruptions also happened many millions of years ago.

Layers of volcanic ash covered the bodies of fish.
Over many years this ash formed rock.

This picture shows part of the rock that has been formed.

(iv) This picture shows a fish which is now a .--------------------------------------------- (1)

(v) What is the name of the type of rock in the picture? (1)

Underline the answer from the list.

igneous rock

metamorphic rock

sedimentary rock

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 16

(b) Rocks in the Earth’s crust are classified by the way that they are formed.

Complete the sentences about rock formation. (4)

(i) -------------------------------- rocks are formed when molten lava from a volcano
cools down.

(ii) -------------------------------- rocks are made from grains of rock that are
cemented (stuck) together.

(iii) ------------------------------- rocks are made when heat and pressure change
other types of rock.

(iv) -------------------------------rocks are found in layers.

(c) Tyson put a piece of chalk in one container and a piece of granite in another
He shook both containers for two minutes. The photographs below show what

(i) Give two ways the chalk had changed. (2)

1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(ii) Suggest why the granite did not change (1)



Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 17

(iii) A map of a coastline is drawn below. Waves crash against the rocks.

Which rock is chalk and which rock is granite?

Give the letters from the map.

chalk ---------------------------------- granite -----------------------------

(Total for Question 6 = 14 marks)

7. Matthew measured the pH of different soils.

(a) Tick one box in each row to show if each soil is acidic, neutral or alkaline. (3)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 18

(b) A hydrangea is a flowering plant. Matthew notices that the colour of hydrangea
flowers is different for plants grown in different places.

He records the colour of the flowers on each plant. His results are shown in the
table below.

(i) Look at Matthew’s results.

Do his results support the statement that the colour of hydrangea flowers
depends on pH? (1)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 19

(ii) Explain your answer. (3)







(c) Matthew measured the pH of the soil near hydrangea plants found in
different places.

Suggest avariable Matthew could not control in his investigation .(1)


(Total for Question 7 = 08 marks)

Total for the section C = 34 marks

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 20

Section P – Physics
8 The diagram below shows a moving lorry .

a) i) What produces the force Y ?


ii) Name force X (1)

iii) When the lorry is moving at constant speed, force Y is 1000N.
What is the size of force X ? (1)
b) The lorry speeds up . Which of the following is true ?
Tick the correct box . (1)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 21

c) A deflector is fitted to the lorry as shown below.

Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct words from the box.
Increase decrease not change

i) Fitting a deflector will ………………………… the speed of the

lorry when force Y is 1000N.

ii) Fitting a deflector will ……………………………. The amount of

fuel used to travel a distance of 60 km at a speed of 50 km per
hour .

(Total for Question 8 = 06 marks)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 22

9 Each of the observations shown below has one explanation.
Draw a line from each observation to the correct explanation. (4)

Observation explanation

(Total for Question 9 = 04 marks)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 23

10 . The drawings below show six ways of providing energy

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 24

a) From the previous page , give the names of two fossil fuels . (2)
i. …………………………………………………………….
ii. …………………………………………………………….

b) i) What is the source of energy for the method given in E ?

……... ……………………………………………………………..

ii) Why can the method mentioned in b (i) not work at night ?
……... …………………………………………………………………………
……... …………………………………………………………………………
c) What makes the blades of the turbine in drawing B go round ? (1)

(Total for Question 10 = 05 marks)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 25

11) The diagram below shows part of the solar system .

a) Look at the diagram.

Give the names of X and Y. (2)
X ………………………………….
Y …………………………………..
b) It takes Jupiter much longer than Mars to complete one orbit.
Give two reasons for this. (2)
I ………………………………………………………………………………….
2. ………………………………………………………………………………….

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 26

c) The diagram opposite also shows the orbit of a comet .
In 1531, 1607 and 1683 scientists recorded that they had seen a comet in the
sky .
The comet was last seen in 1986.
Predict when it will be seen next (1)

d) The diagram below shows the path of a meteor as it gets closer to the
Earth .
The meteor is shown in three positions A,B and C

i) How does the force of gravity on the meteor change as it travels from A to C
II) What happens to the speed of the meteor as it travels from A to B ? (1)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 27

iii) When the meteor enters the Earth’s atmosphere , three forces act on the (1)
meteor . Gravity and up thrust are two of these forces.
Give the name of the other force .
(Total for Question 11 = 08 marks)

12) A student is investigating the stretching of a spring .

The apparatus is shown in the diagram below

a) On the diagram above measure the unstretched length lo of the

spring. Record lo in the first row of the table below


b) The student hangs a load W of 1.0 N on the spring and measure the

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 28

new length l of the spring . She repeats the measurements using loads
of 2.0 N, 3.0 N, 4.0 N and 5.0 N .
The readings are shown in table

i) for each set of readings , Calculate the extensions e of the spring


the equation e= ( l – lo )

Record the values of e in the table. (1)


W/N l/mm e/mm

0.0 0

1.0 67

2.0 72

3.0 77

4.0 82

5.0 87

ii) Explain briefly one precaution that you would take in order to obtain
reliable readings . (1)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 29

c) Plot a graph of e/mm against W/N (4)

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 30

d) The student removes the load from the spring and hangs unknown load of X
on the spring .

She measures the length l of the spring.

l= 78 mm

i) Calculate the extension e of the spring (1)


ii) Use the graph to determine the weight W of the load X . Show clearly
on the graph how you obtained the necessary information (2)
load x = ……………………..N

(Total for Question 12 = 10 marks)

Total Marks for section P = 33

Total Marks for the paper = 100

Science Sri Lankan School Muscat Third Term Examination 31

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