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A Seminarian to its Actuality

My Seminary life has always been a great fragment of my “existence”. My very “being” as a Seminarian
has always led me to “change”, to astonishing involvements and to the most dramatic experiences. I can still
remember that moment when God spoke to me, calling me, inviting me to his vineyard, He had me said yes
for I knew from that moment on, that this is what I’ve been seeking for. So, I entered and gave my part to this
community, and from the present moment on I can still smell that sweet sensational calling and a
remembrance that which I’ve decided to be his Seminarian.
Frankly speaking, I’ve always valued and treasured this potentiality of mine to become a Priest
someday, this privilege to be here in this type of communion with my fellow brothers is truly a blessing. The
Seminary indeed formed me well, from the day I entered the portals of Minor Seminary and as I advance in my
formation here in the Major Seminary, I can humbly say that I’ve been different, though not completely
different, but always the same in the sense of “change”. To add to this honesty, I never see myself in the
outside world, I can’t even imagine what I am now if I didn’t become a Seminarian. This home and my identity
have always been my priority, if you’d just ask me, this relationship of me as a seminarian and my perfection
which is to become a Priest, has always been and will always be my goal.
Of course, this potency of mine, which awaits me for it to be actuated upon, is already in “motion”. By
the mere fact that I am responding to God’s call and as I am still here in this venerable institution, it is “on
going”. Potency, from the very first place cannot exist by itself, it must always be with reference to its
corresponding act, just like matter to its form, accidents to its substance, patients to its agent and existence to
its form. The bond that they have to each other is likewise the relationship of the determinable (which can be)
to the determined (which is). My being as a seminarian is therefore not knowable by itself, it is an “actuating
principle” that must always lead my very being to my perfection, which is to become a priest. It must be clear,
that in the order of things, Priesthood is prior or higher to my potency as a seminarian, act itself can exist
alone, it is unlimited, perfect and one. Potency, therefore, together with the actuating principles must lead the
being to its own perfection, and the perfecting principles themselves gives perfection or the main goal of the
being. Let it be clear this so called “Participatory Perfection”, in which is already innate to every being must be
observed. Just for example a desk, it has this participatory perfection to the one who made the desk (man),
which also has a participatory perfection to the One who Created him (God).
And to my response, having this potency, this honor as a seminarian, I must do things in connection to
my perfection. I must always bear in my mind that in everything I think, say, or do, must always be in lined to
priestly manners. The reality in which I am in the Seminary, formed and disposed to be that kind of individual
which I am expected to be, must always be recognized. For example, if the Seminary demands me to follow
the daily horarium, I must comply to its requirement because it is for the betterment of me, it is a nurturing
process for my potentiality and will surely direct all my senses to focus and look for the things only necessary
for Priesthood. These are statements in which proves that my being as a seminarian is indeed a potency, in
which actuates and brings me to my own perfection, this is my potency, and my actuality awaits me.

-Sem. Jonathan DePadua Racelis

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