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Effective communication is critical in business for sustaining good relationships and attaining

organizational goals. However, there are times when negative messages must be sent. Delivering bad
news or unfavorable information is never easy, but it is a necessary talent for businesspeople to have.
Handling negative messages in a tactful and professional manner is critical to retaining trust and keeping
business connections, whether it's denying a proposal, delivering bad news to a client, or addressing a
performance issue with an employee.

Goals of Communicating Negative Messages:

a) Primary Goals:

• Make the receiver understand and accept the terrible news.

• Maintain a positive image of the organization and the person who delivers the terrible news.

b) Secondary Goals

• Reduce negative emotions.

• Communicate fairness.

• Eliminating future correspondence.

• Avoid generating legal liabilities.

The Indirect pattern for writing negative messages is as follows:

1. Buffer: A positive or neutral introduction that does not reveal the bad news.

2. Reasons: An explanation of what caused the bad news.

3. Bad news: A clear and modest disclosure of the bad news, along with options or a compromise.

4. Closing: A good or neutral opening that does not reveal the bad news.

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