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Corporación Universitaria del Caribe “CECAR”

Bachelor in Education in Teaching English as a Foreign

Language Program
English Linguistics
First Assignment

Objective: To have a clear understanding

of the terms Competence & Performance
based on different authors and the relation
to L2

Resource: “Competence and

performance in learning and teaching:
theories and practices” by David Newby

“Competence and performance in learning and teaching: theories and

practices” examines the different ways in which both competence and
performance have been defined by linguists and how these different
interpretations have influenced foreign language learning and teaching. Read
the article carefully and develop the answers in this workshop.

1. Chomsky’s states the “distinction between competence (the speaker-

hearer's knowledge of his language) and performance (the actual use of
language in concrete situations)” He further states that “Observed use of
language cannot constitute the actual subject matter of linguistics. (1Pt.)

A. Based on Chomsky definition about competence and performance,

describe how this competence could be clear evident in an L2

classroom. (You can give examples.)

R/ Chomsky's theory of competence and performance is very relevant

when it comes to understanding how linguistic competence manifests

itself in a second language (L2) classroom.

Author: Martha Lucía Bonilla

Revised and adapted by: Rubén Mauricio Muñoz
Linguistic competence refers to the internal and subconscious knowledge we

have about the structure and rules of a language. On the other hand,

performance is how we apply that knowledge in real communication situations.

In an L2 classroom, language proficiency could be evident when students show

a strong understanding of the target language's grammar, vocabulary, and

pronunciation. For example, if a student is able to form grammatically correct

sentences and uses a wide range of vocabulary appropriately, this shows their

linguistic competence.

In addition, linguistic competence can also manifest itself when students

understand and produce clear and coherent messages in the target language.

For example, if a student is able to engage in fluent conversation with other

native speakers, or if they can write a well-structured and coherent essay, that

demonstrates their language proficiency in action.

B. Give reasons why performance cannot constitute matter of

linguistics but competence can? Cite at least an author

R/ linguistic competence is more relevant in the field of linguistics

because it represents our internal knowledge of language, whereas
performance can be affected by external factors and is not a reliable
measure of our competence.

 “We have to account for the fact that a normal child acquires
knowledge of sentences, not only as grammatical, but also as
appropriate. He or she acquires competence as to when to speak,
when not, and as to what to talk about with whom, when, where,
in what manner (Hymes).” What does this sentence mean? And
how the idea does not necessarily show Chomsky’s idea about
competence and performance?(1Pt.)

R/Hymes argues that children not only acquire knowledge of sentences

Author: Martha Lucía Bonilla

Revised and adapted by: Rubén Mauricio Muñoz
from a grammatical point of view, but also in terms of their
appropriateness and context. That is, children learn when it is
appropriate to speak, with whom to speak, about what topics, at what
time and in what place. This idea refers to communicative competence,
which involves not only knowing the grammar of a language, but also
knowing how and when to use language effectively in different
situations. Communicative competence is based on the idea that
language is not only a structured system of rules, but also a tool for
social interaction and the expression of meaning. Therefore,
communicative competence includes knowledge of the social and
cultural norms that govern communication, as well as the ability to
adapt to different contexts and audiences. As for the relationship with
Chomsky's idea of competence and performance, we can say that
Hymes extends Chomsky's approach by emphasizing the importance
of communicative competence in language acquisition and use. While
Chomsky focuses mainly on internal linguistic competence, Hymes
highlights the importance of communicative competence in language

 Halliday states “Can mean is a ‘realization of can do” this

corresponds to the second criticism of Chomsky’s view of
competence and performance and also concern the functional
dimension of a language. Describe the second criticism and the
functional dimension.(1Pt)

R/ The second criticism of Chomsky's vision focuses on the distinction

between competence and performance. Chomsky emphasizes the
importance of linguistic competence, which is the internal and abstract
knowledge we have about the structure of a language. However,
Halliday and other linguists argue that this view focuses too much on
competence and does not sufficiently consider performance, that is,
how we actually use language in everyday communication. Regarding
the functional dimension of language, Halliday and other linguists focus
on how language fulfills different functions in communication.
According to Halliday, language has seven main functions:
instrumental, regulatory, interactional, personal, heuristic, imaginative,
and informative. These functions refer to how we use language to
express our needs, regulate our interactions, establish relationships,
acquire knowledge, imagine and create, and report objective facts.

Author: Martha Lucía Bonilla

Revised and adapted by: Rubén Mauricio Muñoz
 Is language a unit of linguistic analysis? Explain and cite

author(s). (1Pt)

R/ yes, language is a unit of linguistic analysis. Language is

studied and analyzed from different perspectives in the field of


One of the authors who has addressed this question is Ferdinand de Saussure.

According to Saussure, language is a system of signs composed of interrelated

units. These units, like words and sounds, are analyzed and studied to

understand how they are structured and related to each other. In addition to

Saussure, other linguists have also studied language as a unit of analysis. For

example, Noam Chomsky has proposed the idea that language is made up of

abstract structures and grammatical rules that can be analyzed and studied to

understand how human language works.

 What does Chomsky say opposite to the affirmations on the left?


Langacker, Heine , Tomasello and Chomsky

 language is not an
autonomous cognitive faculty  considers that language is not
 grammar is conceptualization
an autonomous cognitive
 knowledge of language
emerges from language use faculty, but that it is

interconnected with other

cognitive functions

 Grammar is a mental

Author: Martha Lucía Bonilla

Revised and adapted by: Rubén Mauricio Muñoz
representation that allows us

to organize and structure


 emphasizes that knowledge of

language cannot be explained

solely by usage.

 What are the schematic constructs? (1Pt)

R/ Schematic constructions are frequently repeated linguistic patterns in

language that follow a fixed structure. These constructs are used to

express specific ideas more efficiently and quickly.

 In 1980 Canale and Swain provided a description of competence

based on four categories. What are those categories? Explain. (1Pt)

R/ 1 Grammatical competence: This category focuses on grammatical

accuracy and correctness in the production and comprehension of


2 Sociolinguistic competence: refers to knowledge of the social rules and

conventions that govern verbal interaction in different contexts and situations.

3 strategic competence: refers to the ability to use communication strategies to

overcome barriers and difficulties in communication.

Author: Martha Lucía Bonilla

Revised and adapted by: Rubén Mauricio Muñoz
4 discursive competence: encompasses the ability to organize and structure the

discourse in a coherent and cohesive manner.

 After reading all the competences described in the CEFR what do

you think CEFR perception about competence and performance? Is

it more related to social or individual? Is it more linguistic? Or not?


R/ The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

(CEFR) perceives both competence and performance as fundamental

aspects in learning and using a language. The CEFR recognizes that

linguistic competence goes beyond the mere ability to understand and

produce grammatical structures, and also includes the ability to

communicate effectively in various contexts and situations.

Regarding the relationship between the social and the individual, the CEFR

recognizes the importance of both aspects. On the one hand, sociolinguistic

competence stands out, which implies the knowledge and adequate use of

social norms and conventions in communication. On the other hand, it also

focuses on individual competence, that is, on the language and communication

skills of each person individually.

Write your own conclusions about competence and performance and how

these two terms affect the SLA? (2Pts.)

Author: Martha Lucía Bonilla

Revised and adapted by: Rubén Mauricio Muñoz
R/ 1. Proficiency and performance are two interrelated but distinct aspects of

the second language acquisition process. Proficiency refers to internal

knowledge of the rules and structures of the language, while performance refers

to how we apply that knowledge in real communication situations.

2. Both terms are fundamental to the SLA. The competence provides the

theoretical and conceptual foundation necessary to understand and produce the

language effectively. Performance, on the other hand, allows us to put that

knowledge into practice and adapt to different contexts and communicative


3. Competence and performance interact with each other in the process of

learning a second language. As we acquire and develop our competence, we

also improve our communication performance. In turn, performance in real

situations provides us with feedback and helps us hone our competence.

4. Both competence and performance can be influenced by various factors,

such as the sociocultural context, communication skills and learning strategies.

It is important to take these factors into account when designing and evaluating

language teaching programmes.

Author: Martha Lucía Bonilla

Revised and adapted by: Rubén Mauricio Muñoz

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