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January 15, 2022

Explain comprehensively your role as a teacher in relation to social change

I know that my role as a teacher concerning social change is not just to be a model in
influencing and guiding the youth in acquiring knowledge and skills. I should be an agent
in developing their social, emotional, and economic growth which will lead to a great
impact on establishing a better society.
Describe explicitly how the principles of governance are being shared among teachers in
your school.
Principles of governance are being shared among teachers in our school in a simple yet
systematic approach. We, teachers, are encouraged to actively participate in forums that
concerns handling, managing, and working hand in hand for the benefit of the school
organization. Comments and suggestions from us, teachers, are highly encouraged as our
school head believes that we have a common goal for the school’s improvement.
Enumerate some psychological learning theories and describe clearly the impact to your
instructional procedure in the classroom
1. Behaviorism - In my class, students are exposed to the ideas of positive and negative
reinforcement which are effective tools of learning and behavior modification, as well as a
punishment and reward system.
2. Cognitivism – In my class, some students learn most effectively through reading text
and lecture instruction.
3. Constructivism – In my class, some students learn most effectively through creating
their own understanding of the world and using what they know based on previous
experiences in the process of linking new information to these experiences.
4. Humanism – In my class, some students focus on the scenarios and role modeling
which are important factors in humanistic learning, as are experiences, exploring and
observing others.
5. Connectivism – In my class, some students no longer stop learning after formal
education and continue to gain knowledge from other avenues such as job skills,
networking, experience and access to information with new tools in technology.

Define and explain the concept of scientific research, deduction and induction reasoning,
hypothesis and empiricism
Inductive reasoning is a logical thinking process in which specific observations that are
believed to be true are combined to draw a conclusion to create broader generalizations
and theories.


January 15, 2022

Deductive reasoning, on the other hand, works in the opposite direction of inductive
reasoning. It is a logical thinking process that uses the top-down approach to go from the
more general to the more specific. It involves the usage of general assumptions and
logical premises to arrive at a logical conclusion.
A hypothesis states your predictions about what your research will find. It is a tentative
answer to your research question that has not yet been tested. For some research
projects, you might have to write several hypotheses that address different aspects of
your research question. It is not just a guess — it should be based on existing theories
and knowledge. It also has to be testable, which means you can support or refute it
through scientific research methods (such as experiments, observations, and statistical
analysis of data).
Empiricism is a philosophical belief that states your knowledge of the world is based on
your experiences, particularly your sensory experiences. According to empiricists, our
learning is based on our observations and perception; knowledge is not possible without
Explain clearly the systematic procedure and protocol in writing a thesis
In writing a thesis, the first thing that one should know is to fully understand what a
thesis is. Finding a unique, valuable research topic is the next step. A research topic must
be clear, unique, and important. Once the researcher pinned down a promising research
topic, the next step is to write a research proposal that will convince the panel. Once the
proposal has been approved, it is time to craft a strong introduction chapter. Undertake
an in-depth literature review by synthesizing existing research, highlighting a research
gap, and informing the chosen methodology to be used in the study. Carry out the thesis,
which can be seen in the Methodology chapter, once completed with the literature
review. After completing the analysis of the gathered data from the research, present the
findings in the Results and Discussion chapter. The last step is to draw a conclusion from
the findings and discuss the implications.

Explain clearly the difference between conceptual and theoretical framework

The conceptual framework provides the relationship between concepts and empirical
findings from literature and to the research study. On the other, the theoretical
framework provides general ideas in which study occurs and is based on an existing
theory or theories.
Answer the following: Indicate the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval or
ratio) required in each: 1. Zip code; 2. Area of a country; 3. Class rank; 4. Household size;
5. Annual income; 6. How do you feel today; 7. Temperature; 8. Height; 9. Weight; 10.
Level of Satisfaction


January 15, 2022

1. Nominal
2. Nominal
3. Rank
4. Rank
5. Interval
6. Nominal
7. Interval
8. Ratio
9. Ratio
10. Rank
Solve the following: (1) The Department of Agriculture obtained the following data
representing the one-week growth in centimeters of 20 newly planted corn plants. 2.7 3.5
3.9 0.8 1.1 3.6 2.2 2.4 2.4 1.2 3.9 2.4 4.0 4.2 3.7 3.9 1.1 2.7 2.7 2.4 Calculate and interpret
the mean, median and mode.
The mean is 2.74, the median is 2.7 and the mode is 2.4.
Since the mean is greater than the median and mode, the distribution is positively

The dean of the Southwestern State University is concerned that many faculty is
concerned that many faculty members of SSU are too old to be effective teachers. She asks
each department to send her information on the average age of its faculty. The head of the
sociology department does not wish to “lie” with statistics but knowing the preference of
the dean, he would like to make the department appear youthful. The names and ages of
the sociology departments members are listed in the accompanying table. Calculate both
the mean age and the median age. Should the department send the mean age or the
median age? Why or why not? Member/ Age: Durkheim-64; Campbell-31; Weber-65;
Likert-27; Stanley-35; Katz-40: Lazarsfeld-33
The mean age of the the faculty is 42 years old while the median average is 35 years old.
Since the head of the sociology department wants to make the department appear youthful
by knowing the preference of the dean, he should send the median age of the group.


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