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E n e rg y
Sound Energy

Sound Larynx- These are our

“vocal chords” that allows
-Energy made by vibrations or
back and forth movement. us to speak.
Wave- It goes through matter to People have different
carry energy from one place to voices because they have
another by vibrating particles. different shapes of vocal
Type of Wave: cords.
-Mechanical- Requires a Speed of Sound- It is the
medium dynamic propagation of
-Longitudinal- Vibrations are sound waves that will vary
parallel to the direction it’s in the different kinds of
going. medium that it can go
Eardrum- This is the part of through.
the ear that sound waves Characteristics of Sound:
vibrate for us to hear sound. 1. It’s a mechanical wave, it
Malleus, Incus, and staples- needs a medium.
These are the three small 2. It can go through high and
bones in our ear. low temperatures.
3. It moves well through dense materials
Characteristics of
such as solids.
Refraction of Sound- Bends or
4. It can travel fast through elastic
changes direction as it moves
materials because its particles go back
through air or any kind of
to its normal state faster than other
-When air is warm, sound goes
Speed of Sound in the 3
states of matter:
-When air is cool, sound goes
Solid- Fastest
Liquid- Faster
Reflection of Sound- It’s when
Gas- Fast
sound waves bounce back
-Particles in solids as closely packed
from a hard surface that results
together and Sound needs to vibrate
into an echo.
particles to move from one place to
Diffraction of Sound- It’s when
another so, It vibrates the fastest in
sound waves bend or spread
around an object. While
sound goes directly through
-It has no particles to vibrate and sound
open spaces, It bends around
moves zero meters per second here.
closed spaces.
Fun Fact: Interference- It’s when two or
-Astronauts use Electromagnetic
more sounds overlap with
waves, specifically Radio Waves to
each other
communicate in space with one
-Constructive Interference- Those
sounds are produced at the same
Speed of Sound in time.
Temperatures -Destructive Interference- Those
Hot- Moves fast because particles move sounds are produced out of phase.
faster Audible Frequency
Cold- Moves slow because its particles Range
carry sound waves slow. -It is the range of sound frequencies
that can be heard by the human
Decibel Scale

The audible range is:

20 hz to 20000 hz
Infrasonic- Sound waves that
are lower than 20 hz
Ultrasonic- Sound waves that
are higher than 20 000 hz
-It is the unit used to measure
frequency (how frequently does it
repeat) and pitch (how high or low
it is).
Decibel (dB)
-It is the unit used to measure sound
intensity or its loudness.
Doppler Effect
-It is the changing of the pitch of a
moving sound. As it moves near
you, It’s higher rather than as it
moves away from you, it’s low.

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