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Language Views / Theories of Language following:

a. Children imitate the sounds and patterns
1. The Structuralists support the idea that which they hear around them.
language can be described in terms of b. People recognize the child’s attempts as
observable and verifiable data as it is being being similar to the adult models and reinforce
used. (reward) the sounds by approval or some other
a. Language is a means of communication. desirable reaction.
c. In order to obtain more of these rewards, the
b. Language is primarily vocal child repeats the sounds and patterns so that
c. Language is a system of systems. these become habits.
d. Language is arbitrary. d. In this way t he child’s verbal behavior is
conditioned (‘shaped’) until the habits coincide
2. The Transformationalists believe that
with adult models.
language is a system of knowledge made
• Behavioralists see three crucial elements of
manifest in linguistic forms but innate and, in its
learning: (1) a stimulus, which serves to elicit
most abstract form universal.
behavior, (2) a response triggered by the
a. Language is a mental phenomenon. It is not
stimulus, and (3) reinforcement which serves to
mark the response as being appropriate and
b. Language is innate. Children acquire their
encourages the repetition of the response.
first language because they have a language
acquisition device (LAD) in their brain. 2. Cognitive learning theory. Noam Chomsky
c. Language is universal: all normal children believes that all normal human beings have an
learn a mother tongue; all languages share must inborn biological internal mechanism that
share key features like sounds and rules. makes language learning possible.
d. Language is creative and enables speakers to • Cognitivists / innatists ‘mentalists account of
produce and understand sentences they have second language acquisition include hypothesis
not heard nor used before. testing, a process of formulating rules and
testing the same with competent speakers of
3. The Functionalists advocates that language is
the target language.
a dynamic system through which members of a
3. Krashen’s Monitor Model (1981). This is the
community exchange information. It is a vehicle
most comprehensive theory in second language
for the expression of functional meaning such
acquisition. It consists of five central
as expressing one’s emotions, persuading
people, asking and giving information, etc.
• They emphasize the meaning and functions a. The acquisition / learning hypothesis – claims
rather than the grammatical characteristics of that there are two ways of developing
language. competence in L2:
4. The Interactionists believe that language is a Acquisition – the subconscious process that
vehicle for establishing interpersonal relations results from informal, natural communication
and for performing social transactions between between people where language is a means,
individuals. not a focus nor an end in itself.

Learning – the conscious process of knowing

• Language teaching content may be specified about language and being able to talk about it,
and organized by patterns of exchange and that occurs in a more formal situation where
interaction. the properties of a language are taught
b. The natural order hypothesis suggests that
C. Language Acquisition / Theories of Language
grammatical structures are acquired in a
predictable order for both children and adults _
1. Behaviorist learning theory – the language
certain grammatical structures are acquired
behavior of an individual is conditioned by
before others, irrespective of the language
sequences of differential rewards in his/her
being learned.
environment. According to Littlewood (1984),
the process of habit formation includes the
c. The monitor hypothesis claims that conscious • These communication-based methods include
learning of grammatical rules has an extremely the Communicative Language Teaching /
limited function in language performance: as a Communicative Approach, Notional-Functional
monitor or editor that checks output. Approach, Natural Approach
d. The input hypothesis. Krashen proposes that
when learners are exposed to grammatical 4. Cognitive – affective has given rise to a
features a little beyond their current level those holistic approach to language learning or whole
features are acquired. person learning. It also includes the humanistic
e. The affective filter hypothesis. Filter consists approach, allowing learners vocabulary for
of attitude to language, motivation, self- expressing, sharing and understanding one’s
confidence and anxiety. Learners with a low feelings, values, and needs.
affective filter seek and receive more input,
interact with confidence, and are more • The humanistic techniques cover Community
receptive to the input they are exposed to. Language Learning.

• Teachers must continuously deliver at a level

understandable by learners

• Teaching must prepare the learners for real

life communication situations

• Teachers must ensure that learners do not

become anxious or defensive in language

• Formal grammar teaching is of limited value

because it contributes to learning rather than

D. Language Teaching Implications

1. Language theories provide some basis for a
particular teaching method or approach.
• Structuralism / behaviorism has produced the
audiolingual method (ALM), oral approach /
situational language teaching, bottom-up text
processing, controlled-to-free writing.

2. The cognitive learning theory results to the

cognitive approach that puts language analysis
before language use and instruction by the
teacher, before the students practice forms.
• Learning as a thinking process gives birth to
cognitive-based and schema-enhancing
strategies such as Directed Reading Thinking
Activity, Story Grammar, Think-Aloud, etc.

3. The functional view of language introduced

methods which are learner-centered, allowing
learners to work in pairs or groups in
information gap tasks and problem-solving
activities where such communication strategies
as information sharing, negotiation of meaning,
and interaction are used.

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