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Charisse Ann V.

BSED 1- FILIPINO 9/11/2023

Advance English: Assignment

Critical, Criticize, Critically,

It's important to make this project with a critical mindset, as it requires us to carefully
evaluate every aspect of our plan. We should encourage open and constructive discussions,
where team members can freely criticize each other's ideas to identify potential flaws or
improvements. By engaging critically in these discussions, we can ensure that our final product
will meet the highest standards and address any issues that may arise. In this way, our team
can work together efficiently and effectively to achieve our goals.

Advice, Advisable, Advised

Being a teacher means offering advice to students to help them succeed. Mrs.
Marcelina advised her students on different matters, such as time management and effective
study techniques. It's advisable for them to listen this advice, as it can significantly impact their
academic progress. Her goal as a teacher is to provide valuable advice and ensure that
students make informed choices that benefit their learning journey.

Willing, Willingness, Unwilling, Willingly

True friendship is built on a foundation of willingness and trust. Friends are willing to
lend a listening ear when you need to share your thoughts and feelings. They're also willing to
support you through both the good times and the bad. In turn, a willingness to reciprocate this
support willingly strengthens the bond between friends. However, if one party becomes
unwilling to invest time and effort into the relationship, it can strain the friendship. Therefore,
maintaining a mutual willingness to be there for each other is important for a lasting and fulfilling

Negotiated, Non-negotiable, Negotiators

In the business world, talking and making deals is important. Companies talk to each
other to agree on things like contracts and terms. Some parts of a deal can be changed, or
"negotiated," but other parts are fixed and can't be changed, known as "non-negotiable."
Skilled negotiators are good at finding common ground and being flexible. This helps
businesses reach agreements that work for everyone and lead to successful partnerships.

Likelihood, Likely, unlikely

In the field of education, predicting students success isn't always straightforward.

Factors like effort, support, and the learning environment can influence the likelihood of a
student excelling academically. When students actively engage in their studies and receive the
necessary support from teachers and parents, it becomes more likely that they will achieve
their educational goals. On the other hand, if a student consistently neglects their studies and
lacks essential support, it becomes increasingly unlikely for them to perform well in school.

Energy, energetic, energized, energetically

Exercising regularly is a fantastic way to boost our energy levels and maintain an overall
healthy lifestyle. When we engage in physical activities, we are actively expending energy, and
our body responds by becoming more energetic. Whether it's going for a jogging, at the gym, or
walking, these activities help us burn calories, leaving us feeling more energized. By
approaching exercise energetically and incorporating it into our routine, we can have the
benefits more energetic outlook on life.

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