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AÑO LECTIVO 2023-2024

Grade:………………6 sixth…………………………
Date: ………………………………………………………
● Lea de manera detenida las instrucciones antes de responder.
● Complete los datos en los espacios asignados.
● Utilice lápiz de pasta azul o negro, no utilice lápiz de tinta o gráfito.
● Revise detalladamente sus respuestas ANTES de marcar la alternativa.
● Dispone de 60 minutos para responder.
● Mantenga el celular apagado y guardado durante la evaluación.
● En caso de duda, levante la mano y el profesor/a se acercará para poder asistirlo.
● En caso de ser necesario, puede utilizar la prueba para hacer un borrador por el lado contrario de la hoja. Importante, las
respuestas deben estar marcadas de manera

1.- Put the words in the right order and write the questions :
a).- Like/blogs?/Do/Reading/you ……………………………………………………………………………………….
b).- Singing?/you/at/Are/Good…………………………………………………………………………………………
c).-making/Are/in/ you/ videos?/interested……………………………………………………………………

2.- Drag and drop the words in the boxes and complete the questions correctly.
How Which What Who How often

a) ´s your full name?

Old are you?

do you use the internet?

Technology do you use to connect to the internet?

Contact online ?

3.- Read and choose the right verbal form.

a).- Emma is doing /does exercise three times a week
b).-John has/ is having a fizzy drink at the moment.
c).- Martha doesn´t wear /isn´t wearing sun cream today .
d).- Peter doesn´t like /isn´t liking eating junk food .
e).- Do you go/Are you going to bed late every day ?
4.- Complete the sentences using the PRESENT SIMPLE—PRESENT CONTINUOUS.
a).- I sometimes …………….(go) to bed late on Saturday, but I ……………………(not go) to bed late
on Monday.
b).-We ……………………….(notplay) outside today because it …………………..(rain).
c.- Alice……………………(like) eating junk food , but Matt ………………….. (prefer ) fruit.
d).- The Children …………………………(not do)exercise now. They ………………………..(watch) TV.
e).- Peter ……………………………….(have) a check-up every year.
5.- Complete the sentences with THERE IS , THERE ISN´T -THERE ARE , THERE AREN´T
a).- On the table ………………………………some onions and…………………………. an Orange .
b).- In the fridge ……………………………..any butter , but ………………………………six eggs .
c).- In the shop……………………………..any chillies and ……………………………..any sugar.
d).- In the cupboard ……………………..some flour , but …………………………….any lentils .

6.- Complete the sentences with MUCH -MANY-IS-ISN´T-ARE-AREN´T

a).- How ……………….apples are there ? There ………. Six apples.
b).- How………………….Sugar is there? There ………………two packets of sugar.
c).- How many onions ……………there? There are ………………………any onions.
d).-How…………………cartons of milk are there ? There ……………three cartons of milk .
e).- How much flour ……………………is there ? There ………………..any flour.

7.- Read the definitions and write the right verb : CHOP - PEEL -SERVE-MIX-SLIDE-ADD
a).- To take the skin off a piece of fruit or a vegetable ………………………..
b).-To cut something into small pieces ………………………………..
c).- To cut something , e.g.bread in thin pieces…………………..
d).-To put something with another thing………………………..
e).- Top ut two things together and then ,with a spoon , make a new thing ………………..
f).- Top ut food on a plate , ready toe at………………………………..

Test Prepared by the reviewed by the principal.

English Teacher .

Mr. Raúl Abad Mr. Héctor Salan

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