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In behalf of the graduating class of 2022-2023, I am turning over this key of responsibility to you, which
symbolizes the duties and functions laid upon you shoulders as the incoming Senior High School student.
Continue to protect the good name of our school, nurture the flame and keep it burning and strive to
achieve the honor and fame of our dear Alma Mater. This key also symbolizes limitless doors you can
open. Unlock all the doors which will lead you on a good path and grab every opportunity that come
your way. With this key we pass on to you the skill to learn the aptitude to succeed and the creativity to
make a difference. We hope to see all your dreams come true. God bless!


On behalf of the incoming senior high school students, we whole-heartedly and humbly accept the key
of responsibility that you entrusted to us. We promise to do the best of our ability and to set ourselves
examples worthy of emulation. The legacy that you will live in our school and in our life and the values
you showed will continue. Because the next time we pass this responsibility we will definitely remind the
next senior high school students how you took care and handed everything here in our institution.
Thank you very much!

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