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- Si estás en el nivel Pre A1 o A1, escoge entre 20 y 30 verbos que no

conozcas de toda la lista pero solo concéntrate en su forma original y en su
significado en castellano. Si estás en contacto con tu profesor(a), él o ella te
indicará qué verbos Memoriza los verbos y trata de utilizarlos en oraciones.
¡Verás que sí puedes!

spread - propagar become - convertirse
steal - robar buy - comprar
want - querer h find - encontrar
try - (intentar keep - sostener
treat - tratar meet - reunirse
stay - quedarse . pay - pagar
I pretend to study so that they do not punish no
My friend's looker was stolen, I found her look broken on the floor.

I learn at home

I look the ball

They follow their brot

she say that this is the best park in townher.

I oant stop here.

you oan send it by mail.

Dont blame me if you regret this in the future

We have reason to believe that your life's in danger

Qnd i have to consider all the pieces of this puzzle

Q change of scenery could be very beneficial to him

The spread of democracy is our greatest challenge

Of course a guy like that would steal your idea

I want the best for you

Can you at least try and take this seriously, please?

It is much easier to treat in the early stages

Your son could stay in prison for a year, sir

With our assistance, you could become a very powerful man.

He gets excited when someone comes to buy a book

Try to find images that are different between the two

I'm just trying to keep this ranch in the family.

Our employer is g,uite anxious to meet with Stanly here.

You must pay for the wedding of your only daughter

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