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Chapter 3 - Responsibilities of a Good Citizen

Who is a citizen?
A citizen is a person who is a permanent member or a resident of a
country either by birth or by being granted that status, and has
certain rights. Citizens enjoy full civic and political rights.
A good citizen has to follow certain principles:
1) Be a loyal citizen and never do anything against the country.
2) Pay the taxes honestly and regularly.
3) Should render help during crisis of any type.
4) Must protect public property and monuments of historical
5) Participate in elections - The right to vote is the pivot of a
democratic country. A citizen should cast the vote judiciously.
What is civic sense?
Civic sense means social ethics. Its examples include keeping
roads, streets and public property clean. It reflects the actual
personality and shows the responsibility of a person.
Civics- Civics is the study of the rights and duties of the citizens of
a society.
What is Public and Private Property?
Public Property
Public Property or National property is owned collectively by the
people of a country. Everyone is entitled to the use of this property,
provided they take proper care of it.
Eg: buses, railways, hospitals, schools, parks, etc.
Private Property
Things owned by an individual are known as his private property.
Eg: pen, pencil, books, clothes, etc.

Caring for Public Property

For the convenience of the people, the government provides and
maintains electricity, water supply, hospitals, schools, public
transport, etc. It is the duty of every citizen to treat public property
with care. The tax we pay as citizens is utilized to build and
maintain public property. Therefore, if we damage this property, we
are showing disrespect to our hard-earned money. So as citizens we
should value and protect them.
Why should we protect public property?
1. As it is national property and belongs to all of us.
2. As crores of rupees have been spent on building and
maintaining it.
3. As it represents national heritage.
Public Property

Protecting school property

School property like the buildings, library, black board, laboratory
is meant to be used by every student. So, they must be taken care
of with utmost responsibility.

The Importance of good neighbours

Good neighbours should have the following qualities:

1) Good neighbours help each other.
2) Good neighbours are respectful.
3) A good neighbour is friendly and considerate.
4) Actions of good neighbours support community.

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