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Importance of Sexual and Reproductive Health education to youths

We all are acquainted with the fact that very few or no adolescents/youths are involve in policy
planning and service delivery. As stated by UNICEF more focus needs to be placed on
providing, learning and preparation for the world of work, building healthy lifestyles that reduce
non-communicable diseases and improve sexual health, and protecting adolescents from
involvement in violence.
Reproductive health is not just about sex. The concept of sexual and reproductive health is
multifaceted and complex. It is not only related to the physical elements of sex lives and
reproductive system. It is a part of health program starting from early age teaching values and
understanding the anatomy and physiology of their bodies. This education continues when they
are young adults to have safe and acceptable access to methods of fertility regulation of their
choice and the right to have access to appropriate healthcare services that enables women to go
safely through pregnancy and childbirth as stated in the WHO definition. Relationships and
mental well-being are huge factors in reproductive health.

It is a fact that sexual activity often starts during adolescents. In this stage they should be known
about the sexual and reproductive health. But in most of the society, parents show unwillingness
and unprepared to provide sex education to their children. So it is very important to include
sexual and reproductive health education in school curriculum in order help young people to
make their transition in adulthood in good sexual health.

Why it is important to provide sexual and reproductive health education to youths?

The reproductive system is one of the most fragile in the human body. It needs to be protected
throughout our lives, and we should all practice sexual self-care. We all know the unhealthy
lifestyle choices we make when we’re younger can impact our general health later in life. The
same goes for reproductive health. One of the key issues that can be impacted by sexual and
reproductive health is our fertility.
Developing a healthy sexuality is a key developmental milestone for all children and adolescents
that depend on acquiring information and forming attitudes, beliefs, and values about consent,
sexual orientation, gender identity, relationships, and intimacy.
All children and adolescents need to receive accurate education about sexuality to understand
ultimately how to practice healthy sexual behavior. Unhealthy, exploitive, or risky sexual
activity may lead to health and social problems, such as unintended pregnancy and sexually
transmitted infections (STIs), including gonorrhea, Chlamydia, syphilis, hepatitis, herpes, human
papilloma virus (HPV), HIV infection and AIDS. It has been demonstrated that sexuality
education interventions can prevent or reduce the risk of adolescent pregnancy, HIV and STIs for
children and adolescents with and without chronic health conditions and disabilities.
Sexual health information messages can be provided to children and adolescents from the media,
religious organizations, schools, and family peers, parents/caregivers, and partners, although the
quality of the information varies but is useful for them.

Together following elements form the basis of a healthy approach to sex and reproduction.
1. Pregnancy & Fertility
Pregnancy is one of the most prevalent factors of reproductive health. Women should be able to
access the contraception to prevent pregnancy if they are not ready to start a family yet. This
knowledge should be provided to girls since their adolescents in order to help them to live n
happy and healthy sexual life.
2. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
STDs are also one of the biggest risk factors for reproductive health for both men and women. If
it is left untreated they can lead to infertility issues. These diseases can have disastrous effects on
reproductive health, but they can be easily prevented, treated and avoided by practicing safe sex.
Hence, for this, proper reproductive health and sexual education is necessary to provide to
3. Contraception
Contraception is obviously a key factor in sexual health and impacts almost every other element.
Using the right contraception will not only prevent you from unwanted pregnancy and STIs, but
it will also give you more control around your reproductive health.
4. Menstrual Cycle
When girls grow older it is natural process to change menstrual cycle and other physical changes.
In this process, a girl need more support to be acquainted with these changes. She needs an
advice and education on her sanitary options. These periods are an indicator of reproductive
health. Irregular cycles may indicate fertility issues or other reproductive diseases. Throughput
each stage, there should be support options and medical interventions that may be required to
maintain good sexual health.
Lastly, it is very important to provide sexual and reproductive health education to youths and
children before sexual initiation in order to develop their autonomy, knowledge and skills.
Adults can benefit from continuing sexuality education, especially when the time comes to
provide information and support to their own children.

Binita Poudel

B.V.Sc & AH 3rd Batch

IAAS Paklihawa, Rupandehi

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