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by NakeyJakey

For my documentary, I chose Esports by NakeyJakey. It is

about the impact of gaming being broadcasted and how it has
managed to bring communities together to enjoy a mutual
love of the sport. The documentary features various different
videos of major events that has occurred in the gaming
industry from when Esports was just getting known to when it
was in its prime.

The filmmaker, NakeyJakey, tells us the story of how Esports

went from being a niche event held by small communities to a
stadium-wide spectacle with a prize pool of millions. He
explains this whilst showing different examples of popular
Esporting events. He connects it all together by giving us a
chronological timeline of events as the video progresses. This
helps the viewer to follow along easier. NakeyJakey uses a
variety of editing techniques to add a comedic narrative but
also manages to keep it informative. He does this with fast .
paced editing mixed with different sound effects and quick
transitions between segments.

I believe that the overall message of the film was that gaming
as a whole isn’t as much of a joke as the media and general
public make it out to be. Ten to fifteen years ago, gaming was
seen as just another excuse for people to become inactive
and procrastinate, but now, gaming has managed to become
its own sport, bringing together communities and changing
lives. At the end of the documentary, NakeyJakey gives the
viewer some advice: he tells us to take a chance and check if
there’s any Esporting events happening near us. Whether th
there’s any Esporting events happening near us. Whether
they’re centered around our favourite games or not, there’s
always a chance we could meet somebody new with similar
interests to us, and maybe find a community we fit perfectly
in to.

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