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You might be called this animal

If someone thinks that you’re afraid
This is something that you might eat
As well as its eggs that it laid
Which animal am I?

Answer: Chicken

2. I have no sword, I have no spear, yet rule a horde which many fear,
my soldiers fight with a wicked sting, I rule with might, yet am no
king. What am I?

Answer: A queen bee

3. My start goes on toast, and my end’s how birds move. My baby eats
leaves but I drink flowers. What am I?

Answer: Butterfly

4. The height of my legs, usually around 6 feet, is taller than most humans.
What am I?

Answer: Giraffe

5. I fly in the air. I eat seeds and worms. I say “Tweet, Tweet.” What am

Answer: Bird

6. I have wings and I have a tail, across the sky is where I sail. Yet I
have no eyes, ears, or mouth, and I bob randomly from north to
south. What am I?

Answer: Kite

7. I live in a bowl.

I can swim.
I have a tail.
I also have fins and big eyes.
What am I?

Answer: Goldfish
8. This is something black and white

But it’s not an old TV

It’s a type of animal
That starts with the letter Z
What animal is it?

Answer: Zebra

9. I have four legs but no tail. Usually, I am heard only at night. What
am I?

Answer: Frog

10. I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

Answer: Kangaroo

11. I like to hop around. I’m a tadpole when I’m young. I am green and I
croak. And catch flies with my long tongue. What am I?

Answer: Frog

12. I am a type of animal

Some say that I have a long face

I’m very good at running fast
So people ride me in a race
What am I?

Answer: Horse

13. I am small and colorful. I have got big wings. I live in gardens. I
used to be a caterpillar. What am I?

Answer: Butterfly

14. I look like you except I have a tail, I am a good tree climber. I can
mimic you very easily. I eat fruits, insects and flowers. My favorite
food is bananas. What am I?

Answer: Monkey
15. I grow down as I grow up. What am I?

Answer: Goose. Goose feathers are called down.

16. I live in the ocean. I have very sharp teeth and I eat meat. What am

Answer: Shark

17. I am the largest animal with a huge trunk. Who am I?

Answer: Elephant

18. I have arms that are longer than my legs. I have been taught sign
language to communicate. Who am I?

Answer: Gorilla

19. I like to stay awake at night and sleep during the day. Who am I?

Answer: Owl

20. I have whiskers and live as a pet at home. Who am I?

Answer: Cat

21. I am the fastest animal but cannot climb the tree. Who am I?

Answer: Cheetah

22. I am called the king of the jungle and it’s hard to tame me. Who am

Answer: Lion

23. I am a domestic animal living in the field. I like to eat grass and
produce milk. Who am I?

Answer: Cow

24. I make a web around the place and catch prey by biting or stinging.
Who am I?
Answer: Spider

25. I like to hum and fly in the air. Also, sip nectar from the flowers.
Who am I?

Answer: Hummingbird

26. I am the biggest reptile living in the water and have a shoe named
after me. Who am I?

Answer: Crocodile.

27. I might be tiny but I can lift things that are about 5000 times my
weight, if I want to climb a tower that is tall and mighty. What am I?

Answer: Ant

28. I’m too big to be a pet, I might be large with a small head, but once
I’ve seen something I’ll never forget. Who am I?

Answer: Elephant

29. I fly all night and sleep at dawn, when I do that, I hang upside
down. Who am I?

Answer: Bat

30. When in water, I use my flippers to glide and on snow, on my belly

I’ll slide. What am I?

Answer: Penguin

31. I’m one of the most beautiful birds you’ll find with two eyes in front
and hundreds behind. What am I?

Answer: Peacock

32. I stand on four legs and a wagging tail at the end, I bark when I see
strangers or my friend. What am I?

Answer: Dog
33. I live on a farm and I’m pink. I go around saying “oink..oink.” If you
come close, you’ll realize I stink. What am I?

Answer: Pig

34. I have horns but I don’t beep, I can jump and climb things even if
they’re steep, and I like to bleat even though I’m not a sheep. What
am I?

Answer: Goat

35. I entangle my prey with a web of sticky string and before I eat them
I bite or sting. What am I?

Answer: A spider

36. I creep and crawl with no eyes, legs or ears but I can move the
earth with my peers. What am I?

Answer: Earthworm

37. Without me Thanksgiving and Christmas are incomplete, when I’m

on the table everyone tends to overeat. What am I?

Answer: Turkey

38. I carry my home with me, whether I’m in water or on land. What am

Answer: Turtle

39. The English alphabet goes from A to Z but my name goes from Z to
A. What am I?

Answer: Zebra

40. I have no legs so I crawl on my belly. I sleep with my eyes open

and curl into a ring. But, don’t disturb me because I have a lethal
sting. What am I?

Answer: Snake

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