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1. I have a mane but I’m not a lion, and I wear my shoes to bed. Who am I?

( Horse)
2. I like to hop around. I’m tadpole when I’m young. I’m green and I croak. And I catch flies with my
long tongue. What am I? (Frog)
3. The height of my legs usually around 6 feet, is taller than most humans. What am I? (Giraffe)
4. I have horns but I can’t sleep. I like to beat but I’m not a sheep. what am I? (Goat)
5. I’m bigger that a cow, can peel my own bananas, and don’t eat meat. What am I?(Elephant)
6. I have a circle around my eyes even when I’m not tired. Who am I? (Panda)
7. Only polar bears and brown bears are bigger than me amongst land carnivores. I have a tail that is
about three feet long. What am I? (Tiger)
8. I hide my treasure in the ground, my tail is big and fluffy. If you spot me on a tree, please don’t call
me scruffy. Who am I ? (Squirrel)
9. I’m big and fluffy, and a little bit scruffy. I live in the wood and give big hug. And if live on your
bed, you might call me Ted. What am I ?(Bear)
10. I can eat up to 20 pound per day of meat from animals like deer, elk, and moose. I can sometimes
room up to 12 miles a day. What am I ? (Wolf)
11. I build a home from sticky string and catch my prey with a bit of sting. Who am I ? (Spider)
12. It takes me two weeks to digest food, but then again I’m not noted for being a fast. What am I ?
13. I have to long ears and I don’t walk. I hop. What am I ? (Rabbit)
14. I live upside down. I see with my ears and don’t use my eyes. And on Halloween, I’ll give you big
surprise. Who am I ? (Bat)
15. When I’m born, I have white spots that disappear as I get older. The spots help me blend in to my
surrounding. My coat is usually light brown in color. Who am I ? ( Deer)
16. I’m fruit, a bird and person. Who am I ? (Kiwi)
17. I’m the only cat that lives in groups-royal bloodlines deserve a court. What am I ? (Lion)
18. The alphabet goes from A to Z but I go to Z to A. what am I ? (Zebra)
19. I have no eyes, legs, or ears. But I can move the earth if you give me time. Who am I ? (Warm)
20. I have a long body but I have no leg. I have poison. I eat small animal e specially frog. Who am I ?
21. I look green but what you eat is red, and what you spit out is black. Who am I ? (watermelon)
22. I am the father of all fruits. Who am I ? (Papaya)
23. I’m a fruits, my color is red but sometimes green I’m as famous as company. who am I ? ( Apple)
24. I am a fruit that is always sad. Who am I ? (Blueberry)
25. I’m a fruit. My color is red I can be used to sip water. Who am I ? (Strawberry)
26. I can be red or green and I grow on a vine, I’m dried to make raisins, or squeezed to make a wine.
What am I ? (grape)
27. I’m red and small, and I have a heart of stone. Who am i? ( Cherry)
28. Remove the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside and throw away the inside. What am I ? (corn)
29. I’m vegetables. I am long, I have purple color and I’m a veggie that grows eggs. What am I ?
30. You cut me, chop me, dice me, and cry over me. Who am I ? (onion)
31. Rabbits like to eat me when I’m in the field. I’m an orange vegetables that test best when peeled.
What am I ? (carrot)
32. I’m transportation, I always in the and I am the biggest on the sea. Who am I ? (ship)
33. I’m transportation. I have my own way actually I’m the longest transportation. Who am I ? (train)
34. I’ am transportation. I can take everyone up to everywhere. Everyone will looking for me if they
don’t have private transportation. I’m big and have six wheels. Who am I ? (bus)
35. I am transportation. I have 4 wheels, I’m including to car but mostly everyone will use me for hiking
36. I always fly, I’ m smaller that airplane. And I’m just for two people. Who am I ? helicopter
37. I am transportation, I always stay at hospital, and I always ready for emergency moment. who am I ?
38. I’m full of people. You can find anything on me, your mother obviously always go to me, especially
in the morning. Who am I ? (market)
39. Children, teenagers, and adult people always come to me every morning except Monday. They will
always study on me. Who am I ? (school)
40. Every Moslems will come to me for praying. You can find me easily. Who am I ? (mosque)
41. I’m a public place. I will give a good and delicious food in paid. Who am I ? (restaurant)
42. I’m a public place, I can educated everyone who come to me. And I’m fool of historical things. Who
am I ? (museum)
43. I have much money, you can find me in the city center easily. People will come to me to save their
money. Who am I ? (bank)
44. I’m full of worker, I can product anything. Who am I ? (factory)
45. I’m a public place. I will full of people for praying on Monday. Who am I ? (church)
46. I can be in the school, in campus or even in city center. You can read and borrow any books on me.
Who am I ? (library)
47. I’m a public place. I can entertain people who came to me because I have many movies. Who am I ?

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