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英語/第 6 冊/閱讀測驗/閱讀測驗 /【題目卷】  


()1、Which of the following is TRUE about the reading?

EcoArk can stay cool because of the cool wind.

The weather in Yuling is good for growing roses.
People can see different building styles at Yuling Floral Expo.
People can see Chinese plants in the middle of Minnan Old House and Museum.

()2、My twin brother and I are parts of a person's body. One is on the right side, and the other is on the left
side. Both of us have five children, and we live together. People use us to take something. What are we?


()3、We are a kind of fruit. Most of us are red, and some are green. We come from high mountains because we
like colder weather. People can see us easily in Lishan central Taiwan. What are we?


()4、I am something you will find in the classroom. Teachers write on me with chalk while they teach so that
students can see clearly. What am I?

A dictionary.
A playground.
A blackboard.
A notebook.

()5、We are black animals with two wings. We usually fly out to go hunting for bugs or insects while it gets
dark. When we rest, we hang in the holes, caves, or the trees upside down. What are we?


()6、I am something hot. People use me to bake their food or boil the water, or use me to light up in the dark.
What am I?


()7、I am something yellow that can be eaten. I am made from milk, and people usually eat me at breakfast.
They often bake two pieces of toast first and then put me between them. What am I?


()8、I am a good helper while people read. They come to me for help when they have words which they don't
know. What am I?

A classmate.
A blackboard.
A dictionary.
A question.

()9、We are thin brothers, and we are usually made of bamboo (竹子). Chinese or Japanese people usually use
us while they eat. What are we?


()10、We have five feet. People usually use us to keep their hands warm when the weather gets cold. What are


()11、I am something on which students write down what their teachers say or those which they think are
important. I am made of paper. What am I?

A workbook.
A notebook.
A postcard.
A marker.
()12、I am something with which people drink soup while they eat meals. I can be plastic or metal. What am

A dish.
A knife.
A fork.
A spoon.

()13、We are twins that people wear to keep their feet from getting hurt. What are we?


()14、I am soft and comfortable. People usually put me in their living room. When they are free, they enjoy
sitting on me while watching TV or drinking their favorite tea or coffee. What am I?

A bed.
A bench.
A couch.
A drawer.

()15、I have a big, broad head and only one thin leg. People use me when it is sunny or rainy to keep them
away from the heat or the rain. What am I?

A sweater.
A raincoat.
An umbrella.
An uniform.

()16、I am something in which people put their money, credit cards and their ID cards. People usually put me
in their pocket. What am I?

A bag.
A wallet.
A mask.
A bank.

()17、I am a very big storm which always brings with me a lot of rain and strong wind. I usually hit the
eastern part of Taiwan first before attacking other parts. What am I?

A rainbow.
A typhoon.
A snowman.
An earthquake.

()18、I am something that connects (連接) the two banks of a river. People walk or drive on me to cross the
river. What am I?

A bridge.
A truck.
A boat.
A train.

()19、I am a part of a person's body. Food and water get into the body through me. I have teeth with which I
can chew (咀嚼) the food. What am I?

A nose.
An ear.
An eye.
A mouth.

()20、I'm something that people can't live without. People take me out of rivers, lakes or from the rain. What
am I?


()21、My body is long and thin. I have only one foot. When I walk, I leave ink on paper. People use me to
write. What am I?

A pen.
An eraser.
A ruler.
A glue.

()22、I'm an outside place in a school on which students enjoy playing at their break time. What am I?

A restaurant.
A playground.
A newspaper.
A blackboard.

()23、I'm a box in which people keep their food fresh. My body inside is cold, and my head is cold enough to
make ice. What am I?

A refrigerator.
A television.
A kangaroo.
A watermelon.

()24、We are taken by a special kind of machine and record what happened for people. People keep us
because we can give them clear memory no matter whether they are sweet or sorry. What am I?


()25、We are colorful parts of some plants. Bees like visiting us to take something from us to make honey.
What are we?


()26、I come from plants. People like to use me while they make cakes or bread in order that they taste sweet.
What am I?


()27、I come from an animal. People enjoy drinking me, especially (尤其是) at breakfast. Mothers like feeding
their babies with me. What am I?


()28、I have four legs, but I always stand and never walk. People like to sit on me when they are tired. What
am I?

A horse.
A chair.
A truck.
A glove.
()29、I have a tail. I always work with a computer. People like to hold me in their hand while they surf the
Internet. They give me an animal name, but I, in fact, am not an animal at all. What am I?

A mouse.
A horse.
A rabbit.
A goose.

()30、Though I have no legs and feet, I always keep walking round. If I stop, people won't know when to go to
school or go to work. What am I?

A computer.
A bicycle.
A clock.
A ball.

()31、Sue: Ted! You've been in there for more than thirty minutes!
Ted: I'm enjoying myself with the hot water. I feel so comfortable and relaxed.
Sue: But I have a date, and it's almost seven.
Ted: OK, OK. I'm getting dressed. Give me one more minute.
Question: Where's Ted?

In the kitchen.
In the living room.
In the bathroom.
In the classroom.

()32、Robin: Hey, don't kick the table! The glass might fall off.
Sam: I didn't do anything, my dear. Don't you feel the house shaking?
Question: Which is true?

Robin is sick and feels dizzy.

Robin is kicking the table.
They are playing with the glass.
There's an earthquake when they're talking.

()33、Robert: Wow, the chocolate tastes delicious. Where did you get it?
Alex: My aunt gave it to me two days ago when I visited her.
Question: Which is true?

Robert enjoys eating the chocolate Alex gave him.

Robert's aunt gave Alex the chocolate.
Alex visited Robert's aunt two days ago.
Alex bought the chocolate at his aunt's store.
()34、Joy: Hi, this is Joy. Is Henry there?
Henry: Speaking.
Joy: Are you free today? I need your help with my homework.
Henry: All right. But I have to go out with my father this afternoon.
Question: Which is true?

Both Joy and Henry are in their classroom.

Henry can't help Joy this morning.
They do not have to go to school today.
Joy's father will go out with her.

()35、Peter: Daniel had a great game today, right?

Cathy: Yes, he played so well. He made six three-point shots in the game.
Question: What are Peter and Cathy talking about?

An English test.
A basketball player.
A movie theater.
A computer game.


Here are six books. Answer the following questions according to the book list.

()36、Kelly is an American. She has never been to Taiwan. She knows Taiwan is famous for its beautiful
national parks, and she wants to visit them. What book should she buy for her trip?
Inside Your not So Big House
Successful Planting in the Garden
A Handbook for Taiwan's National Parks
Taking Care of Your Rabbit

()37、Because of several typhoons during these months, vegetables get more and more expensive. Mr.
Wang plans to plant some vegetables in his big garden. What book should he buy?
Fruits and Our Health
Modern American History
Inside Your not So Big House
Successful Planting in the Garden

()38、My daughter loves rabbits, and she wants to keep one. In order to give her the best care, what book
should she buy?
Taking Care of Your Rabbit
A Handbook for Taiwan's National Parks
Successful Planting in the Garden
Inside Your not So Big House

()39、Thomas Birdsall is one of Amanda's favorite writers because his books usually help her a lot while
she writes her reports. What course does Amanda study?


Fred:It's warm and comfortable.
Peter:Yeah. I like the time best during a day.
Fred:It's strange. Mother hasn't come yet!
Peter:She has come! When she called outdoors, I said "Yes."
Fred:So, she's preparing something to eat now?
Peter:I think so.
Fred:Would you please look at the clock near you? How much time do we still have?
Peter:No more than five minutes. I'd like to take a hot bath later.
Peter:Taking a hot bath is great in this kind of weather, you know.
Fred:Yes, but it's in the early morning. Didn't you take it last night? How dirty you are!
Peter:What're you talking about? My English teacher says it's great to take a hot bath in so cold the
weather, and I want to try it today. You can imagine how nice and comfortable it is!
Fred:Brushing the teeth, washing the face, having breakfast, riding bikes to school, and taking your hot
bath. Then, we should get up now, or we'll be late.
Peter:You're right. Now! Let's go!

()40、Where are Fred and Peter when they are talking?

In bed.
At school.
In the bathroom.
At the table.

()41、When is it now?
In the early morning.
In the first class.
In the late afternoon.
In the early evening.

()42、What's "it" in "Didn't you take it last night" in the dialogue?

The medicine.
The clock.
A bath.
The weather.

()43、What would the mother want the two brothers to do when she called them?
She wanted them to go shopping to get some food to eat.
She wanted to tell them that they had to wear more clothes.
She wanted them to take a bath because they hadn't done it yet.
She wanted to call them to get up to get ready for school.


Some students are talking about the tests next week.
George: Are you all ready for the tests next Thursday and Friday?
Jay: Not yet. I'm sure most of us are the same. We still have a lot of time, don't we?
Harry: Yeah. I always study at the last minute.
Tony: But I'm still worried. The tests on the second day are easier, but those on the first day are awful.
Both math and science on that day are hard for me. I usually don't do well on the two subjects, you
Ben: George can help you with math.
Tony: How about science, George?
George: You can ask Dave. He is a good science teacher.
Tony: But he isn't our science teacher!
George: That's all right. He doesn't mind. He will help any students who have questions about science.
Jay: By the way, who can help me? I've got an English question.
Ben: Why not ask Kevin? English is his favorite. He helped me a lot about English last time.
()44、Who is a good science teacher?

()45、What does awful mean in the fifth line?


()46、Which is true according to the dialog?

George is good at English.
Tony's math and science aren't good.
Dave teaches Tony's class.
Harry always studies very hard.


Why can't I watch cartoons after school? They can make me forget the tiring day at school. They
always want me to study and study. Is studying the only thing a junior high school student can do?
Can't I have my free time to do my favorite activities? I really don't understand. Studying at the cram
school takes most of my time at night. After getting home, I still have to do my homework. It usually
makes me go to bed after 11:30 every night. Last Friday, I asked them to give me a free day during a
week. They told me I can have free Saturday if I get good grades on the tests. So I have to go to my
study room to work hard for my free Saturday now.

()47、Who are they?

My parents.
My teachers.
My friends.
My classmates.

()48、What is it?
Studying at the cram school.
Watching my favorite cartoons.
Going home from the school.
Studying and doing homework.

()49、Why do I still have to study hard now?

For forgetting a tiring day.
For my free Saturday.
For going to bed early.
For a good cram school.

()50、What does the writer think about the time between after school and before dinner?
Time for reviewing what he learns on that day.
Time for collecting all the garbage at home.
Time for resting and doing one's own things.
Time for bathing and get ready for dinner.


When I studied in Kaohsiung, I lived in the dormitory for four years with four of my classmates. Old
Chang was four years older than me. He played table tennis best, and he was also the best player in our
school. Archie, who was the oldest of us, played basketball very well, although he played ping-pong
well, too. Junior Chang, like Archie, who came from Yunlin, could play both, but not very well. Fatty
was another Junior Chang, but he was from Penghu. He was born in 1958. How about me? I, who was
one year younger than Fatty, was not the youngest but the worst in playing table tennis. How about my

basketball? Oh, like Old Chang, I knew nothing about it.

()51、Who was the youngest one?

Junior Chang.

()52、When was I born?

In 1956.
In 1957.
In 1958.
In 1959.

()53、Who couldn't play basketball?

Old Chang.
Junior Chang.


Peter tries to get a second job, and he needs to learn English. He goes to a cram school, and a man
wants him to decide the time. He looks at the table on the desk, and it reads:

The man says to Peter, "The classes on Monday and Wednesday are the same, Tuesday and Thursday
are the same, and Friday and Saturday are the same. You can change your time."

()54、Peter has to take his son to a cram school at 5:20 p.m. on Monday and Thursday, and he usually
goes swimming with his family on the weekend morning. What day CAN'T he go to school?
On Wednesday.
On Thursday.
On Friday.
On Saturday.

()55、Next Tuesday Peter will go to his friend's dinner party. What day can he take the same class?
On Wednesday.
On Thursday.
On Friday.
On Saturday.


Weekends are nice for me. I can sleep late and no one calls me to get up. Sometimes I can have my
breakfast at lunch time. I can read comic books, watch TV, and play computer games. No teachers will
want me to study and study. "What? There's a test on Monday! … Oh, come on! Take it easy. Today is
only Saturday. I can study for it tomorrow." Then, Sunday comes. Mother will say the same words,
"Jack, study for tomorrow's test. Don't play again." "Take it easy, Mom. I'll do it at night," I always
give her the same answer.

()56、What does the sentence "Sometimes I can have my breakfast at lunch time." mean?
I eat my breakfast and then my lunch.
I get up very late and don't eat my breakfast.
Sometimes I eat only lunch to save money.
Sometimes my mother doesn't cook breakfast.

()57、What day is tomorrow in "Jack, study for tomorrow's test"?


I Like Weekends Very Much
I can Play a Lot of Things on Weekends
I Study Only Before the Tests
I Never Study on Weekends


The Kao family's favorite activity after dinner is watching TV. Mr. Kao likes sports, but Mrs. Kao likes
movies on Movie World. Their daughter, Jenny, is an animal fan. How about her 9-year-old brother,
Steve? Children's Channel is his favorite.

()59、The family love the oldest elephant in the world, Lin-Wang, very much. Last month it died. They all
want to watch the program about it. When do they have to turn on their TV to watch it?

()60、According to Mr. Kao's interest, what will he be watching at 21:30?

Dogs with Jobs.
Baseball in the USA.
Joe's Busy Day.

()61、After coming back from outside at 8:20 p.m., Steve turned on the TV and chose what he liked. What
program was he watching then?
Stories on Christmas.
Live and Let Die.
How to Play Basketball Well.
Dog's Funny Stories.

()62、Jenny's teacher wants her students to write something about lions or tigers. When is the best time
for Jenny to get the information about these kinds of animals?


()63、Dr. Lin likes baseball very much, and he is a big fan of the Bulls. He has free time on April 20.
Where can he watch his favorite baseball game?
In Chiayi City.
In Hsinchu.
In Douliou.
In Tainan.

()64、How many places will the Elephants and the Cobras play their games in this baseball season?

()65、Why are all the games held after 6:00 p.m. during the week?
The players can see the ball more clearly.
Most people are still at work before the time.
The weather is usually better at that time.
Both he players and spectators need to eat dinner.


Mr. Luo A-tung is broadcasting to all the students after school:
The weather report says the typhoon, Ma-on, is coming to us. Remember to close all the doors and
windows and go home as fast as you can. Do not go to other places. It's raining heavily now. If you don't
have any umbrellas, come to the office, and call your parents to take you home. Mr. Lai will help you.
Class 908, Chen Wen-lung. Come to the office now. Your father brought you something. He wanted you
to wait for him in the office. Class 909, Liu Mei-ting. Your father wanted you to call him. You still have
to get up early tomorrow morning to watch TV to know if you want to come to school. Be careful on

your way home.

()66、What doesn't A-tung say in his broadcast?

To go home fast.
To close the doors.
To prepare more food.
To watch TV tomorrow.

()67、Who is him in "He wanted you to wait for him in the office."?
Mr. Chen.
Mr. Lai.
Mr. Luo.
Mr. Liu.


It is near the ending of a PE class. The teacher, Mr. Yu, is standing in front of the students of Class 715
in the playground. He is telling something to the students about what they need to bring for the next

Next time is our first swimming class in this school. The first stroke we want to learn is the one like a
frog. I'm sure most of you have known how to do it. After three classes of it, we'll learn the crawl, which
is the fastest stroke of the four. The only stroke that we won't learn is " butterfly" because it's the
hardest. Everyone has to bring their own goggles and swimming caps, and the boys bring their
swimming trunks, and the girls swimming suits. Do not forget those things for swimming. If you forget
them, you have to clean the floor around the swimming pool during the class. Swimming is the best
exercise in summer. Don't miss it.

()68、What will the students who don't bring anything for swimming do in the next PE class?
They will clean the floor around the swimming pool.
They will sit by the pool and watch their classmates.
They will help Mr. Yu to take care of the students.
They will get something for their classmates to eat.

()69、Which one is NOT true?

Mr. Yu will teach the students three strokes during the semester.
Mr. Yu tells the students about the things in the swimming class.
The boys should bring their swimming caps, goggles, and trunks.
The stroke which is like a frog is called breaststroke.


Do you know Kevin Kern? He is a great pianist. Like Beethoven, Kevin has a big eye problem, too. But
they both play beautiful music. Kevin's music is very sweet and lovely. Sometimes it takes you to the
garden and sometimes it takes you to the sky. Now you don't have to listen to the popular songs only.
Find a sunny afternoon, and listen to Kevin's piano. It's really wonderful.

()70、What is Kevin?
A singer.
A pianist.
A lawyer.
A teacher.

()71、How's Kevin's music?

It's serious.
It's beautiful.
It's exciting.
It's strong.


More and more students take cell phones with them to school now. At school, we can see them talking
with cell phones here and there. Some cell phones can do much more things than just talking. They can
play music or take pictures. Some of them can even send or get pictures. The cell phone is really a
convenient device.

Do the students really need cell phones? They can easily have a talk with their classmates or friends at
school without cell phones. Do their parents have so much to say to their children? If they want to tell
their children something, they can ask their teachers for help. It's also convenient.

Last week, we had a bad experience. Someone's cell phone rang during the Chinese class. The teacher
got a little angry, of course. Some students started to talk about it and didn't listen to what the teacher
was saying. Later the phone rang again. This time the teacher got really mad and asked the owner of
the cell phone to take it to her, but no one did what she said. The teacher got even angrier, and she just
stood there, and later the class was over.
Are cell phones really convenient?

()72、What can't we do with a cell phone now?

Play some music.
Talk with friends.
Play a DVD.
Send pictures.

()73、Why didn't some of the students listen to their Chinese teacher last week?
The teacher gave a test in the class.
A parent came to talk to his son.
The students wanted to study English.
A cell phone rang during the class.

()74、What does the writer think of cell phones?

Students can buy much better cell phones next year.
Taking cell phones to school is convenient for students.
The Chinese teacher can use her cell phone in class, too.
There's no need for students to take cell phones to school.

()75、What does device mean in the first paragraph?

A person who helps others.
A teacher who teaches well.
A picture that looks funny.
A tool that does a special job.


Some students are having their breakfast together in the classroom.
Huck: Our breakfast time again! Good food and good friends to talk to. This is why I like coming to
Amy: Don't you talk with your family? We usually do our talking during the meals.
Danny: He doesn't have any brothers and sisters, and his parents don't enjoy talking too much.
Amy: Hey, Helen, we both have hamburgers! Where did you get yours?
Helen: I got it at Mother Li's Great Morning. The hamburgers there are really ambrosial.
Jeff: Helen is right. I have my breakfast there every weekend. Every time I go there, I always order a
Danny: Last month, my uncle from Taipei came to my home, and I took him there to eat breakfast. He
liked their hamburgers very much. He ate three in 5 minutes!
Amy: I'll try it on Saturday. Where is it?
Helen: Go along Hualien Street to Good Reader Bookstore, and you'll find it on your right.

()76、What does the word ambrosial mean?

()77、Who never goes to Great Morning for breakfast?

()78、Which one is NOT true?

Danny's uncle lives in Taipei.
Huck is the only child in his family.
Jeff likes Good Reader Bookstore's hamburgers.
Amy will go to Mother Li's store on Saturday morning.



Look at the first picture on the right side. It's called an ice skating shoe. Three hundred years ago, Hans
Brinker, living in Holland in Europe, wanted to enjoy skating in summer and winter. By changing the shoes a
little, he could skate on roads without ice. However, the first pair of real roller-skating shoes were invented by
Joseph Merlin, who lived in Belgium in Europe. A hundred years later, thousands of people were roller-
skating in the USA, and it got popular in the 1930s. In 1979, Scott and Brennan Olson, living in Minneapolis
in the US, made the first rollerblading shoes now we are using. The two brothers built a factory to make the
shoes later and made a lot of money as the sport of rollerblading got more and more popular.

()79、Who made the first real roller-skating shoes?

Hans Brinker.
Joseph Merlin.
Scott Olson.
Brennan Olson.

()80、Where was the first rollerblading shoe made?

In Belgium.
In Holland.
In America.
In Japan.

()81、Where was the idea of skating on the road without ice created first?
In America.
In England.
In Holland.
In Belgium.


Many years ago, there was a man called Wang Sheng. He liked to travel when he had free time.
One day he carried his package and rode his bicycle on his way to a town. It was getting dark, and he
began to see some trees, and then the trees were more and more. He knew he had got into a forest, and
he had to pass it as quickly as he could.
It was darker now and he could almost see nothing. He took out his old flashlight, but the light wasn't
bright enough, so he couldn't see the road very clearly.
Suddenly he heard a noise -- "Oooo ..." Mr. Wang was scared and his heart was beating very fast. "Is
there anything wrong?" he thought. He was told before that there was a ghost in this place when it was
dark, and it was dangerous for only one man to pass it. He was so scared that he couldn't think what he
wanted to do next. After looking at the direction where the noise came from for a while, he sang the
song which he often sang and went on his riding slowly.
A few minutes later, a woman's voice was heard: "Hello, would you please give me something to eat?
I'm so hungry." Mr. Wang tried to find where the woman was. When he looked back, a very beautiful
woman with long hair and white clothes caught his eye. He was very happy because she was really very
beautiful, and she could be his companion when he passed the terrible place. But he was frightened
again when he saw she did not stand on the ground. Instead, she floated! "Oh, my God! I really meet a
ghost." Mr. Wang, without answering her, turned back and rode his bike very fast. The woman did not
give up. She ran after him. "Help! Help!" Mr. Wang cried loudly, but no answer was heard. Soon he
saw a river in front of him. He did not know what to do because he was not able to swim, and the
woman was very near him now.
When he was troubled, he saw a bridge near him. He rode across it very fast. At last he saw a weak
light from a house far away. He didn't look back and ran towards it to ask for help.

()82、Who passed the forest with Mr. Wang?

His wife.
A girl.
No one.
His friend.

()83、Why did Mr. Wang know he met a ghost?

The woman wore long white clothes.
The woman floated above the ground.
The woman needed something to eat.
The woman ran after his very fast.

()84、What does companion mean in the third paragraph?

A person walking with him.
A classmate studying with him.
A girlfriend living with him.
A stranger playing with him.

()85、Why did Wang Sheng sing the song that he often sang?
He tried his best to calm himself down.
He wanted to show the girl he was friendly.
He had seen the girl who made the noise.
He wanted to pass the forest happily.

()86、Which one of the following is NOT true?

Someone saved Mr. Wang.
The forest was very dangerous.
Mr. Wang's flashlight didn't help much.
Mr. Wang swam across the river.


One day Mr. Green stayed in a big hotel in Kaohsiung for his business. He was very tired after he went
back to the hotel, so he took a bath after getting into his room.

Thirty minutes later, he went out of the bathroom. He felt very comfortable and was going to bed. He
looked at his watch. It's almost twelve o'clock. He took off his clothes, turned off the light and went to

After Mr. Green fell into sleep for a few minutes, someone knocked his door. Mr. Green was awaken
and was very angry because he was really very, very tired. He opened the door and saw a police officer
standing in front of him. "I'm sorry, sir," the policeman said, "It's said a very rich man lost all his
money in the building. Everyone here is suspected to be the thief." "I didn't steal it, sir," said Mr.
Green. "Maybe you are right," said the policeman, "but I'm very sorry we still want to check your
room. Would you please turn on the light and let me in?" Mr. Green did as he asked. But the light
didn't work. So the policeman opened the windows to let the light in and checked Mr. Green's room.
Nothing could he find but Mr. Green's case in which Mr. Green's things were put. There were only his
clothes in it.

As the policeman was thinking, he saw a small pack in another side of the room. Then he opened it and
found a lot of money in it. Both of them were very surprised. "Now, you get into big trouble, Mr.
Green," said the policeman. "How will you explain it?" Standing in the middle of the room, Mr. Green
couldn't say anything. A minute later, Mr. Green said, "To tell the truth, I didn't know why the money
was here, either. I came back at 11:30 last night and went to bed at 12:00 because I was so tired." But
the policeman didn't listen to him. He said, "If you want to say anything about this, please go with me,

and you can say as you like at the police station."

()87、What did the police officer do when he found the light didn't work?
To try to turn it on again.
To open the case himself.
To keep the door open.
To open the window.

()88、Where did Mr. Green finally stay at that night?

At the hotel.
At the police station.
At his home.
At the hospital.

()89、What didn't Mr. Green do before he went to bed?

Taking a bath.
Taking his clothes off.
Watching some TV.
Turning off the lights.

()90、Which one is NOT true about the story?

The officer found the money in Mr. Green's room.
The officer came when Mr. Green was asleep.
The rich man lost his money on his way to work.
Mr. Green told the officer the truth about the money.

()91、What's the better title for the story?

An Unhappy Experience at the Hotel
A Smart Police Officer in Kaohsiung
An Exciting Day During the Trip
A Rich Man's Big Money




()92、Which one is true?

We lived in Tsaotun but started in Taichung.
We ate a lot of fruit on the way to Puli.
We ate our dinner at Sun Moon Lake.
We went back at three on the next day.
()93、Which one is true?
Sun Moon Lake is too big to see the other side of the lake.
There's only one lake larger than Sun Moon Lake in Taiwan.
People can not only boat but also fish at Sun Moon Lake.
It takes three hours to drive from Puli to Sun Moon Lake.



()94、What will the student learn in the PE class on Wednesday?

Ping pong.

()95、What doesn't John need to do after school on Tuesday night?

Meet his friends at a fast food restaurant.
Practice the music of The Little Bees.
Use the Internet to get some information.
Study science for tomorrow's test.

()96、Which one ISN'T true in the dialog between the teacher, Mr. Chen, and John's father, Mr. Chang?
John does not do well in his math homework.
John often doesn't listen to his teacher during the math class.
John has to go to the cram school to study math twice a week.
John has to stay at school to do more math practice every day.

()97、Which one ISN'T true about John's school life?

Lucy is Jolin Tsai's big fan and has her latest song.
John didn't take Jacky's pen the day before yesterday.
Coco went out with her boy friend after school.
Mr. Wang ate in a fast food restaurant yesterday.


Ms. Yang asked her students in Class 815 about what they usually do after school from 7:30 p.m. to
10:00 p.m. The table shows her findings:

()98、How many students spend the time studying from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.?

()99、How many students do NOT spend the time studying?


()100、Which of the following is NOT true??

The most students go to the cram school from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
More students spend time watching TV than studying in their rooms.
Only one of Ms. Yang's students sleeps from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Five of the students spend the time helping their parents.


It's Thursday morning. Sally, a teacher at Wonder Junior High School in Hualien, finds a note on her
way to the office. Sally picks it up, and here is what's written on the note.

Sally opened it and it said:

Sally knows Polly, a student in Class 720. Polly always gets good grades on the tests and is a good
student in teachers' eyes. After reading the note, Sally feels that something bad may happen. So she

decides to do something right away to stop it from happening.

()101、How did Edward tell Polly to go to Taipei on the weekend?

By e-mail.
Through Sophia.
By writing a note.
Through Sally.

()102、What should Sally do on Thursday after reading the note?

Go to the station to meet Polly.
Tell Edward never to call Polly again.
Ask Sophia to go to the station with her.
Tell Polly's teacher to do something about it.

()103、Which is NOT true?

Polly wants to meet Edward on the weekend.
Polly's parents know she will go to Taipei.
Polly plans to leave Hualien on Friday night.
Polly got to know her boyfriend through the Internet.


Each country has her national flag, and usually there is a story behind each national flag. The national
flag of the United Kingdom has an interesting story, too.
The UK has four parts. They are England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. They all have their
own flags. When Wales became part of England in 1542, the flag of England was the one used—nothing
was changed. However, in 1603, when Scotland joined England to form a new country, the two national
flags were put together to form a new flag. The last member, Ireland, joined the kingdom in 1801, and
it was in that year that the modern flag we see today appeared. In 1992, however, parts of Ireland left
the kingdom to become a new country. It also started to use its own flag.

()104、Which one of the following is true about how the national flag of the UK is formed?
()105、Which is true?
The national flag of the UK tells something about its history.
We can still find the Wales flag in today's national flag of the UK.
The national flag of the UK was formed in 1603.
The first to join the UK was Scotland.


The dodo, which couldn't fly, has been extinct for more than 300 years now. It lived on the island of
Mauritius, a country in the Indian Ocean. It stood about 100cm tall, ate fruit and built its nest on the

The last dodo was seen in 1681. Why did the dodo become extinct? It wasn't because of people's
hunting--the meat of the dodo wasn't delicious at all! It is now believed that the animals foreigners
brought to the island was one of the reasons for the dodo's extinction. Animals brought to Mauritius,
such as pigs, dogs, cats, rats, and macaques, ate the fat birds and their eggs on the ground while people
cut down the forests in which the dodo lived.

We should learn to love and try our best to protect what we have on the beautiful earth, or soon we
won't be able to see a certain animal or plant any more because of our carelessness.

()106、What does extinct mean?

If an animal is extinct, it is very expensive.
If an animal is extinct, it builds its nest on the ground.
If an animal is extinct, it can never be seen any more.
If an animal is extinct, it is protected by people.
()107、Which is true about "macaques"?
They are a special kind of animal.
They were friends of the dodos.
They cut down the trees in the forest.
They came to the island with Mauritian people.


Henry: Did you see Martha this morning, Bill?

Bill: Yes, I did. She's really a pretty girl as you said. Always sweet voices and friendly smiles on her
Tom: Does she have a boyfriend?
Henry: Oh, come on, Tom. I'm sure she is older than we all.
Tom: Is it the problem? My sister is older than her boyfriend, and they love each other.
Bill: Do you mean Cathy?
Tom: No, Cathy doesn't have any boyfriend. It's Linda. She is two years older than her boyfriend.
Andy: You often go to the convenience store, so why don't you ask her yourself. It's the fastest way to
find out.
Bill: Now I got it. That's why you often go there to get snacks for us. You want to go there so that you
can see her, right?
Henry: Hey! Look, who's coming? It's Betty!
Tom: We'd better leave right away. Don't let her know we're talking about girls, or we'll have a hard
time in her English class.

()108、Who are the boys talking about?

A girl who likes snacks.
A girl in the cram school.
A girl in a convenience store.
A girl who has a hard time learning English.

()109、Who is you?

()110、Which is true?
Henry loves Martha.
Cathy has a boyfriend.
Linda teaches English.
Tom has two older sisters.


Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world. It is a team sport in which two teams of five
active players each try to get points against one another by throwing a ball through a 10-foot high
basket under organized rules. The team with more points at the end of the game wins.

In early December, 1891, the basketball game was invented by Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian PE
instructor in Springfield, USA. In the beginning, he just wanted to find an indoor game for his students
in winter. He wrote the basic rules and nailed a peach basket with a bottom onto a 10-foot high wall.
The players got one point by shooting the brown soccer ball into the basket. He called the new game
"Basket Ball". This new kind of sport soon became one of the most popular sports in North America.

()111、In what time of the year was the basketball game invented?
In spring.
In summer.
In autumn.
In winter.

()112、What is NOT true about Dr. Naismith?

He wrote the rules for the game.
He was the best basketball player in 1891.
He wasn't born in the United States.
He was a PE teacher in Springfield.

()113、What's the best title (標題) for this passage (短文)?

The Most Popular Sport in the World
The Life of Dr. James Naismith
The History of Basketball
How to Play Basketball Well


This is a part of the school report of Class 920. Please answer the following questions according to the

()114、Who does the best on the exam?


()115、Who fails to pass all the five subjects?


()116、The homeroom teacher, Ms. Chen, tells her students that those who get less than 60 on any of the
five subjects will get remedial instruction (補救教學) after school. How many students need remedial
instruction in English?

()117、One of the students passes all the subjects except Math, and his/her mother wants him/her to work
harder on the subject. Who is the student?

()118、Who is the student that gets the highest grades in Chinese?



"I hate being overweight. My husband said he didn't mind but I knew he still hoped I had a beautiful
body. Everything from my waist to my legs was overweight. When I looked in the mirror, I had to
comfort myself that I looked better in full clothes.

My social life went out the window as I was never in the mood to go out. I'd spread my clothes out all
over my bed, knowing that I wouldn't fit into most of them. And when I finally left the house, I'd feel
too embarrassed to enjoy myself.

Finally, just after Christmas last year, I decided that something had to be done. I was at my fattest ever
after all those big meals and desserts.

I met Dr. Wallace and she was great. She told me I had to stop eating fast foods. It was very hard for
me because I was eating them three or four times a week: pizza, hamburgers, whatever I could get. But
I made a promise to myself at the start that I would try my best to do it -- and I did. I even cut down the
booze -- something I thought I could never do because I used to have two glasses of wine with dinner.

My best friend, Rachel Waterman, said I had to walk 10,000 steps every day. That, too, was very hard
for me at the start. I was used to driving everywhere, including the supermarket, which was about three
metres from my house!

But I began to walk everywhere instead. I walked in the morning before work and after work my
husband and I took a walk in the park together. Now I never go to bed until I've done my 10,000 steps.
Last month, my husband bought me an iPod, which keeps me going.

Losing the weight is wonderful -- I feel like a different person now, and can finally buy what I want to
in the shops. I am so proud of myself because everyone thought I wouldn't be able to do it – including
I love my new body, and I'll never let myself go back into my old ways.(改寫資料來

()119、Why did the woman's husband get an iPod for her?

It's a gift for her success in losing weight.
It's Rachel Waterman's suggestion (建議).
To help her relax (放輕鬆) after taking a long walk.
To keep her from feeling bored while walking.

()120、Who's the key person in the woman's success in losing weight?

The woman herself.
The woman's husband.
Dr. Wallace.
Rachel Waterman.

()121、What does "the booze" mean?

Fast foods.

()122、What does "My social life went out the window" mean?
The woman only held her parties out doors.
The woman often went out with her friends.
The woman didn't have social life at all.
The woman liked to look out of the window.

()123、Which is true?
The woman will not finish the 10,000 steps if it is late at night.
The woman feels very happy to have a new body.
The woman lost her weight without asking anyone for suggestion.
The woman followed her husband's suggestion and lost weight.

Here are some of Jacky's friends' cellphone numbers and e-mail addresses. Please answer the following
questions according to the table.

()124、This morning, Jacky got an e-mail from the address "". Who sent the e-
mail to him?

()125、One of Jacky's friends wants him to call him after 14:00 because he/she has something important
to tell him. His/Her phone number is 0986-857101. Who will Jacky call at that time?

()126、Jacky is invited to go to Richard's wedding. He plans to ask when it is by e-mail. What address will
he send the e-mail to?


This is an e-mail a student writes to his teacher. Read the e-mail and answer the following questions.
()127、Who changed the writer's attitude in learning math when he was in junior high school?

()128、Why did the writer buy the present?

To thank the teacher for his encouragement.
To celebrate the writer's success in a big exam.
To send it to Sally for her eighteenth birthday.
To help Lucy to get a gift for her daughter

()129、What will the writer's junior high math teacher do after he gets the writer's e-mail?
He'll ask his parents why the writer wants to see him.
He'll call Lucy first and ask her to come to his school.
He'll write to his student and gladly wait for his visit.
He'll need to make sure whether the e-mail is his or not.

()130、Which is NOT true?

Max is a good junior high math teacher.
Lucy helped the writer a lot in learning math.
The writer usually got good grades in English.
The writer's parents asked Sally to help him.


Though sleeping is important for our health, we don't usually think much about it. Most of us think it's
just a part of life. However, when we can't sleep, it can be a real problem.

Most people usually need an 8-hour sleep a day. If you don't have a nice sleep, you'll start to find that
you are tired all the time and find it difficult to concentrate.

Sleeping is very important, but how can you help yourself to keep away from insomnia. Here are some
useful tips.


● Make sure that your bed and bedroom are comfortable.

● Make sure that your mattress supports you properly. Generally, you should get a new one every 10
years for the best support and comfort.
● Get some exercise, but don't overdo it. The best time is in the late afternoon or early evening.
● Take some time to relax properly before going to bed.
● If something is troubling you, and there is nothing you can do about it right away, jot it down
before going to bed and tell yourself to deal with it the next day.
● If you can't sleep, get up and do something you find relaxing. Read, watch TV or listen to soft
music. After a while you should feel tired enough to go to bed again.


● Don't go without sleep for a long period of time. Go to bed only when you're tired.
● Don't drink too much tea or coffee, especially after mid-afternoon.
● Don't eat or drink a lot late at night.
● If you've had a bad night, don't sleep in the next day--it will make it harder to get off to sleep the
following night.

If you follow these tips and still have difficulty falling asleep, go and see your doctor. He/She should
help you have a good sleep again.


()131、What does "insomnia" mean?

Failing to eat as much as usual.
Being unable to have a good sleep.
Hurting one's health by drinking.
Eating too much before going to bed.

()132、What does "jot it down" mean?

To forget it.
To tell your friend.
To write it down.
To get a new bed.

()133、Ms. Green is a secretary who usually does not go home until 8 o'clock p.m. She's having great
trouble falling asleep at night. Which should she NOT do to have a good sleep?
Try her best not to take any nap.
Eat her dinner before seven p.m.
Drink less tea or coffee at tea time.
Do a lot of exercise after work.

()134、Mr. and Mrs. Reagan are more than 70 years old. They usually go to bed at 9:00 p.m. and get up at
5:00 a.m. But they can't sleep well these days. If you are a doctor, what advice will you give them?
Change the mattress which they have used for more than 20 years.
Drink some wine to help them get to sleep more easily.
Count the sheep together until they are tired enough to sleep.
Play some exciting computer games before going to bed.

Read the information in the seven "Bicycle" sites and answer the following questions.

()135、Paul is very interested in the history of bicycles. He likes to collect the pictures of old bicycles.
Which site should he visit to get the most photos he needs?
The Latest Fashion of Bicycles.
Bicycle Museum of America.
History Timeline of the Bicycle.
Bicycle Cards - lowest price.

()136、Billy tries to build a new bike by himself, but he doesn't know how to do it. Which site should he

()137、Jean's father wants to send her a new bike as her birthday gift. What site will help him to choose
one for her daughter?
Site 7.
Site 3.
Site 1.
Site 5.


"Yesterday Once More", written by Richard Carpenter and John Bettis, was a very popular song by
The Carpenters from their 1973 album Now & Then. The lyrics of Yesterday Once More are:


()138、What is the song Yesterday Once More mainly about?

It is about a man who can't marry the girl who he loves so much.
It is about the sad story between a boy and his lovely girlfriend.
It is about a person who misses the songs he liked when he was young.
It is about the story of the Carpenters when they were still very young.

()139、Which is NOT true ?

John Bettis was a song writer.
Now & Then is the name of an album.
Yesterday Once More was sung by the Carpenters.
Yesterday Once More became popular long before 1970.

()140、Who are they?

Old friends.
The songs.
The Carpenters.
Richard Carpenter and John Bettis.


This is Allen's last semester in junior high school. He can't believe that time is going so fast. He was a
child when he entered junior high, but now he feels he is a young man.

There have been many good times and bad times during his junior high school days. He was not very
good in some subjects like English and math. He felt bored in those classes. After the tests, he was
usually embarrassed about his poor grades. He sometimes felt he had no friends.

His parents were worried about him. They had him go to cram schools, but he was very unhappy there.
He didn't want to spend his time doing things he didn't like. Finally, his parents decided to let him find
his own interest.

Allen has been interested in music since he was a child. He played the guitar for his classmates at a
birthday party, and everyone was very impressed. They all liked his music and asked him to play for
them or teach them. Allen was proud of himself for the first time. He also felt that he had friends.

Allen is going to graduate soon. He knows himself better now and he has many friends. He's not
unhappy anymore.
(資料來源:國立編譯館主編 國民中學英語第五冊)

()141、Which is NOT true?

Allen is still a junior high school student now.
Allen sometimes felt he was lonely at school.
Allen doesn't show any interest in all the subjects.
Allen was made to go to cram schools by his parents.

()142、What lesson can we learn from this short story about Allen?
You yourself decide what you are.
Worrying brings high marks.
Playing the music well is the most important of all .
Junior high school life is always very boring.

()143、What is the best topic (主題) for this short story?

Allen Is Not Worried Anymore
Allen's Math And English Grades
Allen And His Classmates
Allen Plays The Guitar Well


The sales volume (銷售量)of books in Booklover's Bookstore

()144、How many picture books were sold during the weekend sale?

()145、What kind of books are best sellers (暢銷)?

Science books.
Love stories.
Picture books.


Do you know who Michael Phelps is? He won the most gold medals in Olympic Games in history. However,
few people know Phelps had unhappy experiences in his childhood.
First, Phelps had ADHD when he was seven. He had more energy than other students so he couldn't make
himself just sit and learn in the classroom. Although his teachers almost gave up on his education, his mother
still believed in her son. She knew he had a gift for swimming. She found Phelps loved swimming and did
well in the swimming pool.
Second, Phelps looked a little different from other children. For example, some children laughed at his big
ears, and he often stumbled when walking
and running because of his long arms, short legs and big feet. In fact, getting teased for those features really
made Phelps very sad, but he didn't give up his dream. As time went by, those unhappy experiences also
helped him make up his mind to be a top swimmer in the world.
gold medals 金牌 childhood 童年 ADHD 過動症



()146、According to the reading, which one of the pictures may Phelps look like?
()147、What does "stumbled”mean in the third paragraph?
It means " "
paragraph 線段
made mistakes.
missed the chance.
fell down.
woke up

()148、Which of the following is true about Phelps?

He had ADHD and couldn't learn well when he was in junior high school.
He was one of the greatest baseball players in the Olympic Games this year.
He gave up his dream of being a swimmer when other children laughed at him.
His unhappy experiences didn't make him give up his dream.


Do you have piles of old magazines in your living room? Is your closet so (1) that you can't even open the
door? If your answer is yes, you might be a pack rat.

Pack rats are people who own too many things and seldom (2) anything away. So, their homes are filled (3)
useless stuff. Most pack rats think, "I may need this some day," or "I'll get this fixed next week."

If this sounds like you, take action on May 17, Pack Rat Day. Try to make your house (4) by getting rid of
junk. The first step--dump things you don't need!

**Revised from ABC Interactive English Magazine, No. 83, p.46, May 2009.






Global warming is real and it is here to stay. If you do not take any action, it will get worse. To save the Earth,
you can start to make changes in your daily life. Here are some ideas:

Is Your Fridge Running?

Do you know your home produces more global warming pollution than a car The refrigerator is the biggest
energy-eating thing in your house. To reduce your CO2 output at home, ask your parents to buy appliances

with blue- or black-and-white ENERGY STAR stickers.

Give It a Rest
Using the screen saver on your computer takes more energy than letting your computer go into sleep mode.
Always check your computer to see if it goes into sleep mode by itself after a few minutes.
That screen saver with the 3-D shapes swirling around might be cool, but it's even better to
cool off planet Earth.

Paper or Plastic? Neither!

Next time you go to the convenience store with your parents or friends and the clerk asks whether you prefer
paper or plastic, say, “Neither!” Canvas bags are the way to go. Most brown bags you get at a store are
stronger than other paper bags because they are made from trees more than 100 years old. Cutting down those
old trees worsens global warming. Plus, it is even worse to take plastic bags. In fact, to make 14 plastic bags,
you'd need the same amount of petroleum that it would take to drive a car one mile (1.6km). So, for carrying
your stuff around, canvas bags are a fantastic solution. Make your parents keep a few in the car so you'll never
have to choose between paper or plastic again.

**Revised from The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming by Laurie David and Cambria Gordon.
Scholastic Inc. New York. 2007.

appliances 電器用品 mode模式 swirling打旋

canvas bags 帆布袋 petroleum 石油


()153、1.What is the biggest energy-eating appliance in your house?

The television.
The washing machine.
The refrigerator.
The radio.

()154、2.What should people do on their computers to reduce energy when they're not using them?
Use a screen saver.
Put their computers into sleep mode.
Always turn the screen on.
Cool off the planet.

()155、3.What should you do when you buy things in a store?

Ask for a paper bag.
Buy a plastic bag.
Sell both paper and plastic bags.
Use a canvas bag to carry things around.

()156、4.Jimmy cares about the Earth very much and he wants to live a GREEN life. What may he do to
save our Earth?
Buy things with ENERGY STAR stickers on them.
Have his parents buy more refrigerators.
Pay more money for plastic bags.
Use a screen saver on his computer.


Annie: Mike, stop it now, or I'll leave. You're really a smartphone addict!
Mike : Don't rush me. I’m so close to finishing the game.
(Ten minutes later)
Annie: Mike, look at me. I'm serious! If you don't stop it now, don't ever ask me
out again!
Mike: Honey, don't be mad. 1. .
Annie: I don't want to be so mean, you know. But can't you just pay a little more
attention to me when we're on a date?
Mike: 2. , but this app is just so much fun! By the
way, I remember you started learning Japanese last month, right?
Annie: Yes. So?
Mike: Try this one, “Life in Japan.” With this app, you can not only know more
about Japan but also make Japanese friends. It should be very useful for
Annie: Sounds nice. OK, 3. .
(Forty minutes later)
Mike: Honey, the battery is going to run out. And it’s a quarter to eight. Can we
go get something to eat now?
Annie: Shhhh~ I'm busy talking to my new friend.

smartphone addict低頭族

I'll have my hair cut
I'll be there on time
I didn't make any mistake
I've already turned it off

I won't stay up late anymore
I bought it at the lowest price
I didn't mean to hurt your feeling
I had a terrible fever

let me give it a try
make yourself at home
keep it in mind
bring your parents along


Emma: Jack, what are your plans for this summer vacation?
Jack: Study, study, and study! We're going to be ninth graders, you know.
Emma: Yes, I know, so why not make the most of our last summer vacation in junior
Jack: I wish I could. But you know there's a big exam 1. for us.
Emma: Come on, Jack. During the past two years, you've done your best to prepare
for each of the quizzes, so I think you can relax a little. Let me guess. You
2. math for tomorrow's test when I texted you
this afternoon, right?
Jack: No. I was looking for information on the Net. We 3. hand in our science report next week.
Emma: See, you never do anything just for fun. Life is short! And keep in mind the
saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." So don’t be a nerd!
Life should be full of joy and laughter.
Jack: Well, everyone has their own goals. You have yours, and I have 4. . For me, the dream of being an
English teacher in the future is
more important than anything else. After all, no pain, no gain.
Emma: Hmm…I think you're right. Can I study with you?
Jack: Sure.


to wait

were studying
are studying

need not



Hello, friends! Today I'm reporting from the top of Bamboo Mountain. A little while ago, I saw a panda
when I was walking through the wonderful bamboo forest to get here. Well, I'm just kidding! It was my friend
in a panda costume. He looked very cute!
As we all know, pandas love to eat bamboo. But do you know…
。Bamboo looks like tree, but it's grass.
。Bamboo grows really fast! You can even hear it grow.
。Bamboo is hollow inside.
What can you do with bamboo? Lots of creative things! You can create delicious dishes with bamboo,
like bamboo soup and bamboo rice. You can also use bamboo to make charcoal. When bamboo becomes
charcoal, it's useful for cooking. The charcoal also takes away bad smells and makes water taste better.
Bamboo can also be used in shampoo, and it can be made into chairs, desks and even clothes!
In fact, My friend bought a bamboo T-shirt to take home, and I got a little bamboo plant. I'm going to
create my own bamboo forest!



()164、What is true about bamboo?

It's a kind of tree.
It's like a panda.
It tastes good to pandas.
It's full of water inside.

()165、What is bamboo charcoal useful for?

Keeping pandas healthy
Taking away bad smells
Growing grass and rice
Cleaning clothes and chairs

()166、According to the reading, which of the following CANNOT be made from bamboo? (請繪圖)


Clerk: Hello, this is Reader Bookstore. Is Mr. Russell Baker there?
Jasmine: Sorry, he's not here right now. Do you want to leave a message?
Clerk: Yes. Please tell him that Big Bang's new CD is available now. He can come to get it
at any time.
Jasmine: I see. How many days can you hold it for him?
Clerk: Only three days.
Jasmine: Oh, that’s too bad! He's in Hong Kong right now.
Clerk: When is he coming back?
Jasmine: Next Tuesday.
Clerk: Umm…Wait a minute, please.
(A minute later)
Clerk: Do you think you could pick it up for Mr. Baker?
Jasmine: Sorry, I can't. Actually, I’m with him in a restaurant right now. He left his
cellphone on the table, and I’m just helping him answer your call.
Clerk: All right, then. I'll call him again after he comes back to Taiwan. Thank you.
Jasmine: You're welcome. Bye-bye.


()167、Where is Jasmine?
In Hong Kong.
In Taiwan.
In Reader Bookstore.
At home.

()168、How is Jasmine talking with the clerk?

On the Internet.
On the phone.
On TV.
Face to face.

()169、When the clerk mean when he says the CD is “available”?

It is sold at a cheap price.
It is free.
It can be bought.
It can be fun.

()170、Which of the following statements is true?

Russell doesn’t answer the phone.
Jasmine is going to pick up the CD.
The bookstore can hold the CD for at least a week.
Reader Bookstore is in Hong Kong.


Mrs. Smith: What is Grace doing?

Vincent: Isn't she doing her homework?
Mrs. Smith: No, she's talking to someone online. Recently, she's always busy
talking online every night. I smell a rat.
Vincent: Don't worry, Mom. She is just gossiping with her friends on Facebook. Girls
like to do that, you know.
Mrs. Smith: Well, why doesn't she let me know what she's doing? There must be
something wrong. Does she have a boyfriend? Come on, Vincent, you
must know something.
Vincent: Mom, spare me. I don't know anything. She and I never talk about this.
Mrs. Smith: Really?
Vincent: Mom, why not call Ms. Cruz? Grace likes her a lot and never hides
anything from her. Maybe Grace has talked to her already.
Mrs. Smith: You're right. I should go and visit her next week. She is close to
Grace and knows what problems Grace has at school.
Vincent: Yes. But you should ask Grace what time Ms. Cruz doesn't have class and
is free to see you!

Spare me.饒了我吧!


()171、Who is Ms. Cruz?

Grace's teacher.
Mrs. Smith's sister.
Mr. Smith's sister.
Vincent's classmate.
()172、What does “smell a rat” mean?
There is a rat in Smith's house.
Grace may have some kind of problem.
Grace is keeping a rat in her room.
The Smiths are very afraid of rats.

()173、When Vincent says, “She and I never talk about this,” what does “this” refer to?

refer to意指
Having a boyfriend.
Doing Homework.
Keeping rats.

()174、Which of the following statements is true?

Grace is doing her homework in her bedroom.
Vincent is surfing the Net in the living room.
Ms. Cruz was Mrs. Smith's classmates.
Mrs. Smith will probably go visit Ms. Cruz.


()175、How might Mrs. Smith feel when she decided to go visit Ms. Cruz?


Tiramisu – "Take me with you"

When talking about Italy, those who have a sweet tooth can never forget their favorite dessert that has
won the hearts of millions of people all over the world – Tiramisu. However, behind this special cake is 1
In Italian, Tiramisu means "Think of me", "Remember me", "Forget me not" or "Take me with you".
There is a story about 2 . She didn’t know how to show her feelings, so she made the layer cake with all
of her love and gave it to the boy. And the love story began.
A different story is told that, during the First World War, there was an Italian soldier who was going off
to fight. His wife wanted to prepare for her husband 3 , even though not they were not wealthy. She had
no choice but to use all the remaining food in the kitchen, such as cookies, eggs, cheese and cocoa powder, to
make a special cake, which was full of love and hope for a peaceful future after the war. When he ate this
cake with its bitter and sweet taste, the soldier could always remember his wife who was waiting for him at

layer 層
remaining 剩下的
cocoa powder 可可粉
bitter 苦

a great story about love
a sad story about a poor girl
a happy ending of a story
an interesting show of baking skill

a sad mom who missed her son
a girl who fell in love with a boy
a shy baker who wanted to quit her job
a woman who lost her lover in a war

something that showed her anger
something that cost much money
a message to say she was leaving him
something that showed her love


There is no question that Pokémon Go took over the world in just a short period of time. In this game, the
players go around in the neighborhood to collect pocket monsters. This, however, may create problems. As
parents, how do you keep your kids safe while they're playing Pokémon Go? Here are some tips! First, stay
visible. Keep your children dressed 1 and wearing glow bands when they are playing at night. That way,
you can always see where they are, and so can bicyclists, drivers, and other people walking. Second, don't
catch and bike. A person needs to pay full attention when driving or riding. So make sure your kids know that
2 while they're riding a bicycle or scooter. Only when they get to their destination, can they take them
out and start playing again. Finally, tell your kids to watch out for strangers. Although one of the best things
about Pokémon Go is that it brings people together to catch pocket monsters, 3 , like they will show your
kids some special monsters or ask their help to find a Poke Stop. Just like kids need to be taught not to follow
strangers for candy or to help find pets, they need to be taught not to follow strangers for Pokémon.

monster 怪物
include 包括
attention 注意力
destination 目的地
Poke Stop 補給站
glow band 螢光條

in heavy coats
in clean and tidy clothes
as Pokémon Go player
in light and bright colors

they should leave their smartphones should be left at home
they should keep their smartphones turned off and safely put away
they should call you often to tell you where they are
they can use their smartphones to look for monsters

some players may get lost
some kids may be helpful
some people may become smart
some people may make excuses


It's common for people to feel tired after lunch. You may think that you need a cup of coffee. What you
need, in fact, is a nap. A study has shown that taking a nap is 1 for you.
After a nap, you can remember things better, make fewer mistakes, and learn things more easily. What's
more, having a nap may make you feel comfortable. It can even cheer you up. But before taking a nap, there
are some things you need to keep in mind. First, do it only in the middle of the day, or you will have trouble
falling asleep at night. Second, a 20- to 30- minute nap is better. 2 , you may fall into a deep sleep. And
after waking up from a deep sleep, you will feel not better. Finally, set an alarm clock, or you might
In short, if you feel tired after lunch, just 3 . You'll get a new start after a 20- or 30-minute nap.


If you don’t have much time
If you sleep longer than that
If you are uncomfortable
If you do that

have a deep sleep
have a cup of coffee
put your alarm clock away
put you head down and close your eyes


“My child loves singing; my child loves cooking; my child is so sweet to everyone; my child is a good
helper at home.” Many people might assume that this child is a “she,” not “he.” But surprisingly, the child
was a “he”, and his name was Yong-Zhi Yeh. What's worse, the young boy 1 simply because he was
different from other boys.
Yong-Zhi was a kind junior high school student who lived in Pingtung. At home, he 2 much
housework for his mom. He prepared delicious dinners for his family to. At school, when he saw his teacher,
Ms. Lin, not feeling ill, he would report it to other teachers so that she could be well taken care of. However,
such a nice boy was not so “nice” in some people's eyes. His schoolmates often made fun of him. Many times
he was bullied by his schoolmates and that made him afraid of going to school. One day in 2004, he didn’t
show up for class on time. People began to look for him. When he was finally found in the boys' restroom, he
3 in blood. To prevent sad things like this from happening again, the Gender Equality Act 4 —two
years after his death.
Under this law, everybody has the right to be himself or herself, and no one has the right to hurt others
just because they are different. Only respect can stop another sad story of a child lying in blood!

assume 臆測
blood 血
deal with 解決
Act of Gender Equality 兩性平等法
respect 尊重
bully 霸凌

was dying
would have been dying
had been dead

had done
was doing
would do
was going to do

was lain
was lying
would lie
used to lie

had passed
was passing
was passed


A man in the American state of Washington seemed to take the words “kill it with fire” too seriously. It
caused his house to go up in flames after he tried to kill a spider with a cigarette lighter and a can of spray
One Tuesday evening, the man noticed the eight-legged creature inside his West Seattle home while he
1 the phone. He went after it using a lighter and a can of spray paint. He 2 it with fire. However,
what he did made his house catch fire. Firefighters arrived at the house soon. But when they finally put out the
fire, it had already caused a huge amount of damage. The fire cost the man almost US$ 60,000.
We'd like to take this opportunity to give people some good advice: NEVER EVER DO THIS STUPID
THING. Do not use fire to kill bugs and other unwanted creatures in your house. Don't ever do it. You may
say, “Well, at least the spider 3 ! Ha-ha-ha!” But is that worth the risk of burning down your house? Most
spiders are harmless, and some are even beneficial—they eat insects. So if you don't want a spider in your
house, you can try to catch it and 4 it outside, where it can live safely.

in flames 著火
cigarette lighter 打火機
creature 生物

was talking
would talk
would be talking

had been killed
had killed
was killed
was going to kill

had killed
was killed
was going to kill

would take
have taken


Last month, I took a plane to Chicago. I met a group of soldiers sitting close to me. They 1 Iraq.
During the flight, I heard a soldier ask his friend if he planned to buy lunch. "No, it's too expensive on the
plane – five dollars for a sandwich! I'll wait till we get to Chicago." The soldier's friend agreed. I noticed that
none of the soldiers were buying sandwich for lunch. I got up and gave the flight attendant 50 dollars and
said, "Please bring sandwich to all those soldiers." After a sandwich 2 to each of the soldiers, the flight
attendant brought me a dinner plate from first class and said, "This is to show my thanks to you. My son was a
soldier in Iraq, too."
Later, when I was on my way to the restroom, a man stopped me. "I saw what you did. I 3 part of it,
too. Here, take this." He handed me 25 dollars. Soon after I returned to my seat, another man reached out his
hand and shook mine. Another 25 dollars in my hand. Finally we landed in Chicago. As we waited for the
luggage, another man put something in my shirt pocket and walked away without saying a word. Another 25
dollars! I 4 a total of 75 dollars before I left the airport! I walked up to the soldiers and handed them the
75 dollars. I said, "It will take you some time to reach your destination, and this is for the sandwich you may
need. God bless you." These soldiers were giving their all for our country. But what I could give them was so

flight 班機
flight attendant 空服員
destination 目的地

went to
were going to
have been going
are going

was given
had given

would be
have been
would like to be

was gotten
had gotten
am going to eat
used to eat

Listening, speaking, reading, and writing are the four main skills for language learning, including English.
Listening is the most important skill of the four. Why? Because in a conversation, you have little time to think
about the speaker's meaning, and the speaker probably won't stop in the middle of the conversation and
explain word by word before continuing with the next sentence. So, how can you understand more when
people speak English? Here's a good tip: Don't blame yourself if you don't understand at first. Many English
learners think their skill is not good enough for them to understand native English speakers. This may or may
not be true, but it's not the right attitude for English learning. Sometimes, English speakers just speak too fast,
and what they say might not be completely understood by other native speakers of English. And sometimes,
they may not completely understand the topic, so they don't express their ideas clearly. So don't think that it's
always your fault. If you don't understand what an American says, you can simply ask, “Excuse me, could you
speak more slowly?”, or “Sorry, I didn't catch your words.” And 99% of the speakers will repeat what they
said in a new way to try to help you understand. So have confidence and remember that it isn't always your

continuing 繼續
attitude 態度
native 母語

()197、What kind of language skill does this article focus on?

Listening skill.
Speaking skill.
Reading skill.
Writing skill.

()198、Which one of the following is NOT true?

Some English learners have problem listening because their listening skill is not good enough.
Some English learners have problem listening because the English speakers speak too fast.
Some English learners have problem listening because the speaker doesn’t understand the topic well.
Some English learners have problem listening because the speaker blames them.

()199、For an English learner, which is NOT a helpful way of thinking about listening?
I should ask English speakers to speak more slowly when I can’t understand them.
I should ask English speakers to repeat what they say when I can’t understand them.
It must be my own problem when I can’t understand what English speakers say.
I should be more confident when I talk to English speakers.

Nancy is a cook at a famous restaurant. When she was younger, she began to show interest in cooking.
She 1 at a French restaurant. She worked hard to learn more about cooking and soon was good at
creating new kinds of dishes. She felt that her job was the most important thing in her life. As time went by,
the restaurant _2_ famous because of Nancy. People who wanted to book a seat had to call at least two months
earlier. Still, lots of people were willing to wait in line every night just to get the chance to taste the delicious
food. Nancy was happy that everyone loved the food she cooked, which made her become more proud than
One day, she decided to make a new main dish, and for this new dish, she used fish instead of pork. A man
who couldn’t eat fish didn’t know the main ingredient _3_ . So he got sick and was sent to the hospital right
after he took a small bite. Nancy's boss was mad and soon fired her.
Nancy lost her job and couldn't find another one for a long time. But after that experience, she _4_ to be more
careful when creating new dishes.

main 主要的
*ingredient 原料
*skill 才能

has cooked
used to cook
is cooking

is becoming
has become

is changing
being changed
had been changed

is learning
would be learning
will learn


Tuesdays with Morrie, written by the American writer Mitch Albom, tells a true story between a teacher and a
student. Morrie Schwartz was Albom’s favorite teacher when Albom was a student. But after Albom left
school, he didn’t keep his promise to stay in touch with his professor. It was not until twenty years later that
Albom finally went to visit Morrie, when he was about to die.
For fourteen weeks, the two men met on Tuesdays to talk about the art of living. “Dying is one thing to be sad
about,” Morrie told Albom, “but living without happiness is another thing.” He told the younger man that
there are many negative thoughts about the real world. He said we should live a life based on love and caring
about others. “The most important thing in life is learning how to give out love, and knowing how to let it in,”
Morrie said. And Morrie did just that. Although he was dying, he wanted to see more friends and show how
much he cared about them.
Albom recorded his talks with Morrie and turned them into Tuesdays with Morrie, a book that has been read
by many people all over the world. People agree with the book’s message about how to live a happy life.

*promise 承諾
*professor 教授
*negative 負面的

()204、What is this reading mainly about? (*mainly 主要的)

Negative thoughts about the real world
How successful Tuesdays with Morrie is
Morrie’s thoughts about how to live
The lessons that Albom learned at school

()205、Which of the following is true?

Albom tried to help Morrie live longer.
Tuesdays with Morrie has not been very popular.
After he left school, Albom kept in close touch with Morrie.
Before Morrie died, he had a number of talks with Albom.

()206、According to Morrie, what is the most important thing in life?

To give and receive love.
To feel sorry about dying.
To see more and more friends.
To have negative thoughts about life.

Here are the prices for the tickets to the four cities on Tree Island.

1. Trains from Sunville to Snowland stop at every station except on Tuesday. On Tuesday, people can only
get off at Snowland. Trains from Snowland to Sunville stop at every station except on Saturday. On Saturday,
people can only get off at Sunville.
2. The train leaves once every hour from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
3. During the Loveland Festival (9/16~9/22), the trains leave every 30 minutes.


()207、Debbie lives in Sunville. She wants to go to Raintown to visit her grandparents and would like to
stay there for two days. After the visit, she will go to Snowland. How much will she pay?

()208、Cindy went to Snowland a week before 9/16. She’s going back to Cloudtown during the week of
9/16~9/22. When can she take the train?
10:30 p.m. on Tuesday.
7:00 p.m. on Wednesday.
7:30 a.m. on Friday.
10 p.m. on Saturday.


Alex: Now, what do we do? It's not moving!

Wendy: Well, nothing. We just can’t go anywhere for a while.
Alex: A while? Let’s shout for help! Help! Help!
Wendy: Stop! Shouting won’t help. The last time Jimmy did that, he couldn’t talk the next day.
Alex: Well, what then? Can you call someone?
Wendy: I can’t. I don’t have my cellphone with me. Hey, why don’t you use your cellphone to call for help?
Alex: Mine is dead. Oh, I should have taken the stairs.
Wendy: No use talking about things like that now!
Alex: OK, but what are we going to do? Maybe your friends will start looking for you soon.
Wendy: They won’t, but Lucy will.
Alex: Your boss? Really? How can you be so sure?
Wendy: I’m having her bag with lots of her reports, and her meeting is going to start in ten minutes.
Alex: I see. Well, maybe she’s getting worried, but she still has no idea where you are right now!
Wendy: Hmm, I think she’s started looking for me. She knows I would never walk up to her office from the
first floor.


()209、Where are Alex and Wendy?

At a meeting room with doors locked.
On a bus that has broken down.
Stuck in an elevator.
Caught in a traffic jam.

()210、What do we know from the dialogue?

Wendy’s friends know where to find her.
Lucy walks up to her office every morning.
Neither Alex nor Wendy had their cellphones with them.
Alex tries to think of some ways to deal with the problem.

()211、What do we learn about Wendy?

She decides to use her cellphone to call for help.
She is supposed to attend her boss’s meeting.
She is angry that Alex didn’t bring his cellphone.
She always gets some exercise when she’s working.


Michael was a very rich man. He got lots of money from his family, which once ran one of the world’s
biggest oil companies. aving so much money wasn’t too bad. With it, he was able to live a comfortable life
and he also married a pretty, young wife, Jenny. But, sad to say, Jenny married Michael just for his money.
She went shopping around the world on Michael’s plane all the time, but he didn’t seem to get angry about
this at all. In fact, there was one thing that Michael really cared about: writing.
Michael loved to write. When he was fifteen years old, instead of working hard in school, he spent most of his
time writing. He enjoyed writing stories for children. However, his stories at that time weren’t really
interesting enough to other people. After Michael finished high school, he started to travel around the world.
During his trip, he took notes and tried to create different stories. He told these stories to children in all the
countries he visited before he went back home. He made his stories into a book, which soon became popular.
But he wasn’t interested in selling it. Instead, he gave his book to schools so that children could read it and
become interested in other places and cultures. He later gave a speech and said: “I don’t want to be
remembered just because I’m rich, but because I’ve done something more important in my life.”


()212、What does the word “it” refer to in the reading?

Michael’s money
Michael’s heart
Michael’s plane
Michael’s family business

()213、What do we know about Michael?

His wife was not crazy about shopping at all.
He became rich by selling his book.
His book was so popular that everyone wanted to read it.
He wanted to be remembered because of what he had done for children.

()214、Here are some sentences from four books. From the reading, which is most likely written by
Michael? (*likely 可能)
...Prepare some mustard, slices of bread, and some cheese, ham and lettuce, and you’ll find that making a
sandwich is easier than you think…
…Wake up early in the morning, put on a pair of running shoes, and it’s time to enjoy a morning jog. And
don’t forget to bring a bottle of water with you…
…The sun went down as little Kenny was still trying to find his friend, Jimmy, who had gotten lost. It
became terribly dark, and Kenny started to cry…
…and it’s going to be an exciting day for you! Be sure to wear your prettiest dress, and smile at everyone
you meet today…


You may have heard lately that more and more people are eating less and less meat or stop eating it.
Some do it to try to be healthier and others do it to save the earth. Some people have picked one day not to eat
meat, such as Meat-free Mondays. In the news, we can read about how bad it is to eat more meat than
However, one study tells us another story. It says that meat consumption has been five times higher than
in the early 1960s. How did this happen? This is because there are much more people to feed. Besides, people
make more money and buy more meat for their meals.

Let's look at a chart showing meat consumption per person in a year in some countries. In Kenya, people
today eat as much meat as those in 1960s. In China, meat consumption in the 1960s was less than 5kg per
person each year. But by the late 1980s, it went up to 20kg.

Although people in the USA still eat the most meat in the world, a study shows they eat less red meat,
such as beef and pork, but more chicken and duck. This can be good news for their health and the earth, too.

The chart: Meat consumption per person in a year

chart 圖表 consumption 消費 per 每一


()215、Which of the following uses of “free” has the same meaning as that in “Meat-free Mondays?”
Sandra spent more than NT$3000 on this dress and she got a pair of gloves for free.
If Laura can finish her homework by noon, she will be free to go out.
In Mr. Boyle's class, every student is free to talk about their ideas and share what they have learned.
Wednesday is Kevin's car-free day. He takes the MRT to work on Wednesday.

()216、What can we learn from the chart?

Meat consumption in India has not changed much for the past 50 years.
People in China eat more meat than those in Brazil.
Americans in 1970 ate more meat than in 1968.
People in Kenya eat the most meat.
()217、What does This mean in the reading?

The richer people become, the more meat they eat.

People in the USA are choosing to eat more white meat than red meat.
Meat consumption in the USA is the highest around the world.
In Kenya, meat consumption in 1960 was almost the same as in 2015.


()218、In which magazine would you most likely find this report?
()219、From the report, which of the following best represents the box office revenue in Taiwan for 2017?
()220、What is this report mainly about?
How much money the Taiwan box office made in 2017.
How often TFI releases information about box office revenue.
How movies from America came to be the most popular in the world.
How Taiwanese movies got to become more popular than Japanese movies in Taiwan.

()221、Which one of the following quotes best describes Mr. Wang's teaching?
quote 引文;佳句
Sunsets show us that an ending can in fact be very beautiful, too.
Be proud of who you are and not afraid of how someone else sees you.
Believe what you like, but don't believe everything you read without questioning it.
If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its life believing it is very stupid.

()222、Jenny is using a graphic organizer to help herself understand how this reading passage is
organized. Which of the following is the most useful for her?

graphic organizer 圖像組織圖、organize 組織

()223、If Joe's reports are infallible, they are .

very popular
helpful to others
difficult to understand
perfect and never wrong

()224、1. How did people in Paris feel when they first saw the Eiffel Tower?
They liked it very much.
They disliked it because it looked ugly.
They had no feeling about it.
We don't know from the reading.

()225、3. Judy is going to present 6 world-famous landmarks to the class tomorrow—Sydney Opera
House, Taj Mahal, The Leaning Tower of Pisa, The Eiffel Tower, The Statue of Liberty and Tower Bridge in
London. She wants to introduce them in time order, in other words, the order in which they were built. Here
is the timeline of those landmarks.
Which of the following correctly names Landmarks A, B and C?

The Eiffel Tower Tower Bridge in London The Statue of Liberty

Tower Bridge in London The Statue of Liberty The Eiffel Tower

The Statue of Liberty The Eiffel Tower Tower Bridge in London

The Statue of Liberty Tower Bridge in London The Eiffel Tower

()226、4. “…this roman goddess of freedom stands for much more to immigrants who left everything they
have ever known behind to begin a new life and journey in America. Today, she is an inspiration to those
travelling from other countries around the world. Her meaning to many immigrants meant times for new
beginnings, hope, success and freedom."

Which world-famous landmark does this quotation introduce?

immigrants 移民 inspiration鼓舞人心的人事物 quotation引用段落

The Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Tower Bridge in London.
The Statue of Liberty in New York.
None of the above.

()227、1. What is "X" most likely to be?

A movies theater.
A concert hall.
A museum.
A gym.

()228、2.May, a junior high school student, will go to "X" with her father, mother, and grandmother, who
uses a wheelchair. How much does her family have to pay for the tickets?
240 Kr.
270 Kr.
290 Kr.
330 Kr.
()229、It is April. Amy and her 3 classmates want to book a guided tour for the summer vacation. How
much do they have to pay if they book the tickets now?
1440 Kr.
1600 Kr.
1640 Kr.
2000 Kr.


There are many famous landmarks around the world. These landmarks can be buildings, statues and
bridges. Many of them have an interesting history.
In Paris, the Eiffel Tower attracts the most visitors every year. This 324-meter iron tower was built for
the World's Fair in 1889. However, the Eiffel Tower did not look beautiful in the eyes of Parisians at that
During World War I, it was used as a radiotelegraph tower to gather information about the enemy. And
in World War II, the Eiffel Tower luckily avoided being destroyed by Hitler and his soldiers. Now, it is the
icon of France.
Another famous landmark is New York's Statue of Liberty—a goddess holding a torch high above her
head and a tablet in the other hand. It was made in France and then given to the United States on October 28,
1886, as a present to remember Americans' fight for freedom.
Besides towers and statues, bridges can also be popular landmarks. One of the most popular landmarks in
the world is Tower Bridge in London. This 124-year-old bridge crosses the River Thames close to the Tower
of London and has become an iconic symbol of London. Before it was built, a design contest was held and
people finally decided on a drawbridge, which can open up to allow tall ships to pass through. Since then,
"Ships go first, and cars wait" has been the golden rule for Tower Bridge. Even the former U.S. president Bill
Clinton was stopped by the bridge when he visited London.
Behind every famous landmark in the world is an interesting history worth discovering. The next time
you visit one of them, try to look up its history first. It will surely double the fun during your trip.

Source: Baron, John. (2016) "Discovering the History of Landmarks," All+ Interactive English, p. 58-
59, No. 142, September 2016

enemy 敵人 destroy 摧毀 icon 象徵 torch 火柱


()230、2. When Adam is about to drive across the Tower Bridge in London, a tall ship approaches. What
should he do?

approach 接近
Quickly drive past the bridge.
Stop if he is told to and wait for the bridge to lift.
Make a U-turn and take another road.
Call the police.


Try to picture this in your mind! You are seated comfortably inside a boat, the sun is shining, and the
ocean is beautiful. You look out and you find how much closer you are to the whale sharks…. That's right!
You are now in Oslob, Cebu, Philippines, which is famous for whale shark tours. People can not only watch
but also swim with them. This may sound like a lot of fun, but actually, this activity endangers the whale
Many ocean lovers have pointed out that feeding whale sharks can endanger their lives. Every day, the
fishermen draw the sharks to Oslob by feeding them krill which are small plankton that can grow up to six cm
long. Krill are good swimmers; they look like little fish without fins. After being fed like this for a long time,
the sharks may lose the ability to hunt for food by themselves. What’s more, just like people, what if we ate
the same food every day? We would lose some important nutrients that we need for our bodies, and so will
those sharks. Besides, as we all know, ocean creatures often move to other places when they breed. Therefore,
encouraging them to always stay in the same spot may change their habits and lead to less breeding and a
smaller number of sharks. Last but not the least, as more and more people visit Oslob for whale watching,
people often break the “No Touching Rules” and even take pictures of themselves riding on the backs of the
whale sharks. At the same time, since they have gotten used to being fed, more and more whale sharks
mistake the non-tour boats for tour boats, and they can bump the body of the boats and get hurt.…Read More

danger危險 plankton浮游生物 fin鰭 nutrient 營養 breed 繁殖


()231、What is the writer trying to tell us?

Swimming with whale sharks is a lot of fun.
The number of whale sharks has become fewer.
Many people visit Oslob for whale watching.
We need to save whale sharks, or they will be in danger.

()232、Which of the following shows krill?

()233、As the article continues ("Read more"), what will most likely be the next point?
How to draw a whale shark.
How to solve the problem.
Why whale sharks get hurt.
What problems are caused.


(Sandy is texting her mom.)

Dear Mom,
How are you doing? Summer vacation is around the corner. I'm very excited that I'm going to run away
from the terrible air and weather in Taipei.
I'm sorry I seldom call you. I'm just afraid I will get homesick when I chat with you on the phone. We
train very hard, practice for over 5 hours every day, and get hurt from time to time. But the coach is always
nice to us. We all are like a family. She takes really good care of us, so don’t worry about me.
Next week, I will take a train home after school as long as I can snap up a ticket. As you know, it's never
easy to get a ticket to Hualien. If I can't, then I will take a tour bus. I'll let you know as soon as I get the exact
time. Would you please pick me up when I get back? I don’t want to walk home, even though it takes me only
10 minutes. I can't wait to see you all.
By the way, is Nick coming home from Kaohsiung, too? I haven't seen him for over two months. He may
have become taller than me by now! I miss you all sooooooo much.


()234、Where does Sandy come from?

We don't know.

()235、What does the phrase, "snap up" here mean?

To buy something quickly because it's cheap or is just what you want.
To buy something after thinking very carefully because it's expensive and special.
To sell something at a lower price because it's easy to get on the market.
To sell something at a higher price because it's hard to get on the market.

()236、Which one of the following statements is true?

Sandy is a coach for the school team.
Sandy's mom might drive her home from Taipei.
A phone call is too expensive for Sandy to make.
Sandy's home is within walking distance of the station.


There comes a time to help the world.

It's time for us to be as one.
There are people hungry every day.
Let's give our hand to help them.
Eat up your food and don't waste any.
Love is the greatest gift from God.
With love, we can do more things for those who are in need.
We can't live on day by day seeing people hungry.
We are the ones to make the world better.
Let's do more for the ones who are hungry.
Let's give them a hand.
Make their lives strong and free.
We are the world.
We are one family.


()237、Which of the following is closest in meaning to the sentence, "It's a time for us to be as one" in the
second line?

paragraph 段落
There is only one earth, so everyone needs to have a green lifestyle.
The different kinds of human beings in the world are like a gift from God.
It is a small world, and it is very easy to fly from one country to another.
People on earth are like a family. When trouble comes, we should help each other.

()238、Which of the following does NOT match the idea in the reading?
according to 根據
Kevin eats up all of his lunch every day.
On weekends, Joe helps people who have no food.
The Wang family often prepares a free dinner for the hungry people in their neighborhood.
On the weekend, Susan enjoys cooking a big meal for her close friends.

recycle 再利用 style 形式

()239、My husband and I plan to take our daughters to visit the Floral Expo this Saturday afternoon. The
sisters enjoy listening to stories, their dad enjoys gardening, and I want to see some wonderful paintings.
Where should we visit for our lovely Saturday afternoon?
Yuling Story House.
Fine Arts Park.
Yuling Rose Garden.

()240、Cindy and her classmates are going to do a report about how to help Mother Earth, so they want
to visit the EcoARK. On the map below, which location is the EcoARK?


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