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Reflections of Learning in ELT220

Communicative Approach focused in writing provides authentic rehearsal for students in

dealing real life situation such as writing notes, e-mails, filling in forms and memorandum.
Among the other feature of Communicative Approach, writing is the hard one because it takes
time to finalize work but allows the students to come back and dressed up some flaws of their
Communicative Approach focused in writing is a great help in setting up lesson
objectives, planning specific activities and using instructional materials. For instance, you’ll go
do a bit of proofreading on your lesson objectives, to know if it is compatible on your activities
and if you discover that you’ve gotten something wrong, you’ll go back to the draft and fix it. In
CA focused in writing, no matter what you write, you are not running as fast as you can to get
done it quickly. You can revise the learning objectives and see what can fit on your lesson plan
as well as finding an activity that surely click with your objectives. Writing the instructional
materials that best needed in a presentation is also great points in terms of teaching. You can plan
to write instructional materials that suited in your lesson ahead of a time.
In ELT 220 course, the significant learning that I have learn from this course is to always
bear in mind that you are a teacher with a great purpose in your student’s life. As a
communication arts teacher, I should be proficient in four modes of communication ~listening,
speaking, reading and writing and should know how to utilize this proficiency effectively in a
school environment. Being able to do this, it would prove success of student’s achievement in
their academic lives, as well as my own career success.
Moreover, learning has no ending, being great in your chosen life is already a great gift
from the man above us. Inspiring students and contributing on their excellence are just an
addition to the things that I loved to do. To continue this journey, I have to strive more.

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