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Name: Jed Andrei E.

Section: BSCE_3J
Instructor name: Sir Michael Susmiran
The important question for ethics is not "what should I do?" but "what kind of person should I

Morality's original word, ethics, is said to mean custom or practice. Which immediate

moral standard is informing a person inside what they should and shouldn't do? It acts as a

signpost, directing people to their intended destination. As humans, we are all aware of the

numerous situations we have played out in our lives as a result of poor life decisions. Yet in

their view, the most crucial question is how kind of a person should I be based on their study

of ethics. Sure, it is true, but it also defends the individual by pointing out how they developed

their own attitudes to become the person they are. In order to live a moral life, we must also

think about what type of people we ought to be and take care to nurture our own and our

communities' moral development. Being a person who exclusively behaves in a manner that

respects the moral rights and human dignity of everyone is the best course of action for me.

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