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Romenic c.



1. How should you answer the question: Why do we want to be moral?

- As a human, morality is the most important aspect of one's life. I want to be moral because I
want to be respected and be a responsible man. I want to apply this aspect to myself to build
my character and have self-respect and happiness. For example, if you are an addicted person,
many people will look at you like trash, so you need to apply morals to yourself to be respected
by others.
2. What does ethics mean? How is it differentiated from morality?
- Ethics is a field of philosophy concerned with practical issues. It is a subset of the study of
values, principles, beliefs, and social standards. It assists us in defining the parameters of our
good choice and determining which of our accessible selections is the best. It is differentiated
from morality because ethics consists of the ingredients of morality and morality are the
practice of conduct in our daily lives. An example of this is your actions towards your family,
friends, and community.
3. What is the place of morality in the concrete life situation of man?
- Morality is our human wealth. It is our power and weapon that we always wear every day, no
matter where we go. It teaches us how to be responsible and how to make good decisions. For
example, you are in other places and you don’t know with whom you interact. If you have
morality, you know what to do in all situations.
4. What makes man the only moral agent?
- God created man with the ability to think and understand. Man has the ability to decide
between good and bad and has the ability to do all things with the guidance of morality. It is the
reason why man is the only moral agent.
5.  What is meant by morality of human acts?
- Morality is the best teacher and a reminder in all aspects. It guides your actions in all
situations and leads you to a better pathway to being a responsible human.

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