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Week 1 and 2
1.What makes ethics a necessary academic discipline?
- The moral principles that control a person's actions or the conduct of an
operation are known as ethics.
Since ethics entails the rationale and 
justification of an individual's behavior, it is a necessary academic discipline. I
t also 
aids us in comprehending and adapting to circumstances that have an effect on our

2. How would you describe the close connection between philosophy and ethics?
- Ethics are moral principles that a person should follow to live a morally upright
life, while philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, truth,
and existence, particularly when considered as an academic discipline.

3. How can theory help us in acting more effectively?

- Theory help us in acting more effectively because it gives us the idea of what to
do or where to start. It also enable us to identifiy the problem and to plan the
means of altering the situation.

4. Is it possible for a person to be moral but not ethical or ethical but not
-To be ethical, one does not have to be 
moral.To stay in good standing with 
society, someone without a moral
 compass will obey ethical codes. On the 
other hand, someone can consistently
 break ethics because they think something is morally correct.

5. What is the complementary relation between meta-ethics and normative ethics?

- Meta-ethics and normative ethics are two different ways of studying ethics. The
basic idea is that metaethics defines the conditions that must be fulfilled for
ethics and morality to exist in the first place, such as the necessity of
rationality for moral agency.

Week 3 and 4

1.What is critical thinking?

- the process of objectively analyzing and evaluating a problem in order to make a

2.What is the role critical thinking in ethics?

- Critical thinking plays a large role in ethics because it is the process by which
we determine for ourselves whether or not something is right or wrong.

3.What is egocentrism? Elaborate on your answer by citing an example.

- Without concern for other people's feelings or desires, one is just concerned
about oneself. For example, A daughter is furious with her father because he was
not present during her birthday. The father wasn't present because of his full-time

4.What is sociocentrism? Elaborate on your answer by citing an example

-  A tendency to assume the superiority or rightness of one's own social group. For
example, it put the needs, concerns, and perspective of the social unit or group
before one’s individual egocentric concerns.
5.Among the elements of critical thinking, which do you pay more attention to in
your own thought process? Why?
- Among the elements of critical thinking, I pay more attention in decision making
because we need to make a decision in life that will not affect others negatively.

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