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Aim, what you are hoping to achieve through a project

2. Analyse, examine in detail to show meaning, identify elements and the relationship
between them

3. Argument, a series of statements containing reasons and evidence which support a

claim about a global issue

4. Assessment, formative assessment enables the teacher to assess progress against

learning objectives and give feedback to move learners forward

5. Bias, unfairly prejudiced for or against something or someone

6. Causes, responsible for making something happen

7. Citation, a reference to a specific piece of work in the body of a document

8. Claim, to state or assert that something is true (verb); a statement or assertion about an
issue (noun)

9. Collaborate, when two or more individuals work together to solve a problem;

collaboration is similar to cooperation; most collaboration requires some form of

10. Communicate, to share ideas or feelings or information with other people

11. Conclusion, a judgement reached by reflection on arguments, reasoning and evidence

12. Consequences, results or effects of something

13. Consider, to think about different views; empathise with others’ perspectives

14. Convincing, believable – if you read something and believe it, you found it convincing

15. Constructivist, (active) learning – the learner is actively engaged

16. course of action, an action or solution to an issue or problem

17. describe, state the points of a topic / give characteristics and main features

18. empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings, thoughts or perspective of
another person

19. evaluate, judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something
20. evidence, information about a global issue that helps to develop understanding or
prove that something is true or false

21. explain, set out purposes or reasons / make the relationships between things clear / say
why and/or how and support with relevant evidence

22. fact, something that is known or can be proved to be true

23. globally, relating to the whole world

24. identify, name / select / recognise

25. issue, an important subject or problem for discussion

26. local, relating to a particular area or neighbourhood

27. national perspective, a viewpoint on a national issue which is supported by reasoning and evidence

28. opinion, a view or judgement formed about something, not based on fact or knowledge

29. personal perspective, an individual’s response to an issue after learning, reflection and reasoning

30. perspective, a viewpoint on an issue based on evidence and reasoning

31. point of view, a particular attitude, perspective or way of looking at an issue

32. prediction, what someone thinks may happen in the future

33. reasoning, thinking about something in a logical, coherent way

34. recommend, to suggest and give reasons

35. references, citation or quotation of a source of information reproduced in a report

36. reflection, thinking about or considering something in depth

37. reliability, the extent to which a research method, experiment, test or measuring procedure will get the
same results every time

38. research, the systematic study of a global issue to find evidence and develop understanding

39. suggest, apply knowledge and understanding to situations where there are a range of valid responses in
order to make proposals / put forward considerations

40. support, to give evidence, examples, information, discuss and explain – to help others

41. teamwork, to work in a group towards a project

42. test a claim, to explain how to check the accuracy of a claim

43. trend, a general direction in which something is developing or changing

44. topic, a general subject or field of enquiry that has global relevance

45. validity, the extent to which an experiment, survey or test, measures what it is supposed to measure

46. value judgement, an assessment of something as good or bad in terms of someone’s standards or

47. vested interest, a personal reason for involvement in an undertaking or a situation, especially expecting
financial or some other gain

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