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María Esther López Martínez


Tarea PTE: Producción de textos escritos 2

To begin with, "phubbing" or the use of mobile phones while interacting with other people can
be seen as an epidemic these days.

Clear examples of this are the way we use buzzwords created by social media streams and
especially young people are unable to focus their attention when their phone is nearby.

For this reason, I personally try not to use it when I meet with friends, and if the other person
has been attentive to their mobile phone I have felt ignored and feel that they are not listening
to you. This makes meetings less and less attractive and we become more and more isolated
from face-to-face interaction.

In conclusion, if we feel more listened to and understood when we talk on our mobile phones,
it makes us less social people and this leads to major behavioural problems.

If we can't watch a 2-hour movie without checking our phones, we will hardly be able to study
or concentrate on anything more important. We should force ourselves not to use or consult
our devices while we are in social gatherings.

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