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Networking Event Name:

​Networking 101

2. Date of Event:
Nov 3,2020 3:00pm

3. What did you enjoy about the event?:

I enjoyed how it allowed me to meet new people online, we went into breakout rooms and got to talk and get to know
each other. I like how comfortable and easy it was for individuals to communicate, and develop knowledge of what to
do in social event situations.

4. What did you learn?:

I learned proper etiquette and questions to ask at networking events. For example, we learned not to ask about salary
and benefits. We learned to ask about the work environment and questions in this manner. We learned about the
importance of first impressions and being memorable to company representatives. We should show interest in the
people and companies, so they can call us back.

5. What actions are you taking today to help you reach your goals in the future?
​The actions I am taking today to help me reach my goals in the future is increasing my social confidence, if I feel
comfortable in social situations I will be able to express myself more easily. Also, I am planning on going to more
social events, which will allow me to develop more connections and improve my networking abilities.

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