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People and Personalities.

Section 2 - text "National Character

1) The main features of British life that the author touches upon are:

- National values such as tolerance, decency, moderation, consensus, and compromise.

- Preference for modesty, understatement, and practical common sense over pure logic.

- Contrasting characteristics with neighboring countries, such as wit/humor, logic/tradition,

gallantry/courage, thrift/expenditure, taste/comfort, town/country, vanity/pride.

- Sense of cultural cohesion and unity, along with acceptance and enjoyment of social class distinctions.

- Erosion of consensus on social behavior and the presence of violence, particularly in football crowds
and among poorer young people.

- Love for the countryside and a retreat from the urban environment.

- Nostalgia and traditionalism, expressed through appearances and the preference for traditional English
country house styles.

- Fashion consciousness and dress styles, with conservatism and simplicity being prevalent among the
upper and upper middle classes.

- Tolerance of personal appearance and individuality.

2) Words and phrases from the text that describe the character of the British include: tolerance, decency,
moderation, consensus, compromise, modesty, understatement, practical common sense, wit, humor,
tradition, courage, thrift, expenditure, taste, comfort, town, country, vanity, pride, individualist,
community-minded, social class distinctions, violence, love of the countryside, nostalgia, traditionalism,
conservatism, simplicity, tolerance of personal appearance.

Other words that could replace these include: acceptance, politeness, balanced, cooperation, humility,
reserved, down-to-earth, cleverness, customs, bravery, frugality, spending, preference, coziness, urban,
rural, self-esteem, patriotism, unity, social hierarchy, unrest, nature, sentimentality, adherence to
tradition, conventional, uncomplicated, acceptance of diversity.

3) Based on the facts from the text, the British can be described as a society that values tolerance,
decency, and moderation. They prefer modesty and practical common sense over pure logic. They have a
sense of cultural cohesion and unity but also accept and enjoy social class distinctions. There is evidence
of societal unrest and violence, particularly in football crowds and among certain groups. The British
have a love for the countryside and a nostalgia for an idealized past. They exhibit traditionalism in
appearances and fashion choices. While they may not be fashion-conscious compared to other
Europeans, they value personal expression and tolerate individuality in personal appearance.
4) A comparison between the British and Ukrainian characters:


- Both nations may value certain virtues like decency, moderation, and courage.

- Both may have a sense of cultural cohesion and unity.

- Both may have a certain level of nostalgia for an idealized past.

- Both may appreciate nature and have a connection to the countryside.


- The British character, as described in the text, emphasizes values like tolerance, understatement, and
practical common sense, while the Ukrainian character may have different emphases.

- The Ukrainian character may have distinct cultural traits, traditions, and historical influences that shape
its national character differently from the British.

- The societal issues mentioned in the text, such as violence and social class distinctions, may have
different manifestations or significance in the Ukrainian context.

- The text does not provide detailed information about the Ukrainian character, so a comprehensive
comparison is challenging without additional information.

1) The phrase "national character" refers to the collective set of attitudes, values, behaviors, and traits
that are commonly associated with the people of a particular nation. It represents the unique cultural,
social, and historical factors that shape the mindset and behavior of individuals within a specific country.

2) Several factors contribute to the differences between people of different nations. These differences
can arise from various aspects, including:

- Culture and traditions: Each nation has its own cultural practices, customs, beliefs, and traditions that
shape the behavior and values of its people.

- History and historical events: Historical experiences, such as conflicts, colonialism, or periods of
significant societal change, can influence the attitudes and perspectives of different nations.

- Geography and environment: The geographical location, climate, and natural resources of a country can
impact its people's way of life, livelihoods, and cultural practices.

- Socioeconomic factors: Economic development, wealth disparities, education, and social structures
within a nation can contribute to differences in people's lifestyles, aspirations, and opportunities.

- Political systems and governance: Different political ideologies, governmental structures, and policies
can shape the values, rights, and responsibilities of citizens within a nation.
3) There are numerous stereotypes associated with different nations, and it's important to recognize that
stereotypes are often oversimplifications and may not accurately represent the diversity within a nation.
Nonetheless, some common stereotypes include:

- Americans being seen as loud, confident, and individualistic.

- Germans being perceived as disciplined, punctual, and efficient.

- Italians being associated with a passion for food, art, and an expressive, outgoing nature.

- Japanese people often being seen as polite, hardworking, and dedicated to their work.

- French people often being stereotyped as sophisticated, stylish, and lovers of art and culture.

- Russians being depicted as serious, strong, and often associated with stoicism.

4)Based on nationality as Ukrainian, here are some potential differences in national character between
Ukraine and its immediately neighboring countries, such as Russia, Poland, Belarus, Slovakia, Hungary,
and Romania:

1) Historical Influences: Ukraine's history and cultural heritage have been shaped by a mix of Eastern
Slavic, Byzantine, and Polish influences, as well as periods of control under neighboring powers like
Russia and the Soviet Union. This historical background may differentiate Ukrainian national character
from that of its neighboring countries.

2) Language and Identity: Ukrainian is the official language of Ukraine, which sets it apart linguistically
from neighboring countries like Russia or Poland. Language can influence cultural expression,
communication styles, and identity formation, contributing to differences in national character.

3) Cultural Traditions: Ukraine has its unique cultural traditions, including music, dance (such as the
iconic Ukrainian folk dance), art, folklore, and cuisine. These distinct cultural elements may contribute to
differences in national character compared to neighboring countries.

4) Geographical Factors: Ukraine's geographic location as a border country between Eastern Europe and
Russia has influenced its historical and cultural development. The country's vast fertile plains, Carpathian
Mountains, and Black Sea coast have played a role in shaping the Ukrainian identity and may
differentiate its national character from neighboring countries with different geographical features.

5) Political and Socioeconomic Factors: Ukraine's recent history, including its independence from the
Soviet Union in 1991 and subsequent political and economic challenges, has shaped its national
character. Factors like political developments, economic conditions, and social dynamics can contribute
to differences in national character compared to neighboring countries.
People and Personalities. Section 3. Relationships: ex. 1-10

1. Someone who helps you if you're in trouble is a true friend.

2. When there is a quarrel, both parties are involved.
3. What really matters is what actions do, not what words say.
4. The world is made up of all sorts of people.
5. Be accepting and allow others to do what they want.
6. You couldn't have known that would happen.
7. Family bonds are stronger than other relationships.
8. A son tends to be like his father.
9. A remark said in jest often contains truth.
10. Absent friends are easily forgotten.
11. When people are separated, their affection grows stronger.
12. After someone does a favor for you, you should do one in return.
13. If you have determination, you will find a way to accomplish something.
14. Everyone experiences love, but they eventually overcome it.


1. When Tom met Lily it was love at first sight.

2. She fell head over heels in love with him.
3. Nick only has eyes for Diana. He's not interested in other girls.
4. I've often seen David and Valerie at the cinema together, but it's purely a platonic relationship.
5. Nora was more than infatuated with Brian; she was completely besotted with him.
6. Damian loves Ann to bits.
7. She is the woman of his dreams. He's the man of her dreams.

1. Anona and I hit it off immediately. We're true soulmates.
2. Nelly was my mother's lifelong companion.
3. The moment I met Rob I could see he was a man after my own heart.
4. Charlie and I get on like a house on fire.
5. Jim and Tony have been inseparable for years.
6. Patricia and Carmen are bosom friends.
7. There's always been a close bond between Kirsten and her aunt.
8. I have a soft spot for Kevin - he was always very kind to my grandma.
9. The children think the world of their new teacher.

A: You seem to be very similar to Alan - the way you think and look at life.
B: Yes, we've always been kindred spirits.

A: What a nice wedding! Ian and Sally seem to be perfect for each other.
B: Yes, such a well-matched couple!

A: Our Spanish friends are always phoning their brothers and sisters.
B: Yes, well, I think family ties in Spain are much stronger than here.

1. When Patrick met Andrea it was love at first sight.
2. Phil and Colin look at life in the same way. They're kindred spirits.
3. Ever since they worked together, Lucy and Clare have been bosom pals.
4. They just looked at each other and fell head over heels in love.
5. When Joss and I met, we immediately hit it off.

Ex6 ???

1. Rachel only has eyes for Mark these days. She's crazy over him.
2. They look such a well-matched couple. I wonder if they will get married?
3. Sheila and I have always got on like a house on fire.
4. He's completely besotted with her. I've never known him to be so much in love before. He's
like a teenager.


noun - adjective :
loyalty - loyal
consideration - considerate
passion - passionate
devotion - devoted
fondness - fond
faithfulness - faithful
respect - respectful
affection - affectionate
romance - romantic
support - supportive
amiability - amiable
trust – trustworthy

1. She's absolutely devoted to her mother and visits her every day.
2. I've always had a lot of respect for my boss, and I do enjoy my job a lot.
3. She's been so loyal to me all these years, I can't let her down now.
4. He's very supportive of his colleagues; they're very lucky.
5. I'm quite fond of Larry, but that doesn't mean I want to marry him.
6. He puts a lot of trust in me, and I feel I can trust him too.

1. He never shows much loyalty for his children.
2. She always treats us with great consideration.
3. 'Have some respect for the other students!' she said angrily.
4. Faithfulness is the key to a good marriage.
5. Over the years she developed a fondness for Mario that went beyond a purely business
6. He was a great team captain who inspired passion in the players.


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