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10 Information's about

TB – Tuberculosis
Sooraj M
Health & Hygiene
Fact - 1
• Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne disease, caused by a
bacteria M. tuberculosis.
Fact - 2
• Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that most commonly
affects the lungs but can affect any part of the body (except
the hair and the nails).
Fact - 3
• TB spreads through air. When someone with TB coughs,
spits or sneezes, droplets of mucous carrying TB bacteria
may be expelled into the air. Since TB is airborne, anyone
who inhales the bacteria can get infected with TB.
Fact - 4
• Almost 10 million people around the world became sick
with TB in 2014. In the same year there were 1.5 million TB-
related deaths.
Fact - 5
• About 5-10% of people exposed to the bacteria, may
develop an active disease state, owing largely to an
inefficient immune system, & other associated factors.
Fact - 6
• An infectious case of pulmonary TB if untreated, can infect
10-15 people in one year.
Fact - 7
• About one quarter of the world's population is infected with
tuberculosis (TB) bacteria.
Fact - 8
• Only a small proportion of those infected will become sick
with TB. People with weakened immune systems have a
much greater risk of falling ill from TB.
Fact - 9
• A person living with HIV is about 20 times more likely to
develop active TB.
Fact - 10
• TB is a curable disease. Treatment is available to all citizens
free of cost under the National TB Elimination Program.

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