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1. DHL employs a variety of modes of transportation, including intermodal carriers.

Since multimodal
transportation describes the movement of goods via two (2) or more unique modes of transportation.
DHL is an intermodal carrier because it provides services using both vehicles and airplanes, according to
the case study.

2. Shopee uses the Incoterms clauses Ex Works (EXW), Carriage Paid To (CPT), and Carriage and
Insurance Paid To (CIP) while providing delivery services to its customers. Ex Works because the product
is delivered to the buyer at the seller's location and the buyer is responsible for covering the cost of the
insurance and the transportation. Carriage Paid To signifies that the transportation costs of the agreed-
upon customer are covered by the seller.

3. The most efficient and cost-effective mode of transportation, in my opinion, for DHL to transfer
products from China to Thailand, is air transportation. mainly because air travel is the fastest and most
expensive mode of transportation. Furthermore, they have operating with high gasoline and operational
cost variability and comparatively low fixed expenses.

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