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Task 1:

I knew my best friend since we were at school, we´ve been friends about 20 years. Her name is
Claudia López and she is straightforward and I am more modest. We studied at the school and the
same University curiously the same career, system engineering. A lot of people said that she
sometimes is temperamental and inflexible. One time, she fight with a boyfriend and she lost the
head and run out from the University, so, I ran behind her to talk with her and be a support and
give her tips to control the temper. For many years, we have maintained a good relationship but
we have also fought many times.

Task 2

Mark Zuckerberg was a co-founder of Facebook. Facebook had and has several privacy problems,
even on several occasions he was attending several hearings with the government to understand
how Facebook survives if the page is free. And just as Facebook reported many profits, the doubts
in the hearings were resolved but many rulers still had doubts. Every day Facebook has faces
problems with people's privacy due to many factors, many people since they have seen the
invasion of private data, they have stopped to use this social network. Even Netflix issued a
documentary on care on social networks, where people are made aware of the care of the
publication of personal data, photos and other data.

Task 3

When you visit Bogotá, there are some important things you should know. I´m going to give you
the 6 more important things:

1. When you buy broasted chicken, It´s the custom to eat it with honey.
2. If you visit the downtown, it´s the custom to buy street things.
3. When you go to the party, you´re supposed to dance all night.
4. If you plan to visit to a friend, you´re expected to find the clean house.
5. When you eat on crepes and waffles, it´s the custom to eat ice cream.
6. If someone sends you flowers, you´re expected to huge him/her

Task 4

A few days ago, I bought a shoes but this shoes were scratched. I tried to call to customer center
but They never answered the phone. In the comments of the product, I saw that there were bad
comments and that customer service never answered or nobody responded. So, I decided to fix
them myself, but they were dirty, too. It was a completely bad experience with, I don´t recommend you buy things on this web page. There is no customer
service and no one answers for your purchases.

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