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9th form mod 6 Grammar

1- CAN ≠ Can’t + verb

2-Can = to be able to + verb  ability in the present
3-Can’t = to be unable to + verb  inability in the present
4-To be (in the past ) was/ were + verb +ing  past progressive
5-I think that + clause
6-I hope + to + verb // I hope + that clause (future)
7-I wish + past

1- Can = to be able to + verb  ability in the present
2- Can’t = to be unable to + verb  inability in the
3- Can I help you ? // what can I do for you ? // how can
I help you? // do you need any help?  offering help
4- I think +that clause // I think + noun/ or verb + ing 
expressing opinion
5- I’d like to+ verb // I want to + verb  expressing
want and desire
6- I hope + to verb
I hope + that clause  expressing hope
7- I wish + I could / I would / simple past  expressing a

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