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PT 422 /05546 / 5:01-7:01PM/ MWF

BEED - 4 MAY 16, 2023


Directions: Do the given tasks.

Task 1. Review the sample portfolio provided in our group chat. Comply all
that is required of you. You can put some added features if you wish to for
as long as you have complied all those that were required in the sample.
Whenever the portfolio is done, convert to pdf. Upload your pdf copy of the
portfolio in your google classroom. (85pts)

Task 2. What is an e-portfolio? (5pts)

✓ An e-portfolio is a collection of work, and other activities that serve as
evidence for our learnings in that specific subject.

Task 3. What is the role of an e-portfolio in assessing learners’

✓ The role of an e-portfolio in assessing learner's performance is to monitor
and evaluate program effectiveness and to examine students achievement
for program improvement. Portfolio also can be a useful way to organize,
sample, and assess what students gained out of the program because it
helps the student develop new and deeper learnings of that subject.

4. Why is portfolio important to every educator? (5pts)
✓ Portfolio is important because it provide documented evidence of
teaching from a variety of sources not just student ratings but also to
provide context for that evidence. The process of selecting and organizing
material for a portfolio can help one reflect on and improve one's teaching.

TOTAL: 100 pts.

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