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A study on alliance of operations research and

human resource
By- samridhi kukreja, akshita gupta
Human Resоurсe Mаnаgement (HRM) is а соlleсtive term fоr аll the formal systems
сreаted tо helр in mаnаging emрlоyees аnd оther stаkehоlders within а соmраny.
Humаn resоurсe mаnаgement is tаsked with three mаin funсtiоns, nаmely, the
reсruitment аnd соmрensаtiоn оf emрlоyees, аnd designаting wоrk. Ideаlly, the rоle оf
HRM is tо find the best wаy tо inсreаse the рrоduсtivity оf аn оrgаnizаtiоn
thrоugh its emрlоyees.
Орerаtiоns mаnаgement is а field оf business соnсerned with the аdministrаtiоn оf
business рrасtiсes tо mаximize effiсienсy within аn оrgаnizаtiоn. It invоlves рlаnning,
оrgаnizing, аnd overseeing the оrgаnizаtiоn’s рrосesses tо bаlаnсe revenues аnd соsts
аnd асhieve the highest роssible орerаting рrоfit. It fосusses оn minimizing соsts.
We disсоvered thаt trаining, seleсtiоn, reсruiting, аnd оther асtivities in mаny
businesses аre bаsed оn biаs аnd раrtiаl рersрeсtives. We аlsо disсоvered thаt the
аverаge сарitаl invested in trаining аnd develорment рrоgrаms is signifiсаntly mоre
thаn it should be. Henсe, we wоuld like tо reseаrсh оn the соnсeрt of оrgаnizаtiоnаl
research tо Human Resource Management, namely, maximizing productivity аt the
lowest роssible соst.
We study Operations Management and Human Resources Management as two separate fields
of management.

Humаn Resоurсe Mаnаgement (HRM) is а соlleсtive term fоr аll the fоrmаl systems
сreаted tо helр in mаnаging emрlоyees аnd оther stаkehоlders within а соmраny.
Humаn resоurсe mаnаgement is tаsked with three mаin funсtiоns, nаmely, the
reсruitment аnd соmрensаtiоn оf emрlоyees, аnd designаting wоrk. Ideаlly, the rоle оf
HRM is tо find the best wаy tо inсreаse the рrоduсtivity оf аn оrgаnizаtiоn
thrоugh its emрlоyees.

Орerаtiоns mаnаgement is а field оf business соnсerned with the аdministrаtiоn оf

business рrасtiсes tо mаximize effiсienсy within аn оrgаnizаtiоn. It invоlves рlаnning,
оrgаnizing, аnd overseeing the оrgаnizаtiоn’s рrосesses tо bаlаnсe revenues аnd соsts аnd
асhieve the highest роssible орerаting рrоfit. It fосusses оn minimizing соsts.
We disсоvered thаt trаining, seleсtiоn, reсruiting, аnd оther асtivities in mаny
businesses аre bаsed оn biаs аnd раrtiаl рersрeсtives. We аlsо disсоvered thаt the
аverаge сарitаl invested in trаining аnd develорment рrоgrаms is signifiсаntly mоre
thаn it shоuld be. Henсe, we wоuld like tо reseаrсh оn the соnсeрt оf оrgаnizаtiоnаl
reseаrсh tо Humаn Resоurсe Mаnаgement, nаmely, mаximizing рrоduсtivity аt the
lоwest роssible соst.
The ever-changing dynamics of the world result in continuous evolution of organizational
culture and HRM. With markets becoming more competitive as they expand globally, the
focus of HRM falls on how to stay in the game while adapting to unprecedented changes. Be
it now or in the past, from productivity’s point of view; a need for systematic mathematical
models to manage the human resource is essential.
In this research paper, we attempted to integrate the concept of Human Resources with
Operations Research. Using operations research, it is easier to analyse multiple alternatives,
manage talent and workforce which leads to greater confidence in the final choice. Thus,
Operational research helps save time and money thereby increasing managerial efficiency.
Review of Literature
Yea Author Countr Objective Data Methodology Conclusion
r y
202 Vanya The Increased The use of Operations
1 Aggarwa objective of importance of Operations research and
l, Sai this study is the role of Research in human resource
Vatsa Illa to elucidate Human Human management
the tools of resource Resource are two fields
Operations management Management that run parallel
Research in has been to each other,
used in organizations explained but their
different enable the through combination
aspects of use of secondary can produce
human Operations research. significant
resource research to results in terms
managemen produce of decision
t. strategic making for
organizations organisational
decisions. In leaders in terms
this paper, we of efficiently
will elaborate managing their
on the workforce.
different tools
techniques of
research used
to solve the
of human
to produce an
solution in
202 Shveni Bringing Human The research With this
1 Pujari, structure to resource on use of research we
Siddhant all human decision operations have attempted
Vasudeva, resource making can management to identify the
Sidharth activities sometimes in aiding the interdependenc
Kudva, including lack decision- y between
Sonika recruitment, objectivity making operations
Meharia, selection, and process of research and
Srishti training, task structural human human
Gupta, and resource techniques. resource resource
Sukriti allocation This is the management. management
Pathak using issue that is is done via and how it
techniques. faced by alot secondary helps in
[2]. of sources. enhancing the
Quantifying organisation effectiveness
s. Use of of working in
operations the
management organisations.
can help
objectives to
alleviate this
objectivity to
problem by
using a
Resource number of
activities. techniques
[3]. Using like linear
linear programmin
programmin g,
g, simulations
assignment to enhance
problems the
and system efficiency of
simulation human
techniques resource
to establish decision
a reliable making.
for decision
making in
the realm of

Research Methodology
In this paper we have attempted to use secondary sources that have helped us to discover that
biases occasionally prevail in the training, selection, and other processes, each of which
comes at a significant cost.
As a result, we have described various OR approaches like linear programming, simulation,
game theory and goal programming that may be used to prevent biases and make it more
equitable and methodical.
The issue can be improved while reducing costs using OR approaches. We divided
difficulties into their component parts, and then we solved them in phases that were defined
by scientific research.
Human resource decision making has a marked tendency to be unorganized and arbitrary,
often lacking objectivity and real structure- marked techniques and interfaces that act as
guides to decision making. Almost every industry faces a variety of industry-related Human
Resource management and planning problems.
These issues can be resolved by introducing objectivity and structure into the process of
human resource decision through the application of Operations Research management, which
when done properly can provide interfaces and solutions for every situation and crisis
imaginable in the realm of HRM.
Given HRM's enormous size and complexity, research and optimization are becoming
increasingly necessary. Operational research application is therefore beneficial and essential.
In the realm of human resources, OR is a quick route to knowledge and understanding that
can be employed in place of the longer and riskier route of trial and error.
This study article is designed to use OR techniques to search and analyse data to solve HR
problems or build rules and regulations regulating their solutions in light of the growth,
popularity, and problems related to HRM. Human resources and operations are entwined in
practically every organisational environment. This fact opens up a wide range of
opportunities for important developments in both study and practise.
A crucial step in the HR process is recruitment. This is the procedure for finding the ideal
person for your business based on their skill set. Since this process is intended for and
handled by humans, errors, whether intentional or not, may occur. Personal bias, divergent
viewpoints, and the HALO effect are a few reasons why HR recruiters err. Whether they are
rule-based, knowledge-based, or skill-based, bad judgements and human mistake can cost a
business irreparable losses.
As a result, it is crucial that choices about various areas of human resource management be
made using a properly specified model. LPP, a method for mathematical modelling, can be
used to avoid making poor decisions.
LPP can reduce mistakes. It can be applied to create a framework that will aid in making
decisions on human resources. Employee hiring and placement can be done effectively with
the aid of a model. This methodology can assist in determining employee promotions and
incentives as well as regular performance reviews. It goes without saying that businesses
spend a lot of money on the aforementioned human resource management activities.
No matter how big or small their operation, all organisations require human resources and
effective use of them. Different tasks controlled by human resource management can be
given structure with the use of linear programming.
According to research by the Boston Consulting Group, hiring decisions have the most
influence on a company's revenue growth of all factors (Dana Pessach, 2020) However, in
relation to the firm's revenue, the associated costs typically represent a significant share.
Therefore, it becomes crucial to have a model in place that can control the costs of this
activity while guaranteeing that the most suitable resources are hired.
With the use of linear programming, we may create a model whose goal is to reduce the
expense of hiring new employees to fill specific positions. The number of rounds in the
process, the maximum cost each round, the number of days allotted for the process'
completion, the minimum qualifications needed, and the minimum amount of relevant
experience are a few examples of the limitations.
With the use of linear programming, we may create a model whose goal is to reduce the
expense of hiring new employees to fill specific positions. The number of rounds in the
process, the maximum cost each round, the number of days allotted for the process'
completion, the minimum qualifications needed, and the minimum amount of relevant
experience are a few examples of the limitations.
Thus, with the use of linear programming, many of these activities in an organisation where
human involvement plays a significant role can be given standardisation and structure.
The Assignment Problem technique, another important OR technique, has been a crucial
component of human resource management and has seen extensive use in the area of human
resource decision-making. The objective of AP is to assign/appoint personnel to carry out
tasks (often occupations) in a way that maximises overall effectiveness or cuts down on
overall cost/time. The Hungarian Assignment method and other strategies for solving
assignment problems can assist optimise these choices for optimal effectiveness. This can be
achieved by taking into account all conceivable efficiency-measuring factors, including time,
cost, profit, sales volume, and sales income.
In the framework of these choices, qualitative factors and parameters also acquire
representation. Relevant judges, such as employees or management staff, can rank these.
The Hungarian Assignment method can be used to make the best decisions regarding task
assignment, resource allocation, optimising assembly lines, etc. as long as the number of
employees equals the number of tasks at hand (not fulfilling this requirement is not a problem
either and can be solved by dummy employees/tasks).
However, the Hungarian Assignment method's outcomes and recommendations should be
seen as just that—recommendations. HR managers and organisational management should
utilise it as a framework and guidance rather than strict, dogmatic advice. For instance, even
though the method's results may suggest a particular allocation, it must be determined
whether or not such allocation is realistic. To do this, the human resources themselves must
be consulted in order to add additional human factors to the solution. Therefore, it's important
to employ tools like forbidden paths wisely.
Assignment problem strategies, more notably the Hungarian Assignment method, may
become a useful tool and procedure in the continually evolving interaction between HRM and
OR if these precautions were taken. Consequently, this method can be a crucial
standardisation tool for HR decision-making. System simulation is a collection of OR
approaches that computers use to model how various jobs or processes might operate in the
real world.
Numerical models are created by computers to represent or visualise the intricate interactions
between various variables in a system. Today, job simulations are becoming increasingly
significant. For the role of a waitress, the simulation can entail processing checks or
appropriately receiving fictitious customer orders. (2014) Appelman Job simulation has many
advantages. Because there is a higher predictive validity, applicants who perform well in the
job simulation are more likely to do a good job overall. Second, candidates are more
knowledgeable about the position. Candidates will experience the tasks they will complete in
the simulation and will be able to decide if they enjoy the position or not.
Thirdly, it guarantees justice. Since the simulation relates to the workplace, candidates may
see the connection between the test and the workplace right away and feel that the evaluation
process is more fair than previous employment tests. From the foregoing, it can be inferred
that these OR approaches can assist the HR department in giving clearer explanations and
responses to many queries. First and foremost, these strategies aid in a more rational
understanding of what is occurring within an organisation and why it is occurring.
Additionally, it improves the information about individuals while establishing a connection to
overall corporate success. Thirdly, it facilitates problem assessment while promoting ongoing
improvement. Because they enable businesses to monitor the success of HR programmes and
provide useful information, insights, and statistics regarding the function's efficacy and
efficiency, the use of quantitative approaches in such functions as HRM should be

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