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B e a r d e d

D r a g o n
Care Sheet

Care Sheet by Khatulistiwa Dragon, 2022, WhatsApp +60 11-1680 8270

I n t r o d u c t i o n
Bearded Dragons are very docile and make great pets. There are few
Bearded Dragon species in the world, the main species that
domesticated around is Pogona vitticeps, known as Central Bearded
Dragon. Their name comes from the spiny scaled area that covers their
throat. The male will “puff” up this “beard” as a sign of dominance and
defense. They are impressively able to spend whole part of the day
basking and relaxing on the basking spots, which is very worthy to keep
as a pet. And of course, they love to be handled too!!

Care Sheet by Khatulistiwa Dragon, 2022, WhatsApp +60 11-1680 8270

Size Keeping together
It is suggested to Use at least 20 gallon long Males should never be housed together
terrarium (30inchesx12inches) for juvenile unless they are in a large enclosure. Males
Bearded Dragons as starter. As the dragons tend to fight, especially in confined spaces.
grow, you can increase the size of the In some situation, it is okay to keep more
enclosure. Adults need plenty of room to be than one female with one male in one big
active. It is recommended that each adult enough enclosure but we still recommend
has an area of at least 1.5-2 feet for to keep bearded dragons separately.
moving around.

Care Sheet by Khatulistiwa Dragon, 2022, WhatsApp +60 11-1680 8270

Keep it tidy Prettier or Safer?
Some may suggest to use sand
Digestable or 'poopable'
substrate and some may suggest Easy to clean
to use towel or newspaper as Odourless
These are only guidelines, some
floor lines. Basically we can use good substrate may not posses
anything as long as its meet the some of it. Just do your own
research, and use it only when you
criteria in the next box. are confident enough.

Care Sheet by Khatulistiwa Dragon, 2022, WhatsApp +60 11-1680 8270

It is a must to have two different area with
high amd low temperature in an enclosure. You
can use a basking light at one side of the
enclosure to develop a hot area for Bearded
Dragon to bask while other side should be kept
as a cooler area. You can Use branches to
decorate the enclosure for your dragon to
climb. A rock or log also ideal
for the basking area, just need to make sure it
can't moved easily so your dragon would not
get crushed under it.

Care Sheet by Khatulistiwa Dragon, 2022, WhatsApp +60 11-1680 8270

and lighting
Temperature Lighting
Bearded Dragons are native to Australia, Bearded Dragons require 10 to 12
where it is hot and dry. During the day, hours of sunlight per day. During the
the temperature in their enclosure day, use a heat lamp and UVB-emitting
should be kept around 30° C, with a bulbs, and at night, its not necessary
basking area of 37-40° C. The to have a heat source since most of
temperature at night can drop to 24° C. Malaysia's are not too cold for
Bearded Dragon.

Care Sheet by Khatulistiwa Dragon, 2022, WhatsApp +60 11-1680 8270

Live Foods
As omnivores, Bearded Dragons consume both live food and finely chopped
fruits and vegetables. Bearded Dragons consume superworms, mealworms,
crickets, and small roaches. Some tip from 'otai' is never give your dragons
any insect bigger than their heads. A vitamin and calcium supplement should
be applied to the insects few times a week. You can give your Bearded
Dragon an occasional pink mouse as a treat. It may a good way to introduce
vegetables to your Bearded Dragons by feed them a mixture of shredded
fruits and vegetables with the insects.

Care Sheet by Khatulistiwa Dragon, 2022, WhatsApp +60 11-1680 8270

Vegetables and Watering
Kale, mustard and collard greens, green beans, squash, carrots, bananas, apples,
grapes, and melons should all be included in this list of bite-sized vegetables. You
can give a bowl of clean, spring or unchlorinated water to drink but we usually do
not suggest to leave it in the enclosure since the water may vaporize and increase
the humidity which may bring respiratory infections to the Bearded Dragon. The
best way to ensure that Bearded Dragons get enough water is to mist their fruits
and vegetables with fresh, non-chlorinated water. Because Bearded Dragons are
desert animals, they won't always drink from a water bowl.

Care Sheet by Khatulistiwa Dragon, 2022, WhatsApp +60 11-1680 8270

Let's work
We are focused on non together
license required reptile
as in Malaysia which
specialised on Bearded

r P o r t f o l

O u o

Care Sheet by Khatulistiwa Dragon, 2022, WhatsApp +60 11-1680 8270

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