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There are a variety of factors that leads to teen marriage.

The first, and most common reason is teenage

pregnancy. Most Families may encourage their teenager to get married if they become pregnant to avoid the
perceived shame or stigma associated with having a child out of wedlock and to provide a stable home for
their child. Secondly, Some families consider arranged marriages as a way of uniting and maintaining upper-
caste families. Business parents would choose the person they want their children to marry, to merge their
business, or for partnership. In some families, economic factors may play a role in the decision to marry off a
teenager. For example, if a family is struggling financially, they may see marriage as a way to ease the burden
of providing for their child. Lastly, they came from a toxic family. In some cases, a teenager may feel pressure
from their family to get married at a young age, or they may see marriage as a way to escape from a difficult
home environment. Whatever the reason may be for teen marriages, having a family at a young age is never
easy. Therefore, teens must always think about the consequences before making a decision and always
choose a choice that will make them happy.

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