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1 Patient has green yellow phlegm

Referral to physician

2 Patient take two eye drop in same time should separate?

Separate five minutes

Patient receive prescription 17 December 2018, has 5 refill , came back in April 2019 asking
for refill
Have one more refill

4 Example of intentional non-adherence ?

Patient does not take medicines because of fear of side effect

5 Which one is prescribing error?

Wrong drug order

6 Which one is of 5 rights of drug administration?

7 Which one is the last person to prevent medication error?

Nonverbal communication which one?
Tone of voice Rate and volume of speech Facial expression Eye contact Gestures/touch

9 Patient information how to deal with between practitioner

do not share it with anyone

10 Look alike sound alike

Tall man letter

2 Blue sticker
11 Machine improve patient compliance with medication
E pill reminder

12 First thing before starting treatment for smoking patient

Determination of patient to stop smoking

13 Distribution in emergency
Automated dispensing to
14 Case in hospital taken wrong drug and wrong amount and wrong administration method
what type of error
despising error

15 How can you make sure that the patients understand his medications
By asking the patient to repeat and explain the information given to him

16 Pharmacist prescribe benzoyl peroxide and soap to patient for acne after few days cause
worsen what pharmacist do?
continue benzoyl and soap

17 The most error that may occur when a patient is transferred from one unit of facility to another ?
Missing drug he was taking
18 Unit dose system in hospital ?
to decrease medication error

19 In 1997 , mean age of population was 50 year . In 2020 the mean age of population become 47 year
, What does that mean ?
Increase mortality

20 Nurse gave dose morphine to patient in the morning then forgot next dose how to prevent his
error ?
Medical reconciliation

21 to prevent medication error ?

Unit dose system

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