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To begin, we must know about communication.

The concept of communication is not as simple to define

as it first appears. The term "communication" can be defined differently by people from different
backgrounds. Naturally, a definition is required in this instance to support the conducted research.
Based on the agreement of a group, a symbol in communication's "language" is something used to
indicate something else. As a result, the concept of communication in this context refers to a human
reaction to other people's symbolic actions.Some of the symbols that humans use to define something
or convey something to others include language, words, gestures, and signs.

In addition, communication science teaches people how to use language, words, gestures, and signs, as
well as the implications of using these various symbols. There are many different levels of human
communication, beginning with private communication, moving on to interpersonal communication,
group communication, public communication, and finally mass communication. The scope of
communication objectives and the number of people involved in mass communication are both
considered to be the largest at this level. Through the use of media like television, radio, newspapers,
and the internet, messages are disseminated to a large and diverse target audience.

At the same time, the media that are utilized in mass communication to convey messages are referred
to as mass media. In terms of making and delivering messages, new media is a medium that offers
digitization, convergence, interaction, and the development of networks. The capacity to provide this
interactivity enables users of new media to select the information they want to consume, control the
information's output, and make the choices he desires. The fundamental idea behind comprehending
new media is its capacity to provide interactivity. Along with the emergence of new media, the
phenomenon of virtual reality and virtual communities of virtual identities has emerged frequently. This
phenomenon occurs as a result of the fact that users of new media are able to use the most extensive
space possible, expand their network to the greatest extent possible, and display a distinct identity from
that of those who use traditional media in the real world.

In fact, the characteristics of media that are distinct from those that have existed up until this point are
referred to as "new media."Television, radio, magazines, and newspapers are all examples of old media,
while interactive internet media are examples of new media.Therefore, this term does not imply that
previous media will be replaced by new media; rather, it is merely a term used to describe the
characteristics that immediately emerge.

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