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Soil particle size analysis is an important method used in soil science to determine the size
distribution of soil particles.

Soil particle size analysis plays a crucial role in understanding the physical properties of soil and
is used to evaluate soil texture, which can significantly impact plant growth and overall soil health. The
analysis of soil particle size distribution provides crucial information about the proportion of clay, silt,
and sand present in a soil sample. This information is necessary to evaluate soil properties such as water
retention capacity, drainage and aeration, nutrient availability, and erosion potential. Various methods are
available for soil particle size analysis, including mechanical and hydrometer-based methods. Most of
these methods involve separating the soil particles into various sizes and determining the percentage of
each by weight. Additionally, grain size analysis results can also provide insights into the erodibility
factor of soil samples, which is influenced by silt and fine sand content. There are also methods in particle
-size analysis that are popular methods which are the pipette method and the hydrometer method. In
addition, the popular soil textural classification is through Feel Method.

The nutrient-holding capacity of the soil can be determined through these methods, which can
contribute to the growth of plants, increase soil porosity, and lead to other improvements in soil quality.
This can ultimately result in better soil conditions for crop growth and higher yields.


I. At 4 minutes after sedimentation Upland soil Lowland Soil

a. Temperature of blank solution, °C 28 28
b. Temperature of soil suspension, °C 30 30
c. Hydrometer reading of blank solution, g/L 0 0
d. Hydrometer reading of soil suspension, g/L 16.5 15
e. Correction factor, C= c + 0.36 (b-a) 0.72 0.72
f. Corrected hydrometer reading, CHR = d-e 15.78 14.28

II. At 2 hours after sedimentation

g. Temperature of blank solution, °C 28 28
h. Temperature of soil suspension, °C 29 29
i. Hydrometer reading of blank solution, g/L -3 -2
j. Hydrometer reading of soil suspension, g/L 10 10
k. Correction factor, C= c + 0.36 (b-a) -2.64 -1.64
l. Corrected hydrometer reading, CHR = d-e 12.64 11.64

m. oven-dry weight 25 25

III. Calculate the amount (%) of sand, silt and clay present in your sample
a. oven-dry weight of soil sample used, g. 25g 25g
b. % clay, (l/m) 100 50.56% 46.56%
c. % silt, [ (f-l)/ m] 100 12.56% 10.56%
d. % sand, 100 - [ n + o] 36.88% 42.88%

IV. Determine the textural class of your sample using the textural triangle.
e. Textural name
Clay soil

V. Use the Textural Triangle

Find the textural class for each of the following soils:

Soil % Sand % Silt % Clay Textural Class

1 20 70 10 Sandy clay loam soil
2 15 25 60 Clay soil
3 15 35 50 Clay loam soil
4 10 45 45 Silty clay soil
5 10 70 20 Sandy loam soil


1. Using Stokes' Law, calculate the time needed for all sand particles to settle out of a depth of
20 cm in the soil-water suspension at 30oC. How long would it take for all silt particles to
settle out, leaving only clay in suspension. Dp - 2.65 g/cm3 , Dw = 1.0 g/cm3, g = 901
cm/sec2, n = 0.008 g/cm-sec. (Write your complete answer at the back of this page).
2. How does sodium hexametaphosphate promote dispersion of clay particle?
- Adding sodium hexametaphosphate also known as calgon solution to soil-water suspension
increases electronegativity of soil clays, this is added to prevent clay platelets from sticking
together in the sedimentation solution as well. Sodium hexametaphosphate works by
changing the surface charge of clay particles, making them repel each other and preventing
them from flocculating, which promotes the dispersion and stability of clay particles in water.

3. What is the relation of texture to the soils capacity to store and supply nutrients to plants?
- Texture plays an important role in the soil's capacity to store and supply nutrients to plants.
Soil texture refers to the size of the mineral particles that make up the soil, which are
classified as sand, silt, and clay. In soil fertility, coarser soils generally have a lesser ability to
hold and retain nutrients than finer soils because it lacks water and nutrient-holding capacity.
Soil texture is just one factor that influences the soil's capacity to store and supply nutrients to
plants. Other factors include soil pH, organic matter content, and the presence of
microorganisms, all of which can affect nutrient availability and uptake by plants.

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