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RAL PRESENTATION |. Peete mor. asses ‘SPEECH, DEFINITION" ae Oral-:presentation is a spoken statemi “Sect ). preparation: and planning. tt may take the cee aaa : speech . oF lecture. ,Oral presentation must. be “clear, ” informative, and technicaliy appropriate for the audience. The : jigher your status. the more you will, deliver”: | presentations... : - 4, STEPS “FOR E PRESENTATIONS > Preparing ‘effective 0 sleps: | 4. Determine the Purpose ' . The , purpose is’ the foundalion stone of an-~ oral presentation. It is the focal point’ of the whole process. Ex: ything else of the oral presentalion will depend upon it: be to inform, lo persuade, lo explain, to “The purpose may - gnquire, to request, to promate goodwill, to. build -human _ golations, fo amuse, to camfor, elc. oral PREPARING EFFECTIVE“: O AL. ral presentation consists of following’. 2, Analyze the Audience ‘a : _Once-you have ‘your purpose in mind, you shoul tay about another basic element of your spaech: the ouiones “aitract ‘and jol "you can ’stitl révise:. Always, imagin Organize the Data ands sYou sha’ nr ‘business, people: ly. il issn think in term of trend lines and pert You wil becom more.coi fo bie with: Re eBleali you: Make’a real | speech. Stop at.the’allotled’ ine. et will bring you. ‘close:lo hertacton, “2p DIFFERE uP -WAYS'OR ORAL'PRESENTATION ee Four ‘commonly ways of a Bele ‘areas follows: : t.. The Reading Delivary*. In. this delivery, . the vodaket reads out lhe: Spee fore the paper. He ieleps' his nose stuck to the paper tor féar‘of* ey turn on the. current;* he. speaker looks like a.rob peech is a deadly experience for. th speaker cess However it is used on certain | i . ized-Delivery ln this: slyie,-the:Speech is written, ineinotizedl delivered. ‘This: method has so many defects. Personality of the. speaker: is not involved, engaged in: vemeribering words. He is stiff and'r at solid attention to ahs audience. .T. « Delivery fed iti the help of. Sulline, nol ~ dolwany, ‘speaker and inley ‘illed ‘lo ‘speak unexpectedly. It is hard lo succ spacchas ly those whe have spoken man entation 1; Steps in Preparing a Pres 2: Some techniques ¢ ia p. tions: 2: Some techniques about Oral & Multimedia presenta! Planning Your Presentation it i helming experi Preparing a presentation can be an overw! sivesies and steps below are provided to help you break d job into smaller, more manageable tasks. i 1 if you allow it to be one. The! ‘own Mat you might view as a large i Step 1: Analyze your audience ie whom you'll be ‘The first step in preparing a presentation is to leam more about the Oa 2 aT eer speaking. It's a good idea to obtain some information on the backgrounds, it = Fa pon voit your audience so that you understand what the audience members migl P presentation, Step 2: Select a topic Next, if possible select a topic that is of interest to the audience and to you. Tt will be much easier to deliver a presentation that the audience finds relevant, and more enjoyable to research a topic that is of interest to you. Step 3: Define the objective of the presentation Once youhave selected a topic, write the objective of the presentation in a single concise statement. ‘The objective needs to specify exactly what you want your audience to leam from your Presentation. Base the objective and the level of the content on the amount of time you have for the presentation and the background knowledge of the audience. Use this statement to help keep you focused as you research and develop the presentation. - Preparing the Content of Your Presentation Step 4: Prepare the body of the presentation After defining the objective of your Presentation, Present in the amount of time allowed. Also, Presentation with the right level of detail, Yo too advanced. determine how much information you can use your knowledge about the audience to prepare a 1u don't want to plan a presentation that is too basic or The body of the presentation is where you present your ideas, To Present your ideas convincingly, you will need to illustrate and support them, Strategies to help you do this include the following: + Present data and facts + Read quotes from experts + Relate personal experiences Si ons aud deserts a Prowse y of your presentation it's im the body of y as you plan te orheat 10 Provide Vai lots of facts or they may tire o| arin, and ree jekdy become bored by To ee sy Listeners Prepare the introduction and conclusion Step S: i ncaa eee attention oy Ceeide how you win begin ang y Once Laid introduction captures the attention of your audience and the conch ca the ta Make. aia your important points. In other Words, "Tell them macs faldem Then, tell them what you told them." A atizes TC Boing to tell them, During the opening of your Presentation, it's important to attract the audience’ 4 : their ee TE you don't, listeners will tum their attention elsewhere oan seb tne geting it back. Strategies that you can use Include the following Heute Meke the introduction Televant to the listeners: als, value I. Ask questions to siznulate thinking : NSS. and needs Share a personal experience Begin with a joke or humorous sto; Projecta cartoon or colorful y Make a stimulating or inspiras Give a unique demonstration During the Opening you want to clearly Present your topic and the Purpose of yo, i weal articulating the topic and Purpose wil] help the listeners haces and asi oe main ideas, ‘isual tional Statement inforce the main ideas you communicated, et your entire Presentation, only the © main ideas, By + You help the audience Temember them, leas ‘wing the main ideas, Practicing and Delivering Step 6: Practice delivering the presentation Most people Spend hours Practice your Presentatio; Preparing a Presentation but Very little time Practicing it, When you “um," “well, and fine-tune m, YOU can reduce the number of times You utter Words and phrases like, u know." These habits can easily diminish a Speaker's credibil lity. You can Your content to be sure you Your most important Points in the time allotted, In addition to planning the ‘content of Your presentation, You need to. ‘rato deve Do you want comma also Sive advanced, thought to how: resentation to ‘memory, use cards to Buide ‘ant to “use a combination of Methods, 7, ‘bea co telp 12ees of the four delivery methods described beloy. Soy disads you, oF seal Fes vantes and de decide, rea : Memory “ inn : Speaking from aking from memory is your ability tg Speak to the audience Withou tinct advantage of Sebi allows you the flexibil ity to move away from the Podium andy 7 eon as es audience. However, Speaking from memo; isa 0 relyi contact Wi lSadvanta 5c maintain eye from memory often sound rehears, Presentations here, . a es, d and the Possibility &Xists thar you'll one sat information that's inaccurate, or completely lose i : important point, preset important a t train of thought, Ir ide to deliver your presentation from memo » have Notes handy to jog Your memory ‘just you decide in case! Speaking from Notes le like to speak from Totes. Typically these ROteS are cither n card. eae key ideas and information, Ifyou ing at foo PA i are €ctronic Tesentati - we Or [ay stl te inclade yournotsin te preseyag peared benef or gefrestion tol, yee re liverin resentat from notes is that ‘you sound natural rather than Tehearse, YOU can stiiy maine relatively good eye contact with the audience, The down side js that you might not XPress Your ke id H andi thoughts as well as you may have liked had ‘You plane Words in ady fort Speaking from Text Speaking from text involves writing your Speech out, Word for wy the text. As with Speaking from Memory, an advantage Of this m, i +» For instance, Xperts suggest you t you can Speak flawlessly and without Notes. Notes may be suitable for Segments of your Presentation that you know very well, for i é to mM a text might be Appropriate when, you AVE quotes or of ‘portant points that you want tomake sure You communicate accurately and » You 0 written text by saying Something like: "[ ‘Want to "ead this quote to you Sxact, to ensure that [ don't distort the original intent » Using Media to Bresent ideas. , : mutes, ¥en quiet deeds can make foran inspiring story, specially when shared in an effective Presentation, si es NE Way to inspire of inform others is with a multimedia Presentation, which Sombines Sounds, visuals text, Multimedia Bresentations Content A successful multimedia presentation should *, capture the audience’s attention with a strong beginning + clearly, directly, and logically present information * use media appropriate to the content * ai it drawing a ° end by stating the importance of the topic, summarizing the points made, or drawin gonclusion about the topic Delivery Asuccessful presenter should + have good posture and maintain eye contact with the audience * _ vary his or her pacing as well as the pitch, tone, and volume of his or her voice "Use gestures and body language to enhance the presentation + smoothly incorporate the media components into the presentation + Creating Your Multimedia Presentation + Planning Your Presentation + To finda topic for your presentation, try brainstorming with your classmates about people whose work you admire. You might also talk with your family about relatives who have done something heroic. After you have chosen your topic, follow these steps: Think about your audience. What do they already know about the person? What do you want 4 them to know? What background information will you need to provide? Evaluate your information. Although your presentation may make an emotional appeal, be sure your facts are accurate. If necessary, use additional source. STEPS FOR PLANNING MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATIONS. 1: Organize your information. What type of resources are available? Which will help you get your point across most effectively? Here are some options to consider: Audiotapes and CD’s allow you to present sound effects, including music and voices. Flipcharts, posters, photos, slides, charts, and graphs allow you to present visuals in a variety. of - formats and don’t necessarily require the use of a computer. Videos allow you to present both sound and visual materials, Compitter presentation software allows you to incorporate sound and visuals and to pote Braphs, charts, and drawings; you can even project a slide show from a computer. Create an outline of the points you will make. If you wish, you can write out your script word for word. Be sure to indicate where you will include your media elements. Remember that you. ‘May néed to introduce and explain the audio and visual material you present. Use a question; an anecdote, 2 Startlin fay 4. nd conclusion, Use 2 Hight vay. End with a clean eo troduction ai eri = ience’s i Create a strong es erab your audien ic th ion. H quorano™ memorable impressio ' . paverfil ve a memo! that all images and text in i statement to lea media components. Make sure ate you Gather and ere n JOU visu lhe back of the presentation area, Check audio Materials tg eon tthe ugh to be seen al ace large aoe be clearly heard. F hether you h; a, that the sounc 5 ur materials to see whether you have useq Vatig, $4 ay at ete aecllatiaae ees “ew Evaluate aaah far oral delivery of the text—as effectively as possible, i media—includin; . . SPraciciogand Presenting times to become comfortable with speaking from your Script g, Practice your p sling your media elements. Keep the following points in mind as YOU rehearse. ° i eee effectively. Speak loudly enough to be heard, but vary the tone and pitch Of Your Is : ; kis voice to keep your audience’s attention. Use changes in volume and Pace to emphasize Particular !. points, Maintain eye contact and use appropriate gestures and facial expressions, Ky ly at them and using gestures and expressions to mai and emphasize your points, Weave the media elements Smoothly into your, Presentation. Make sure you know how to Operate the equipment you will be using. Become completely familiar with the content of your Visuals and’ audio materials so that you can talk about them knowledgeably, Practicing and Presenting ‘When you feel confident in your work, over to review your Presentation. If feedback. you might want to invite sev ‘eral friends o f, necessary, modify your Pres i family members entation on the basis Of their Refining Your Presentation TARGET SKILL VARYING YOUR MATERIAL < ‘To maintain your audience's interest in Your presentation, Vary the types and Structures of your Sentences. For instance, asking a question can Bet your listeners? attention, but asking several questions may confuse or bore your audience, Editing ang Proofreading TARGET SKILL, CONSISTENT/regular FORM Because visuals frequently Present a great deal of; information in a Small space, it is important that they be clear and easy to read. Using correct and Consistent capitalization can, ‘help you get your message across effectively, *

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