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Definition :

According to schuman “Imperialism is the imposition of force and violence of alien

rule upon subject people.

According to Morgenthan “Imperialism is the expansion of a state’s power beyond its


According to Julius Bonn “Imperialism is a policy which aims at creating, organizing

and maintaining an empire.

In general imperialism refers to the policy of a country extending it control over other
countries, through military force or economic coercion or by any other means.

Imperialism has a long history and has taken many forms, including

1. Colonical empires
2. Territorial expansions
3. Establishment of protectorates (or) sphere of influence.

History of Imperialism

It is clear that imperialism exist in ancient items in China, Western Asia and in the
mediterrananeen, for example Assyrians empire was replaced by Persians. In Greek
imperialism reached an apex during the period of Alexander the Great. Romans in ancient
time established their empire from Britain to Egypt. During that period in Asia imperialism
was developed by the Islamic culture.

Between 15th to middle of eighteenth century England, France, Netherlands, Portugal

and Spain built empires in the Americas, India and East Indies. Then during 19 th Century
First World War (1914-18) was characterized by the impact of imperialistic policies. After
the First World War Russia, Italy, Germany, United States and Japan are included in the
imperialistic politics either directly or indirectly. After the First World War League of
Nations was established. The league of Nation put forward many solutions to prevent
imperialism. Japan a member of League of Nations captured manjuria from China, when the
league requested to withdraw Japan from manjuria, Japan withdraw from League of Nations.
During 1930 to 1940 a new period of imperialism was started by Japan, Italy under the
leadership of fascist party, Germary under the leadership of Nozi party. This leads to the
Second World War. After the Second World War the policy of imperialism mostly came to
an end and the subject states got independence.

Methods of Imperialism :

1. Military Imperialism
2. Economic Imperialism
3. Cultural Imperialism

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