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Unlike the Industrial Age, nowadays, things are much faster and

connected. People are so dependent

of technology and they don’t even
notice it. We literally need it for every
single thing we do. If we want to keep
in touch with someone, social
networks are there for it. If we want to
learn about a new subject, we just
have to ask it to the Oracle (or as
normal people call it, Google).
Everything is so easy, we have all this information at the tips of ours fingers,
and yet, people don’t know how to use it the way it’s supposed to be.

Back in the time when

machines had just been invented,
lots of people had to work on
factories for them to produce. Now
we don’t need people, machines
can do all the work, unless one of
them breaks, then we need actual
humans to fix it. That’s why it’s
getting harder and harder to find a job. They need qualifications, degrees, all
kinds of studies. More and more do we need to study in order to have decent
conditions to live. In the Industrial Age, we didn’t need that, most people
hadn’t even gone to high school.
That isn’t a bad thing actually, now
we have knowledge, we know what’s going
on around the whole world. News,
technology, information. Now, we have
rights and we’ve learned to fight for
them… And still, a lot of people are
explored, living in below-human
conditions. Lots of things changed since
the Industrial Age, but the
social inequality remains
the same, if not worse.

So, in conclusion, we
can see that the advances
of the Modern Age are, by
one hand, very good and by
other, not so much. We are
connected and, still, more
and more distant from each

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