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GEC 105 – Readings in Philippine History

History is crucial in understanding Philippine society, culture, and identity, providing context, examining
social dynamics, uncovering collective memory, and informing policymaking. It helps us appreciate past
societies, values cultures, and shares similar beliefs.

History is a collection of significant previous events that are related to something. People make better
decisions because of their experiences in the past. Everyone has their own definition of history. History,
in my perspective, is something that helps us remember the past in order to make better future
decisions. History is about significant previous events that had a huge impact back then and contributed
to the removal or inclusion of various things that make up our society now. People tend to perform
better if they are taught about what happened in our past. Knowing the history of anything is how one
begins to advance in life and make necessary modifications.

Learning about history teaches us about the human condition and what is good and bad about it. This is
similar to a diary in that people, specifically historians, simply documented what they saw and what
seemed to produce a huge change in society, and we happen to be reading it a couple of years later. I
believe historians wrote historical truth because it makes sense and has been scientifically confirmed. It
is important to study history because it teaches us about cultures all throughout the world, not just our
own. Learning about other cultures and how they look a the world and what their opinion on certain
things are , helps us learn better ways of avoiding conflicts. History is just a way of getting us to
understand human life and helping us embrace new ways of making a healthier lifestyle. Studying history
is very important to all of our society because it answers every question.

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