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Angel M.

Jinio BSINFO 1-A


History for me plays a significant role in my life in various ways, it allows me to discover
different cultures, traditions, and societies. History provides more understanding into how
things turn out the way they are now, how our ancestors faced their challenges in the past, and
the factors that formed the social, political, and economic environment of today. History gives a
lot of challenges we face that allow us to view them as part of a bigger stories rather than the
more recognizable incidents. This adds the growth of political institutions and the formation of
social norms. History also serves me a valuable life lessons and by knowing it, it improves my
critical thinking. Analyzing some of the historical events involves knowing their cause and
consequences, this enhance my ability to predict what might happen in the future and will
acquire awareness of how connected this event is. Furthermore, history carries traditions, many
families here in the Philippines follows the traditions that have passed down through
generations. Understanding this allows us to appreciate more their values and also helps us
decide what traditions we can pass forward. Engaging in history will provide us the knowledge
and learn from the past that we can improve now, this will strengthen our bonds and provide a
deeper understanding of ourselves and the place in the world.

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