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Subject: SS 22

ACTIVITY 1. Answer the following questions. Each question requires an answer composed of 3 or more
sentences. Provide examples if needed.
1. How can history help us develop respect for other culture?
Studying the past has an impact, on cultivating an appreciation for cultures. It offers perspective
into the multitude of experiences and the interdependence of societies. A crucial aspect of history's role,
in nurturing respect is its ability to showcase how diverse cultures have propelled the advancement of
civilization emphasizing their accomplishments pioneering ideas, and meaningful contributions.
For example, Exploring the origins of papermaking in China allows us to recognize and admire
the immense importance their culture had in creating something that has had a profound impact, on the
world as a whole. This knowledge fosters a sense of appreciation and reverence for the range of cultures
that have played a role, in shaping advancements.

2. How can history help us understand who or what we are?

We may become better educated citizens by studying history. It helps us how proceedings in the
past made things the way they were today. It also reveals our collective identity, and knowing this is
essential to preserving a democratic society. Through informed discussions and the strengthening of
fundamental values, this information encourages people to participate actively in the political arena.
An example is learning about Lapu-Lapu, who commanded the defense against Ferdinand
Magellan in the Battle of Mactan in 1521, aids Filipinos in comprehending their spirit of resistance and
independence. This historical incident exemplifies the courage and tenacity of the early Filipinos in
defending their homeland and culture against foreign intrusion. Modern Filipinos may identify with
their ancestry and understand the principles that have defined their national character by learning about
Lapu-Lapu's bravery and the virtue of defending one's identity.

3. To a historian, why is “evidence” important in his work or reconstructing the past?

Evidence is important to historians because it gives them facts to build a true and reliable theory
and allows them to gain insight into the past as a proof or to reveal information that might help us well
understand what happened before.

4. Why is personal bias a potential “enemy of historical truth”?

Personal bias is a potential "enemy of historical truth" because it might skew how history is seen
and portrayed. The tendency to favor one perspective, belief, or point of view above others is referred
to as bias. A historian's work may have errors, omissions, or incorrect interpretations of historical
events if they allow their personal prejudices to affect it.
Historians aim for impartiality, critical thought, and openness in their study and writing to counter
the effects of personal prejudice. To acquire a more thorough and accurate grasp of history, they consult
a range of sources, cross-reference data, and engage with other points of view. To ensure that subjective
viewpoints do not taint historical fact, it is crucial to recognize and address personal prejudice.

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